But only six weeks for submissions I believe. They want it through as is.
Feb 1, 7:57am
just a matter of perspective, I think the polar bears would consider that as an Option A.
Feb 1, 8:05am
I have carried out hard physical work in a heavy engineering factory and biked 14 kilometres each way to work, so that isn't really an issue. And many people may live closer to their workplaces than that.
Feb 1, 8:13am
Yep, our beloved government wants more people, more houses and more forests planted - but also want less pollution, less cars but better roads and also want less farming, how they expect that dream to come true defies imagination.
Feb 1, 8:16am
The problem is the current infrastructure needs a major shakeup, hence my idea about removing traffic lights, its the culture of convenience that is a major elephant in the room, people would get real pissed off right now with alot of e bikes on the road, they have allready been ranting for about a decade at least about so called "lycra clad losers" they hate new cycle lanes being painted, wich is a disater anyway because it absolves cyclists from some of there responsibility, so it needs simplifying, alot of e bikes will get the heckles up on allready stressed out motorists, and roads bloated with cars, wich is why i think diversifying with horses aswell is a good move.
Feb 1, 8:38am
That's nice for you but Hubby isn't going to bike to and from work -ever.
Feb 1, 9:02am
i note the word "have" in you rant,so what do you do now, that is the important thing.
Feb 1, 9:03am
you did not see the little addendun about only planting money trees ?
Feb 1, 10:44am
Kona EV that requires some fire tuning. Is there a smoke off button?
Logan's Run or A Brave New World looks quite appealing.
Feb 1, 1:43pm
If just some of the bleating going on in this thread was directed towards making submissions it may have some effect on the end result. Chances are though that all you opinionated, uninformed and conspiracy theory driven keyboard warriors won't bother to do so.
Feb 1, 1:50pm
submissions will just go straight into the rubbish bin like they have done before.
Feb 1, 2:17pm
Listen, if other people having opinions somehow upsets you, perhaps the internet isn't the place for you.
Feb 1, 2:18pm
This will not happen and even those in Government know that it wont. Deeply cynical, risk free vote catcher by those who know they are not even going to be around in 2032
Feb 1, 3:12pm
Not to this government they hope the extra electricity will com from thin air because solar and wind will never fill the hole.
Feb 1, 3:13pm
"Opinions are like a*se holes, everyone has one, but nobody wants to hear about yours".
I was merely making the point that those making so much noise here may as well howl at the moon for all the good it will do in the greater scheme of things. Submission processes serve a purpose and for those that regard them as ineffectual are making a self-fulfilling statement.
The language you used was inflammatory. People comment on forums for many reasons, who are you to judge them?
Feb 1, 4:02pm
Isn't the point of forums to elicit responses? If we did nothing but agree with one another most would 'pull up their pants' and leave.
Feb 1, 4:06pm
Yeah, but you were trolling. Words like bleating, uninformed, opinionated and keyboard warrior were there purely to offend.
Feb 1, 4:15pm
I was merely calling out the content of much of the posts in this thread for what it is. Very few of the points raised were anything more than individual's opinions with very little in the way of supporting information and in the case of many of the usual suspects was contained in posts that are so full of poor spelling, bad grammar and a lack of correct punctuation that they are barely decipherable.
Feb 2, 2:00am
And if ITER is successful the whole energy ideal will have to change again.
Can you see an energy evolution? Human and animal, fire and water and steam. Coal and peat, to oil and gas, wind and solar. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Look how fast energy resources changed in the 20th century. Will 21st century be as speedy with a new resource?
Certainly if plasma energy is sustainable, expect a whole new era of machinery and ideas that use that energy for good and bad.
Much to the detriment of the planet still.
So electric vehicles will have a place in the evolution of energy, but for how long?
Now who's for a plasma run vehicle? Give you a race through warp speed!
Feb 2, 2:04am
What about hydro?
Anyway I don't think cars are the solution, due to physics, they are too heavy.
The vehicle weight to load ratio is typically quite poor. Moving 1.5 tonne of steel and plastic to move 80 kilograms of person is not very efficient.
Feb 2, 2:08am
Hydro = water.
Lol to the rest.
Feb 2, 3:39am
There needs to be lighter vehicles.
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