right i checked a car a few months ago found 4% or higher content of water in brake fluid coolant mesured like 17° minus and i know as my own toyota who i gifted to a young bloke reads -42 ° and every other 50/50 mix will read 37 or more minus and that -27 is when the coolant is shot not when its gone down to freezing the block. Anyhow. Today i spoke to the person who knows this women who ownes the toyota with these problems. She told me She taken it to toyota dealership and they said to here all was well nothing needs doing. So i guess thats why i have to replace rusted out frostplugs on toyotas because of these F. kwit dealerships. who just charge and not actuarly do any work . since its not required .
Sep 30, 10:28am
And your complaining because?
Doesn't this mean your the one getting the work?
Sep 30, 10:55am
no She said she gets toyota to do the work . Now if you apply logic what it means to a women who does not know anything . what do you think She is thinking . She thinks toyota is right and i am just a ripoff artist. Thats the Real problem here. i was gobsmacked when i did hear that and all i could say to the women who told me . um yea i told you they are all idiots . She said yea you did . Did not think that this is so A wide spread problem
Sep 30, 11:09am
Tell her to come on here and ask for other opinions then.
Sep 30, 11:11am
J jjjjjj Just points ooot dat da Toyota service schedules are mileage and not time interval and zeee fluiding replacing bizzos are at a set mileage. [And if ya know da rego number a quick call ta da toyota service manager-or workshop foreman with ya readings. mmmmmmmm] myt be he getzzz back to da lady and she bakes ya a cake.
Sep 30, 4:14pm
I struggle to see the connection between brake fluid and frost plugs.
Oct 1, 2:44pm
i told women with my tool 4% watr in brake fluid and with refractometer i showed her -23 ° or something and i know from experience if i see lower then26°- the coolant needs to be changed as its shot acidic and starts to harm the system. This friend of the women told me she took it to toyota and they said it was all good nothing to do. I have a video of another toyota i changed the frost plug and that women said she regularly had it serviced by a workshop in whangarei. That had already rotted out the frost plug because they are all fekn morons. and that was not a toyota garage but this one suposedly was a toyota outlet. women was in auckland dont know where she took it but clearly to some more f. kn morons i was thinking they are all in whangarei.
Oct 1, 3:16pm
Jeese. last time I remember changing a leaking frost plug was in a MK2 Zepher.
I'd like to know how brake fluid gets 4% of water in it these days with sealed systems.
Intrade. Could you run your scanner over a new bottle of brake fluid for us and check what percent of water your dodah detects . And perhaps, if you have a half used bottle sitting around, what it's water content is.
Oct 2, 11:28am
re 10 your not reading what i write. i said the women told her friend who told me toyota told her nothing needed doing. i dont know what toyota or if the women made it all up. but its not to far fetched that its not made up . i am not saying toyota service dont calls for the women took it to toyota who told here nothing needed doing . either the women lied or toyota are half.w. ts . having a guess that the women probably was told that by hal. wits.
Oct 2, 12:02pm
Now i dont quite know what to say to that . other then tell me you are taking the piss . surely Brakefluid is hygroscopic brake system are not seald systems brake fluid containers are sealed. And if you forget to put the lid on correctly you will have some moisture in the fluid over time.
Oct 2, 12:09pm
I'd like to know how brake fluid gets 4% of water in it these days with sealed systems.
I'd like you to EXPLAIN and provide pictures of these **sealed systems**
Oct 2, 12:10pm
Modern brake systems have a concertina rubber under the lid Intrade. that's to stop moist air getting at the fluid.
A long time ago brake fluid did get contaminated, and caused problems, but I haven't seen any water caused problems in brake systems in years and years and years.
Oct 2, 12:13pm
so you know a woman whose a friend of another womanthat is a friend of the woman who told a woman to ask the first woman that the woman at toyota told her no work needs doing-is this correct?
Oct 2, 12:13pm
Modern brake systems have a concertina rubber under the lid Intrade. that's to stop moist air getting at the fluid.
Yeah. Nah.
Oct 2, 12:14pm
In a piston type system, that's with brake shoes, a very tiny amount of moisture could possibly get in as the piston goes in and out, but it would be minute and in the cylinder. In a disk brake system, the pistons don't even slide over the seal. they don't get water in past them.
Oct 2, 12:16pm
Yeah. Nah.
Oct 2, 12:16pm
So wadda you reckon that concertina was put there for Snoopy. I reckon you must have been around when they were first introduced. you should know.
Oct 2, 12:17pm
Oct 2, 12:18pm
Waahay ya roit -lol. I should blardy know Awaiting pictures.
Oct 2, 12:19pm
No point just sitting there going Yeah nah Snoopy.
When those concertina boots were introduced we mechanics were told it was to keep the system sealed to keep out moisture. What did they tell you it was for. I believe my training.
Oct 2, 12:19pm
When ya flown to the moon and got these pictures post em here. K [And flying to the moon is so easy compared to sealing a system and removing the direct 14.7 PSI atmospheric (contains water) pressure that allows it to WORK]
Oct 2, 12:20pm
http://www.iforce.co.nz/View.aspx?i=lcvogcx2.aih.jpg read the lable on the bottle they state 18 month i did learn 24 month is exchange intervall here in moist northland i would say 18 month is probably the better intervall
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