How to tell if Dealer is good

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tgray, Jul 20, 10:59pm
Yep, so easily over 50% of dealers are trying to rip you off then.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 20, 11:00pm
Ahhhh I see why you used Honest John which doesn't show ou the entries now. If you go to Fuely and look up the equivalent model you get much the same consumption figures as I get. Nice bit of trolling slarty.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 20, 11:02pm
Not rip me off. Rip off the many different customers I have observed. I have told you what I have found in detail but you dealers just try and ridicule me. This thread is a great example to the OP of what they are dealing with though. Just look the amount of childish trolling I have got.

BTW, a nice disputes tribunal result for us again on the last one I mentioned and got hassled about on here.

slarty45, Jul 21, 2:20am
Yes I was looking at the correct engine, the noisy rough little 2 banger

Your Swift must have had well clogged air filter to use 9L/100km

They good for 6.2L/100km (auto) average (if air in tyres) 5.5L/100km (manual)

But totally understand why you exaggerate, you do it often,
especially when you are rubbishing a desirable in NZ car and pushing an undesirable car that Kiwis just don`t want

tgray, Jul 21, 9:03am
So over 50% of dealers are trying to rip 'people' off then.
Not trolling, just quoting your own post. Really Jazz, if you honestly think over half of dealers are trying to rip people off, you are so out of touch it is nothing short of being preposterous.
The real number would be 1-2%.
OK, I will move on.

bumfacingdown, Jul 21, 9:19am
Actually I believe the figure mentioned was 80% in one thread, maybe there has been a change for the better with his campaigning

bumfacingdown, Jul 21, 9:21am
Good call but a very hard one to follow thru on unless people advertise for others.
Finding people that have had dealings or checking out the Disputes Tribunal are probably the only way left for those who do not know one dealer from the next in a strange town

intrade, Jul 21, 9:25am
ummmm maybe thats because it has the fiat engine lol

newtec1, Jul 21, 9:30am
He must have too much time on his hands,or you married him. OR. he just likes getting his hands grubby adjusting the big ends.

carstauranga001, Jul 21, 10:10am
Jazz, you know my business, we've met and so you will have an impression of how I do things. I'd be interested to know how (in your opinion) a buyer would be best suited to buying a car privately over one from my yard.

kazbanz, Jul 21, 10:20am
But buying privately or "privately" you buy the car cheaper don't you?
You have certainty no money is owing don't you.?
Buying privately they never buy cheap crap and boogie it up do they?
buying privately you always have comeback if something goes wrong don't you?
Private sellers always tell the truth don't they?

stevo2, Jul 21, 10:43am
Why dont you ask your friends/workmates where they have bought cars in the past and would they recommend them again.
Word of Mouth advertising, best advertising ever.

kazbanz, Jul 21, 10:53am
Buy this man a chokkie fish :-)

carstauranga001, Jul 21, 10:56am
Actually. buy him a whole box.

db.price, Jul 21, 11:40am
The stetson and books can be a sure sign.

bumfacingdown, Jul 21, 11:44am
Or boots even

carstauranga001, Jul 23, 9:13am
So where's the expert gone?

3tomany, Jul 23, 9:20am
It's me undercarriage. I live on a gravel road so he likes to check for things that might be stuck where the sun does not shine.

kazbanz, Jul 23, 10:12am
you sure you ain't mistaking your mechanic for your doctor?-Jes sayin

thejazzpianoma, Jul 23, 10:55am
Out of politeness and an attempt to keep the OP's thread at least somewhat on track I don't think you really want to hear my answer.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 23, 10:56am
It's a shame, the figures are what they are. I have posted my actual experiences in detail in past but the dealers just close ranks and rubbish me. Best of luck OP, no real chance of helping you on a forum crawling with dealers. Incidentally, their attitude on here should give you some idea of what you are contending with, remember these are the supposedly "good" dealers too.

kazbanz, Jul 23, 11:07am
Eight--Yes eight blank spaces on this page.
Telling me that yet again the unemployed are spouting their nonsense.
-Cars Tauranga did you get an honest answer to your question?

3tomany, Jul 23, 12:13pm
Absolutely certain. Blimmen doctor has to knock me out to under me undercarriage. He aint looking under there just because it is time for a change.

3tomany, Jul 23, 12:17pm
Before we get more sidetracked, the point i was unsuccessfully making is i have a relationship with my dealer. We talk often about family, money, as well as cars at any given time so yea he knows a lot about me.

franc123, Jul 23, 12:53pm
That is good to hear. I think a lack of relationship building skills is a problem for sales and service providers in the motor industry, and it comes from the customers side too. People are too focussed on how much they can screw out of each other instead of building a long term relationship and repeat business.