Good grief! how dose that break down, thats outrageous, we had one in the 90s and as soon as the sun goes down you are on one tank of hot water and the power kicks in again, we allso had a wetback but those smokey fireplaces you know, and they want to burn greenwaste for power generation, wich isnt wholey a bad idea, but that was an old solar pannel, newer cheaper ones have some faults from what i know.
Feb 3, 3:33am
Yeah I know a sparkie can't even get that much! The system I run uses evacuated tubes direct to a 150l well insulated tank it is ground mount on a stand it heat's 150l from stone cold to warm on the worst day in winter. It has a 20mm in built heat exchanger (copper coil) so the potable water is mains pressure, I had two of them custom made one for me and a friend.
Feb 3, 3:50am
Remember. most of these nut case fruit loops gained a degree from a university or similar learning instution. to get some credability. but also remember. the vast majority here voted a wacky govt in.
Feb 3, 4:20am
Not me. I was the idiot who voted for NZ First. If there had been a semblance of an alternative to vote for, they wouldn't have won by so much.
Feb 3, 4:37am
nope, there will be a point where it will start getting more expensive as demand outstrip supply.
Feb 3, 4:48am
Just use electric hot water cylinder, way cheaper than gas.
Feb 3, 5:14am
Demand already outstrips supply. Battery prices are still falling.
Feb 3, 6:08am
It's pretty common in NZ to drive a 20yo car. So it will be some time yet before they can turn off the petrol pumps.
Feb 3, 7:35am
So if I understand what you're saying, you claim to be smarter than those with university qualifications and you're thereby using your intelligence to criticise the majority of NZ who voted in our current government (who are making policies based on proven scientific advice)? Good luck with that reasoning.
Feb 3, 12:45pm
Its so funny that this government is even going down this bullshit line while most of the world is submitting to a man made killer virus that's so mean, it's already mutating to a stain that can't be vaccinated against ever. So if the picture i am painting is real, no one will give a shit about what fuels our world, its time to get with the program and understand that the boffins are screwing us all over with the help of evil selfish countries and the few. so folks burn tons of fuel and live while you still can (remember trillions of tons of fossil fuel is being saved from grounded planes anyway).
Feb 3, 12:57pm
To know anything about the climate, experts should have qualifications in Physics, Geology, Statistics as a minimum. One of the panel has studied Atmospheric Sciences and Statistics but not geology. None of the others on the Climate Change Commission panel has studied anything relevant. This is obvious from their inane pronouncements.
In short depends on the gas. LPG costs more than my power, but natural gas costs a lot less per unit. (of course the daily charge is a big factor if you only are connected for hot water.).
My electricity has a 16.49c/kWh marginal cost incl GST. Resistance electric cylinders are 100% efficient at heating water. They have standing losses, but MEPS standards require this to be less than 1.4kWh/day for a 135L cylinder. Works out to about $84/year (but of course can be of value to keep your linen cupboard dry).
$34 LPG 9kg bunings bottle swaps work when burnt in a 90% efficient appliance works out to 30.1c/kWh. No ongoing fixed costs.
$110 LPG 45kg bottle when burnt in a when burnt in a 90% efficient appliance works out to 19.9c/kWh. Bottle rental about $100 a year.
Piped natural gas (in auckland) works out to $8.8c/kWh. $450/year to stay hooked up.
Feb 3, 3:02pm
I think most CO2 gas bottled in NZ comes from Brewerys. It's reclaimed during the fermenting process & then reinjected into the beer later. The same CO2 is injected into fizzy drinks & used as sheilding gas for welding, and such, as Dry ice.
Feb 3, 3:09pm
I voted Labour, though strategically I voted against National with the intent of not letting any weird fringe party in on a silly idea so they could feed at the tax payers expense for a term or more.
Feb 3, 3:33pm
Winston seemed to be the kind of bloke who could wind pretty much anyone up, so I though the best place for him would be parliament.
Feb 3, 5:23pm
I agreed, I like that he did push, & get, extra for beneficiary's during Covid, which acted as a 'cash injection into the economy' during that time. And some good ol' Kiwi stirring, and that after all this time of campaigning including some positives, he did get in into a leading role. He can see thru the bull$hi7. Trying to get Kiwis that were overseas back into NZ just before Covid wasn't such a great, or feasible ( or even realistic ) idea though. But, good on him
Going forth this election, last thing we need is a bunch of squabbles ( who knew what small party would get in ) n parliament. Added bonus is that they can't blame stuff on the smaller 'co-elected' if they decide wrong.
Possible 3rd term Labour?
Feb 3, 6:45pm
You would have to be on either standard user rates or a good night rate plan to be getting electricity for 16.49c/KWh. And you would be paying at least $1.50 per day in fixed fees. If you are on a low user plan, then you would be paying at least 24c/KWh. But your daily fees are instead 33c per day.
And far bigger savings in smaller towns. Where even the standard user rates are over 25c/Kwh. And low user rates are 30c+ and getting close to 40c/Kwh.
Therefore fixed fees Low user + LPG is around 60c per day. And you now have LPG for cheaper than electricity. But the stupid greenies are yet to figure out that the low user rates mean that the government is doing the equivalent of paying people to emit CO2. And that draft report also says that pubic transport needs to be encouraged. But doesn't say how getting someone to catch a diesel bus reduces emissions compared to driving an electric car.
Feb 3, 8:01pm
I wonder how well Fire engines will work on just electricity?
Feb 4, 12:29am that was you.
Feb 4, 2:00am
What can I say, I always root for the underdog.
Feb 4, 2:22am
Don’t blame this government. It’s a world wide move needed because of our own behaviour. Yes I’m greenie petrol head. Conflicted!
Feb 4, 2:25am
Motorbikes. Now this is my biggest concern. Down south on my triple touring around. Hope to hell they come up with new battery tech or new propulsion soon cause I don’t think I can cope without my motorcycle. And short hops with fixed stops is the worst possible scenario for a bike. Ps, gas is expensive in Haast!
Feb 4, 3:57am
Yes, but it is most likely going to cost more to put in a gas hot water heater than a simple hot water cylinder, and a hot water cylinder doesn't require any, or very minimal maintenance and often lasts for about 30 odd years before requiring replacement.
Feb 4, 4:11am
Bikes will be fine as the batteries that are heavy can sit low in the chassis helping with balance so just a matter of who does it first.
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