Good luck Aucklanders

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ronaldo8, Aug 12, 12:46pm
O, so NOW its either or, when only a few posts ago it was defiantly one and not the other. I guess at the time your position was absolute. "for now".
You must be joking, right?

Brilliant, a perfect 180, ten points.

richardmayes, Aug 12, 12:52pm
You just don't seem to be able to read properly.

Saint Taxcinda knows that the public loved it the last time she spoke to them like children and took away their freedoms "for their own good."

So now she's doing it all again.

Any connection between anything she says, and the truth about the virus outbreak in NZ, is entirely coincidental and impossible to take seriously.

But you obviously think she's doing a great job, and if she told you you were Spartacus and the moon is made of cheese you'd believe her. So fill your boots.

tweake, Aug 12, 12:53pm
southbound ok, northbound is backed up from Mangawhai Road to Wellsford.

apollo11, Aug 12, 1:05pm
You need to drive with both eyes open, mal. And I'm not 'trying to get off the hook', I just don't really care about it as much as you seem to. We are burdened regardless of who we choose to lead us.

ronaldo8, Aug 12, 1:05pm
Any sense of Deja vue? When a fundamentalist, be they religous, or whatever else happens to be the loved hobby horse looks upon any data it is instantly filtered and distilled into whatever agreeable balm aligns with their spec of a world view, a spec of which they are king.

Constantly looking to reinforce their opinions rather than find the flaw in them. To pat themselves on the back, see I told you so, look at that, it proves I'm right, lkok at that, look at that! yeah that, the thing I just made of it, the thing I will always make of it because I don't know how to even try to begin to do otherwise, I'm the centre of the f!@#$%^ universe don't you know!

Self indulgence has always been the sworn enemy of critical thought.

apollo11, Aug 12, 1:07pm
Yep brings back those olden days where we battled the religious zealots. The human race truly seems to be unsalvageable at this point.

apollo11, Aug 12, 1:27pm
Interesting. I have shown you what I want you to see, just like the pollies do.

morrisjvan, Aug 12, 1:41pm
Really? what about all the people leaving Auckland this morning before the restrictions ?

richardmayes, Aug 12, 1:55pm
You can Google "John Key and X" and you will get page after page of results no matter what X is. Most of it furious invective written by furious, perma-outraged activists from Greenpeace or occupy wall street.

I never really understood why the far left was so triggered by him, he took National down a very "Labour-Lite" path, repealed nothing Helen Clark did, and doubled down on plenty of it (petrol tax, tobacco excise. )

You could Google "John Key took my children to the 4th dimension and ate them" and you'll probably get results.

One thing you WON'T hear much about, is if you Google "Jacinda Ardern really likes Tom Scott, the guy who sang about murdering John Key and raping his daughter". it's funny how people keep quiet about stuff they want to keep quiet about.

apollo11, Aug 12, 2:01pm
Nothing. Would have been a fun read, too.

a.woodrow, Aug 12, 2:39pm
Whoops sorry didn't mean to restart the politics board! but just voicing the thoughts many of us have right now. We have been let down, we all did the hard yards and lost money, jobs, and lives as well. It's sad that lack of care has put us back in this situation. Bringing back to my original point, I hope it isn't as bad as it seems and we won't end up back in level 4.

apollo11, Aug 12, 2:42pm
Saw a snippet where there is the possibility it came in with some frozen food. One of the 'infected' works in a cool store.

kazbanz, Aug 12, 3:43pm
lm betting it wasn’t that

apollo11, Aug 12, 4:17pm

gazzat22, Aug 12, 5:13pm
I wouldnt be too sure on that.Most germs can survive in very cold conditions in a state similar to hibernation and awaken when temperatures rise .There are several examples of that.Where do you think it came from then?

franc123, Aug 12, 6:50pm
Yawn. I'm not sure why anybody would embarrass themselves defending the National party when they have such conflicting views on border control. One minute they're moaning the borders are shut and its choking business, next minute they're blaming the Govt for community transmission because they let people in. This in itself is why they are unfit to be (and won't be) the next Govt. Utter disarray.

kazbanz, Aug 13, 5:41pm
screw up with the isolation between transportation personnel and border crossers with c19

bloodthirsty, Aug 13, 6:04pm
Cut off North to south Island travel. Cos clearly your all fuct. Political rubbish has nothing to do with a virus that will kill millions.

paul861, Aug 14, 1:42am
cut off travel between cities too. until they no how far the bug has got.every minute matters, but what would I know though? just a farmer who knows how to keep the bulls from the heifers

kazbanz, Aug 14, 7:22am
I guess that's what level 3 is intended as. Aucklanders "asked" to stay home. Kids home from school. "no" aucklanders out and no non aucklanders in. Self entitled of course feel the rule doesn't apply to them and head to the batch or the beach.

tweake, Aug 14, 7:49am
true but the time it takes to get here usually kills it off.

far more likely its come from the border because they have not been testing staff.

cattleshed, Aug 15, 4:52am
* Well said reprimand!

* Time to do what Sweden did because lockdown will never work!

apollo11, Aug 15, 5:29am
Lots of rumours circulating that the latest outbreak was caused by a breach in quarantine. This is the breach that Winnie was referencing, but the govt. is not keen on this becoming wider knowledge for "reasons".

lyl_guy, Aug 15, 5:34am
Genome testing so far has seen no link with the current strains of Covid in the returnees. So the rumours are just that.

intrade, Aug 15, 6:32am
From what i have seen 2 things and i am not one who would vote labour.
1.They do a good job answering the medias question, The only questions they dont answer are trick questions like police use do to try and say you done it.
And 2 The stop of community transmission has worked once before. We just need 7 to 14 days to find and quarantine all spread. provided somone with the virus does not go about spreading it claiming the earth is flat while doing so.