How to tell if Dealer is good

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3tomany, Jul 23, 8:09am
It takes so much pressure out of buying a car if you can talk a bit of chit chat instead of just getting the pressure cooker put on. The advantage i have is almost all my deals are with only two dealers and being franchise they also do the servicing.

kazbanz, Jul 23, 8:42am
You are bang on right there dude. -The trouble is that as more and more of the Dad n mum corner shop type dealers get pushed out by the huge car "supermarket" type places you find that the staff aren't paid to care.
The dealers both franchise and used import where the boss is the sales manager have a real appreciation for looking after customers to keep them as long term customers.
it isn't as if its even rocket science. Care about your customers and they will come back.

tgray, Jul 23, 12:31pm
Well I am a dealer and try to price my cars at below private retail prices. Really. I have sold over 4,000 cars in 15 years and only remember one unhappy customer in that time. It it totally unfair to brush stroke all dealer's the way you do. You go looking for trouble with a pre conceived notion and always find it. Anyone would.
Please don't tarnish all dealers as trying to rip people off. It just makes you look ignorant and foolish.

carstauranga001, Jul 23, 3:47pm
Well said.

carstauranga001, Jul 23, 3:49pm
Of course not. He can't, his claims are wrong yet again. I got the expected auto dribble kaz.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 23, 5:21pm
You guys sure waste a lot of mental real estate on me. Would it be more relief for you if I just started auctioning my used boxers or something?

carstauranga001, Jul 24, 5:21am
Every car dealer is an idiot. Seriously. How can people be so stupid all the time? They don’t even know how to do their own jobs. And the Police? They’re all boneheads who don’t know what they are doing! You feel like the one intelligent person who was dropped into a land of imbeciles.

If everyone around you is so dumb you can barely handle it, the problem is likely you.

People are really smart. Not all people but lots of them. They invented math and science and toilets and the internet. Did you invent any of these things? No? Then maybe you’re not the smartest person in the world. You need to learn to listen and realise that maybe you’re not right about everything.

cjohnw, Jul 24, 6:35am
Really? What do you expect?
You accuse almost an entire profession in this country of being dishonest and you expect no response from those you point the finger at?
In my view car dealers are no different to any other working professional, and are simply trying to earn a living and provide for their families like us all. In my dealings with those in the car industry over many years - and I would wager, that I have bought (and traded) many more vehicles than you, I have never met anyone I would categorise as blatantly dishonest, as you maintain.
The sad matter is you cannot control yourself and find it necessary to ridicule people with some condescending or derogatory remark almost every time you post and then accuse them of being a troll.
It really has become tiresome.
Oh, and by the way - My wife and I purchased a new vehicle last weekend from a very nice car dealer. First time a woman has sold me a vehicle - very nice she was too.

kazbanz, Jul 24, 6:47am
So all noise no substance ?

thejazzpianoma, Jul 24, 6:56am
I appreciate that the psychological pull of group identity is exceptionally strong, strong enough to be used to brainwash US prisoners in the Korean wars.

However, might I remind you guys again that your potential customers are likely reading this stuff.

How do you think it makes you appear to them?

Remember, all I have done is offer up the quantifiable findings of my experiences to date. In a previous post I even outlined each experience in detail (no doubt archived if anyone cares to look).

Might I suggest that a more productive use of your energy would be to self organise and rid your group of those members who are causing your group collective harm through their actions?

My findings should certainly be able to be tested and replicated, then after the data is returned an investigation if warranted should be easy enough.

It's a lovely day out there, maybe take a break from posting your frustrations and enjoy some time chatting to your customers out in the sun. Just like Abraham Lincoln demonstrated with his famous letter story, a little time can provide remarkable perspective.

Have a wonderful afternoon everyone.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 24, 7:25am
Anyone got a ladder I can borrow? I will need to get off my high horse eventually.

kazbanz, Jul 24, 7:38am
woohhoo a new record--11 out of 61 posts are blank spaces.
So CT--have you had an answer to your question anywhere in those 11 blanks ?

skull, Jul 24, 7:39am
If we can't find a ladder I'm sure you'll have no trouble getting a push.

carstauranga001, Jul 24, 8:07am
No, I've couriered him a bib though.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 24, 8:08am
Look I have offered you my used undies but adult baby fetishes is where I draw the line.

carstauranga001, Jul 24, 8:30am
I wish I had a flagpole for them.

tgray, Jul 24, 9:18am
Quoting the Korean war and past USA presidents! Jazz, you are rather eccentric to say the least.

slarty45, Jul 24, 10:01am
Stick it up outside a Toyota dealer
FOSman could dance around it and make an utter spectacle of himself

ema1, Jul 24, 10:09am
Element of Looney Tunes being displayed by our dismissive auricle again. Fruitcake anyone?

ema1, Jul 24, 10:13am
How many ladders do you need, sheeeeez you've had plenty already, perhaps odd times the "horse" has bucked you off and you landed on yer head once too often?

ema1, Jul 24, 10:16am
Are you capable of drawing lines. I doubt it.

xs1100, Nov 13, 4:13pm
wheels on wairau see graham Top People hard to beat