I would find a cheat device surprising, as well as illegal. What Toyota have apparantly done for some clients is to put in a manual burn button for the DPF. Berrima Diesel on their FB page have also gone into the DPF issue, as well as the D4D injector issue.
Mar 27, 10:09am
But wait, theres more. Toyota have apparantly gone legal about the issue, although not denying that there is an issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaW1XFxgrOM&feature=youtu.be And an interesting comment from a mechanical engineer with a fleet of over 200 current Hiluxes working at mines that Toyota gave them instructions on how to remove the DPF completely. I guess for off-road / mining use that "might" be more legal than when used on-road.
Mar 28, 2:22am
Doesn't appear to be an issue in NZ. Maybe different spec vehicles, or no DPF?
Mar 28, 2:26am
I know several people who have major issues with their DPF - one is on their third replacement in 50k.
Mar 28, 4:56am
I have myself seen a hilux blowing a continuous extreme amount of smoke and thought some idiot had put dirty diesel in it, but maybe just a common issue.
Mar 28, 5:43am
if you have a dpf there is no smoke untill the dpf is fully blocked and blows A part. must have been 4 years ago in switzerland i seen a fiat diesel. could easy have been a toyota or vw or any other make but it was a fiat. i was 50 meter behind it. i hear a huge bang and one huge cloude of black smoke out the exchaust. That would have been the full Dpf exploding out the exhaust. The problem is you cant know if you have a fault with a dpf unless you diagnose it and fix the problem before that happens. dpf last 240,000km my passat had a new one at 190k dpf who only last 50k= the reason was not fixed as to why it nuked or filled it in 50k
What a load of rubbish. The modern diesel runs with no smoke or soot, and on Adblue only emits water and nitrogen out the exhaust.
Mar 28, 11:51am
Your a real noddy know all arnt you?Theres a strong green movement to ban diesels,all your bullshit dpfs doing is just making the particles smaller which is worse,i seen lots of new diesels blowing smoke.how do you fit your head in your helmet/you need a monsoon bucket.
Mar 28, 1:25pm
dpf's don't make the particles smaller. apparently its the high pressure injection systems doing that. the only reason they run that high is to achieve better emissions. the smoke you see is typically because they have EGR issues. it only takes a small increase in egr and it will blow clouds of smoke. of cource the whole reason for egr is to reduce nox emissions.
thats the big issue, to reduce nox they have to increase all other emissions.
This is correct old diesel make huge flakes of particles . This is also on direct injection petrol also make nano particulet matter the real problem is the loungs can filter large particulet matter in your noses mucus but the nano makes it passt it in to the loungs and blood stream. 13 is also correct . but the filters can not filter nano particulet matter. Its why when removing the dpf the injectors should be changed to nozzles who inject fuel that dont causes nano particulets. The black smoke you can see is not the problem its the particulets you can not see that will be potentially deadly.
Mar 28, 1:55pm
*13 your discription is slight incorrect The egr is not the cause of the problem. The problem is the tolerances for error are so slim . Like the wrong engine oil used causes sludge who cloohs the egr and then the chain reaction starts to tumble the dominos. this leats to that that to the other and before you know it you have oil dilution from failed regeneration Worn cams full Dpf and bills in the 10 of tousends to repair it all. Diesel injectors must be replaced at the slightest sign of them not functioning 100% you need a factory level scantool and look at the compensation values verses leake fluid. as where piezo has no backleakage. faulty hold pressure divise on hilux= piezo gets nuked= chain reaction is on its way. How do you know if your hilux sounds like it clatters = the piezo injector is being bashed to death if it has them. faulty temp sensor can also start tumble these dominos another reason for clatter with high fuel consumption. Dueal mass flywheel another one to get the dominos to tumble . all items are in the 1000s and many tousends if you ignore it. The days are gone where a corolla runs fine with no problems for another 300,000km with dead o2 sensor and melted down cat converter.
Mar 28, 2:25pm
Diesel's pull harder !
Mar 28, 3:04pm
yes and no. the tolerance for error is slim because they run such large amounts of egr. you only have to increase egr by a small % to double soot production. if you take away or reduce the egr, the margin of error increases.
Mar 28, 5:43pm
Keep up with the play numbnuts, if you knew anything you would also know diesels have moved onto Adblue and SCR units. I have 2 diesels running adblue and the inside of the exhaust pipe on the ute is just zinc steel color and the other rust steel color, they don't put out any black soot now with the modern Tier 4/5 diesels. All that comes out of the exhaust pipe is water and nitrogen which are both harmless.
Mar 28, 6:29pm
Its muppets like you that come out with these stupid statements and don't think about what they are saying. Greenpeace took a petition to parliament to stop anymore oil exploration, how did they all get to parliament? Any form of transport they used would have had a input from fossil fuels. How is the green movement going to ban all diesels in 5 years? If they banned diesel engines the whole world would stop overnight, how many commodities are reliant on diesel or fossil fuels? All food production is reliant on diesel engines, tractors, trucks, trains, fork hoists, combines, earth moving equipment, the list goes on. Diesel or fossil fuels will be here for the next 40-50 years until they have the technology to have electric trucks, tractors, combines, earth moving equipment that can operate for 10-12 hours a day on electric power reliably and is cost effective. The weight of batteries in a 50 tonne truck and trailer unit for it to operate for a 13 hour shift would be huge, every extra kg used to power the unit is another kg it cant transport.
Mar 29, 2:45am
you forgot co2 that big cause of climate change. You also forgot nox and particulate matter
Mar 29, 4:18am
The Ad blue you love so much is just a disguise to urea in the exhaust system,VW diesels run a grey pipe as well and how clean are they,i couldn't give a dam about it,but the nutbars in the Green movement do,they don't give a fark about some redneck driving a dick extension do they,and if you had paid attention you mite notice they did a test on a 13year old Hilux ute the other day,and this spindoctor said how DIRTY it was,and they we need meet targets etc pertaining to carbon targets,the clowns in now will be rite into that!
Mar 29, 12:46pm
Nox mixes with the ammonia and its a chemical reaction in the SCR that then becomes water and nitrogen, and the particulate is caught in the DPF unit.
Mar 29, 12:52pm
Well muppet, the adblue doesn't disguise the urea, it contains it. VW as well as other european makers run adblue, hence why the pipe would be clean. So whats the dick extension your driving that the nutbars are worried about? You seem to be very animated for someone who doesn't give a dam, maybe you should tell someone who cares, 0800 Samaritans. And its quite obvious that a 13 year old Hilux diesel is not going to meet the latest emission rating, sh!t they cant even get new Hiluxs to run clean and meet the emission ratings.
Mar 29, 1:00pm
you know why its called a scr? Its because its selective with a reduction agent. It does not eliminate. So as it stands it still emits NOX and CO2. Then we have the particulate below 10 microns which goes straight through the filter and into your lungs
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