Those turbo ex lancers go like a skinned rabbit, they arnt my cup of tea but one i went for a ride in had the wheels spinning up in third gear while it was driveing, not sure if it was the original motor or not as it had way to much power for something of that era but the motor looks the same as the one in the video.
Mar 30, 10:15am
Correction it wasnt one of those, a similar motor though heres one
Sounds nice/ bit bulky- moden-ish elephant looking even tho small body. So yea, nice specs & behavior but not that fussed on the styling
Mar 30, 1:46pm
According to something I read on wikpedia, the 1966 Vauxhall Cresta come out in South Africa with a Chrysler 318. Is this real or not? If so that is my next choice after Hillman Imp.
Mar 30, 2:08pm
mopar engine in a GM car? GM have a great in house V8 so it would seem unlikely to me.
Mar 30, 4:23pm
Triumph 2.5 Sedan. with improved brakes, more powerful engine that did not leak black oil over new girlfriends parents drive better transmission, especially clutch that did not need an athlete to change gears, power steering, .
Mar 31, 10:15am
Pity they can't just roll a few brand new 2.7 Coupes off the assembly line, no changes required.
Mar 31, 11:03am
ugliest car EVER!
Mar 31, 11:04am
NOOOOOO! I learnt to drive in one of those tanks. HIDEOUS! Agree about the power steering though! Talk about heavy!
Mar 31, 11:05am
I want my 2003 Holden wagon reborn brand new!
I love that car!
Mar 31, 11:43am
Yes a lovely looking car from any angle. Would have to be the 3.3 six , the 1600 and 2000 4's were very underwhelming in the performance department. The Delco distributor and Zenith carb used outdated 50's technology and could be replaced with a far more reliable injection/HEI setup.
Mar 31, 12:33pm
Chap I worked with a few years ago had one.
Mar 31, 6:14pm
. ahem. err. arr. only one.
The Vincent Black Shadow.
Apr 1, 3:20am
Would know doubt have to wait for a 2nd hand 1 to come up to afford 1 , or sell a few bikes i have . Find that hard to do though . Xa Xb Xc Coupes i loved the look and sound of .Forced induction would have to be a must have . Looks like Italians have been involved
Apr 5, 4:24pm
I'd like to see a reproduction of the '70 Cuda, but only if it looks very similar to the original, chrome bumpers, chrome trim, etc.
Apr 29, 10:38pm
Cortina MK3 GT
Apr 30, 4:27am
I never saw the appeal of them either, theyre fine if you like woodgrain dashboards but theyre an odd design overall with few other redeeming features except perhaps for the IRS. Those 6cyl engines were slugs for their size even for the time, a standard 2.0 Mk3 Cortina outperforned them.
Apr 30, 4:35am
Do you mean independent rear suspension? they flogged the rear pivoting axle shafts out pritty bad, one i owned was so worn and floppy its a wonder it hadent broken or stripped yet, the engines are smooth but no torque and very little in the upper rev range was what i found, allthough the breaks were binding up abit on it, i never bothered to fix it further and flicked it of.
Apr 30, 8:12am
I will clarify, IRS is generally a good feature but Triumphs version of it wasnt great by any means. I recall the rear halfshafts were tapered on a keyway where they went through the hubs instead of being splined like everyone else would do it.
May 2, 11:12am
Both the early (pop up headlights) and the mid '90 Mazda Astinas - 1600 and 1800 manuals. Great cars that did everything right and looked good doing it.
May 3, 12:46pm
Yea but dose it do good handbreak slides, or is a solid diff better for that.
May 6, 6:06am
HD/HR car or wagon
May 6, 6:24am
Bring back the mighty X2 186!
May 7, 10:40am
1960 Humber 80. My very first car. Bench seats. GF could cuddle up. Thank goodness for the modern car, no need for bench seat now.
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