These new 4680 batteries from Tesla look to be around half the weight for the same energy density, so that's a quick way of knocking 50kg off an electric bike's weight. assuming you don't want to double the range that is. And if they can extend the recharge cycles of a lithium metal style battery you'd be looking at one fifth the weight of today's lithium ion batteries.
Feb 4, 6:48am
Wow watch the prices of petrol cars come down down down in thenext year
Feb 4, 7:04am
4680 batteries are a pipe dream. Battery day was a scam just like hyper loop.
this mickey mouse country should sit back and watch the rest of the world to see what happens with all the different ideas and impliment any that are needed and work. we cannot modify the atmosphere on our own much to the discust of the greenies and do gooders.
Feb 4, 7:32am
China is laughing at the West stifling their own economies while the Chinese can pollute all day long.
Feb 4, 7:49am
I wonder what is relay driving the economic change in china they are trying to get rid of motorbikes off the road, look up there "urban management police" it isnt to dissimilar from the window dressing in European countries, very gentrification like, its actually shocking.
Feb 4, 7:54am
Oh but the Greenies will say 'We have to start somewhere' but really a lot of what they're doing is not going to work so well as the theory - well not untill science catches up. For example Electric vehicles. Yeah great idea as far as lower pollution goes - direct pollution anyway. No exhaust gasses etc. BUT what about the pollution 'footprint' caused by the required materials used in the manufacture.
Really they should be focusing on Stupid Sh*t which happens every day like for instance the fish that is caught in our oceans and then exported to China for 'processing' and returned here to be sold in Supermarkets as pre-packaged frozen fillets. INSANITY.
Again the meat we produce here, (yes theres a lot of it), and ship 18,000 Km to England - yeah thats EIGHTEEN THOUSAND KILOMETERS to England - again F*cking Stupidity. This stuff goes on ALL the time. Every day things are shuffled from one side of the world to the other unnecessarily. It all only happens for 'economic gain'. That's money to the ignorant amongst you all ! It's crazy stupidity and yet the politicians, greenies, whoever focus on the more visible and EASY targets. Like the ever suffering public. "Hey" they say "Lets do something which will make us look good - oh and we'll pick the easy targets". Doh !
Politicians. Grrrrr.
Feb 4, 8:01am
You forgot the biggie. All those logs that go to China only to return as finished products.
Feb 4, 8:03am
Ships burning crude oil, how many thousands of liters, best focus on coal, we could stop the pasteurization of milk to reduce power usage, now that might make a difference, to reduce heavy metal pollution from burning coal for power usage.
Feb 4, 8:03am
Theres a lot I didn't mention. Theres a crazy amount of stuff going on in that regard. If it was logically investigated and improved then I'm sure our contribution to global warming and pollution could be dramatically reduced. It's just not sensible. It's all for money.
Feb 4, 8:05am
Nah. Mostly Hydro power used I'd guess. That could be improved. What about using oceans to generate power also ?
Feb 4, 8:08am
There were issues surrounding hydro power along time ago, it was destructive to something although i cant remember what exactly the arguments were, the ocean is an interesting idea though.
Feb 4, 8:08am
Maybe electric vehicles such as electric bicycles need resources to produce, but so do internal combustion vehicles.
Feb 4, 8:12am
China is booting bicycles of the road, and getting folks into cars, it is very hard to reverse such trends, the annoying helmet laws did that job here.
Feb 4, 8:18am
yah but currently ICE last Wayyyyyyyyy longer than Electric befoe the major components need replacing. In the case of electric yeah the actual motors and drive trains probably will last equally as long as an ICE but the motive power supplier, the battery, well that's a very different story. The scientists are getting more and more clever with that stuff tho.
Yet I still say that aside from current and future improvements in our technology, it's MANAGEMENT of the resouces we already have that is the key.
STOP exporting crap thousands of KM's and then re-importing it. It's all so bloody inefficient.
Feb 4, 8:22am
You dont get it though, if we import our coal we reduce our methane, and burn gallons of oil over the ocean, but we reduce our methane.
Feb 4, 8:37am
How do we reduce our methane by importing coal - wouldn't we be better off burning the coal we already have ? Or does the foreign coal produce less methane somehow ?
Feb 4, 9:34am
Because digging up our coal means methane emissions, and yes it would be better in the long run than importing it.
Feb 4, 10:19am
Well would we reduce the methane emissions given out during the digging process if we burnt the coal before we dug it up ? Win/win 👍
Feb 4, 10:35am
How long does the average car last before going to the scrap yard? Maybe 25 years, in which time is has required a lot of maintenance such as oil and filter changes, clutch changes, cambelt changes, air and fuel filter changes, oil seal changes, and quite possibly a head gasket change.
Electric cars will require none of that as they have less moving parts and create less heat.
The batteries should easily last for 10+ years as they will be using decent cells.
Also the battery technology may potentially improve.
Feb 4, 11:05am
stupidest part of all this is the The independent Climate Change Commission was set up in 17 December 2019. a year back by green party especially to come to this conclusion. not real facts. not real foresight. most conclusions total unthought through and just an attempt to get green party re elected
Feb 4, 11:05am
Oh I definitely the battery tech will improve.
As for ICE car maintenance etc, our last two Honda cars had 10,000km oil and filter changes, cam belts at 100,000km intervals, and bugger all other maintenance except for perhaps brake shoes. One did 312,000km before we sold it. And it was in great condition at sale. The other developed some mystery problem at about 170,000 so it got sold to a wrecker. I know the number plate is still in use and all it most likely needed was either a new engine or computer.
Anyway the point is, at this time ICE are not that bad. Yep sure electric will become better and better but also there are many many countries and localities where electric simply won't happen.
Feb 4, 11:08am
Oh i get what you were saying now, yes it releases the methane in some other country before it is shipped here, looks good for the books thats about it.
Feb 4, 11:46am
1966 car - one waterpump,, one intake gasket set, two headlights, a windscreen washer pump, an axle bearing and ‘some’ batteries, used more of them than anything apart from oil filters and oil.
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