Toyota dealership .

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snoopy221, Oct 2, 12:20pm
Well ya training is WRONG. End Of.

mechnificent, Oct 2, 12:20pm
You don't need a picture Snoopy. we all know what we are talking about.
And yeah, you should know. but don't seem to !

mechnificent, Oct 2, 12:22pm
Why do you reckon they made the boots concertina Snoopy ?

They all are.

mechnificent, Oct 2, 12:22pm
Ha. at least I had training. and was taught to reason.

snoopy221, Oct 2, 12:22pm
When those concertina boots were introduced

circa 1980's
As the fluid displaced the stoopid boot made the master cyl low level indicator come on (Mitsibishi espescially)

snoopy221, Oct 2, 12:27pm
Albeit ANY theory or iriotic tutor that taught ya that crapola CLEARLY has NEVER overhauled a master cylnder or rear wheel cylnder which have **wipe seals **fitted which are a ONE WAY seal and seal under pressure and effectively vacuum back therefore allowing ingress.
Sheesh circa 1980's how many damn lasers etc did ya adjust AND have to bleed to get a FULL pedal for this reason?
Ever had a master cyl resleeved and the **Compensating port ** NOT REDRILLED?
Try and bench bleed dat sucker-L M A O

mechnificent, Oct 2, 12:33pm
ha. so they annoy you do they Snoopy. Stoopid boots.

I suppose you just get frustrated trying to get that boot back under the lid and so throw it away huh. it's not needed anyway right. stupid car makers. what were they thinking.

mechnificent, Oct 2, 12:34pm
And yeah, I'm sure the night school instructors and the service bulletins were all wrong and stupid.

snoopy221, Oct 2, 12:38pm
When a braking hydrualic fluid system HAS advanced due to greenies and Oh Sh**t Happens legislation to the
It is akin to a fuel system SEALED and with positive pressure and a warrant of fitness requirement to have it's sealing checked.
Then ya may be right
Or SUPPLY TANK-As in fuel

So yeah i like my braken fluid to be a nice colour and low water content.
And incidentally when ya motor racing ya actually DO check the water content of BRAND NEW FLUID
And know which ones ya NOT USING.

snoopy221, Oct 2, 12:41pm
I learnt that on my first block course lol
They told us ya could NOT run an engine on CNG and petrol at the same TIME. LOL
Damn thang was driven to the course and outside in the parking lot running on CNG in the primaries and petrol in the secondaries. LOL

snoopy221, Oct 2, 12:43pm
Never thrown one away in my life
But have done MANY MANY fluid changes on them for the SIMPLE reason of water contaminated fluid.

mechnificent, Oct 2, 12:43pm
Why do you think they go to the trouble of making those rubber boots concertina Snoopy ?

snoopy221, Oct 2, 12:45pm
Tell me if ya must
But oh please tell me it is on a four wheel disc system with square section master cylnder seals and
SOME attempt to prevent hygroscopic fluid attracting water and holding it in suspension as it is designed to do

Or juss fill the sucker with DOT 5 Silicone brake fluid. lol

snoopy221, Oct 2, 12:50pm
NOTE. DOT 5 Silicone brake fluid

Is NOT hygroscopic.

snoopy221, Oct 2, 12:56pm
Tutors and courses. LOL
Tells ya
When Ya In A Hole
Stop Diggin

intrade, Oct 2, 12:58pm
but dont mix it with dot 3 or 4.
dot 5,1 is mixable again with dot 3 and 4
usually motorbikes use "dot 5 super expensive so you can be sure no moron is gona put that in as they want cheap"

jmma, Oct 2, 1:01pm
My take on the rubber boots, first noticed on HQ.
As disc pads wear, brake fluid levels gets lower, boot fills space to stop fluid sloshing about and uncovering the important hole to the m/cyl piston and allowing air in at the wrong time.
Taught to me by my night school tutor :oP

snoopy221, Oct 2, 1:05pm
Good point and yip Back in seventies and earlier in america
But Wait For It.
non concertina style

And keericky Dick how many master and wheel clynders bore rusted from water done on those old suckers?

snoopy221, Oct 2, 1:06pm
Today's entertainment was brought to you by the numbers 1 and 1 making 2
And the letters F ,, I,,,,,,,N,,,,,,O

mechnificent, Oct 3, 12:09pm
It's to allow the fluid level to drop as the pads wear, without needing a vent in the top of the container that allows moist air to get in. They did and still do use them on common round deep reservoirs.

I was there back in those days when they were being introduced, at a gm dealership, and there were service bulletins explaining it and we were told about it at night school.

mechnificent, Oct 3, 12:12pm
Yeah cylinders did rust in the old days. often. because water got into the fluid.

That scarcely ever happens any more.

purplegoat, Oct 3, 12:12pm
complaining because he will whinge and bitch about everything . . some people are just born whinging and never grow out of it

phalanax, Oct 3, 12:55pm
The only way I can see water getting into a brake system (assuming it is loosely sealed or 'contained' hydraulic braking system. would be via condensation. ie fluctuating temperatures particularly winter where the metal might sweat . Im not even sure this occurs . but I do know metal sweats. opinions anyone?. lol

snoopy221, Oct 3, 1:10pm
gm dealership mmkay sadly that explains a lot
been there done that spent time with gm and toyota. lol
Reality is ya do toyota pre deliveries for a while and ya might find a little problem and it goes back through reports.
Then LOL

Keerist damn manager decides if mate wants a commode then we will do the sh**t on it
Toyota P.D. about 8 hours easy peasy
Commode. 3 WEEKS. All the same damn crapola seen over time while with GM.

snoopy221, Oct 3, 1:13pm