Well he's 100% wrong at #62 with his bullshit few thousand degrees brake temperatures.
Oct 4, 1:53pm
Thats nice.
Oct 4, 2:00pm
1300°F Medium red 704°C
**If one assumes water temp at 100 degrees C then one falls in the hole and assumes tousends. (Poetc intrade lescense). is C And makes an F outa demselvies. lol
[Funniest thing was the DS-11's after hard work and well 20 minutes later ya still seein glowin orbs-easy ta find where ya parked-lol]
Oct 4, 2:10pm
But yeah back to the subject back in the eighties back seat passenger in me mate’s xc cobra (number 243) 302 manual with a cam and a few tweaks and on the road to waihi beach racing a vette I think-but was yonks ago long last straight-if ya know the road no stoppers at well over a hundred mph thrown sideways to wash off speed survived the first corner and luckily the next corner was the other way or I’m pretty damn sure I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this. That is what happens when old aged fluid with a high water content hits the temp at which water boils…
Just as the Toyota service schedule states - every 30k or 2 years, whichever comes first - did anyone suggest otherwise?
Oct 7, 10:58am
There's the problem right there .You show her your tool and you drooled into the brake fluid reservoir and got ya 4% water reading .Then somehow that led onto the coolant and you put your tool in there and got a high acidity reading ,now all that makes sense! Toyota were correct all along was all good and nothing to do until you showed up with ya tool ! .
Oct 7, 11:16am
umm na the brake fluid was black and i have a special tool for fluid content i showed her how the tool reads below 1% on my car . and i got a refractometer to mesure coolant fluids like any real professional. But morons who pretend to be professionals of course dont have the tools nor the knowhow. since they never service anything its only logical that it dont needs doing . because why do something when they never do it ever.
Oct 7, 11:54am
Ha. and do you reckon that blackness was water do you Intrade ?
Try adding a bit of water to some brake fluid and giving it a good shake. See what colour it goes.
Oct 7, 11:56am
If someone's brake fluid was black. I'd recommend they change it too. but I wouldn't tell them it was because there was water in there.
Oct 7, 1:28pm
Hang on a minute mate , then why waste time and dip your tool in there? like if it looks contaminated black right? or you not sure?maybe that water was actural prob aye ?Being the amateur you are had to measure something to prove your point and look professional ! Comes across to me as someone being really stupid with a "special" refractometer that happens to measure specific gravity in his hand a new toy and not quite sure what to do with it lol. . or someones eyes and ears are telling lies again in your view ! ie A professional will know what contaminated brake fluid looks like without dipping a tool in there ! .A true professional will not waste his money on unnecessary tools to help in diagnosis but rather depend on skills , trained knowledge and more importantly experience. .Those who are not quite accomplished are the sorts who truly fall into the moron category .
Oct 7, 1:39pm
jawn. in switzerland they use the brake fluid tester as part of the wof it mesures specific moisture content and is a probe you dip in fluid . i did know that it would fail without the tool but putting the tool in the fluid proofs without doubt that the brake fluid is shot and not just looks that way. I dont know what Apprentice you people have taken when you dont know the basics of all basic things.
Oct 7, 2:00pm
ummmm it's NZ here bro. not sweeetzilando ! If every car was dipped here at wof time it will fail ! Dosn't mean it's shot either ! It's unnecessary .further it's ya mates in the UK coming here and shagging our systems up . we don't need it.Stop spouting crap and fear mongering.Wof testers check for full pedal and power assist including a simple visual around the brake systems for leaks etc if that's not up to it they will strike it.No need to strip and measure every component and there are also service limits and tolerances that apply and to consider too! Just to clarify vehicle inspectors inspect to look at something,examine carefully in order to discover information, especially about quality or condition:Then report it . That's all that is required!
Oct 7, 2:16pm
The drum brakes I have serviced usually have springs to return them. Effectively keeping the fluid under pressure as the shoes come to rest.
Oct 7, 4:47pm
All wheel cylnders have springs-same as all master cylnders have a *residual line pressure valve *on the circuits with cylnders like that. [But not on disc circuits which have a square section seal
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