Destroy the planet? This planet will shrug humanity off, and you won't even know we were here in ten thousand years, except for a thin layer of plastic ten meters down.
Feb 4, 12:25pm
It's unfortunate that many of humanity's 'leaders' refuse to lead by example. Al Gore made millions from speaking about climate change and lives in a mansion that uses five times the power of an average American house. Or climate crusader John Kerry flying to Iceland in his private jet to collect an award.
Feb 4, 12:53pm
So leading the world in top dressing fertiliser, climbing Everest, refrigerating produce for international export, women's votes, exploring Antarctica, 8 hour working week, powered flight and jet boats are all things we should have waited for someone else to do? New Zealand has long been a world leader in many things but you'd prefer us to be following the mob like sheep?
And I'm still waiting for one of you keyboard warriors to define what you mean by "greenie". Or is it just that that is the by-word for someone with concern for our environment, that excludes the 'greenie bashers'?
Feb 4, 1:06pm
if you think ev's will not need maintainance you are not living in the real world.
Feb 4, 1:09pm
but we all drowned according to 'gore'
Feb 4, 1:12pm
Why ?
Oh and "8 hour working week" sounds great - where do we sign up?
Feb 4, 1:12pm
were did i bad mouth nz exactly. or is that just brain fade in your tiny little world. the climate will still be here well after we have all gone or are you staying to prove me wrong.
Feb 4, 1:18pm
Check out the quote of your post #161 where you say "this mickey mouse country should sit back and watch the rest of the world to see what happens with all the different ideas and impliment any that are needed and work. " And you're accusing me of brain fade!
Feb 4, 1:27pm
Because so many posters use the term as an insult whereas those of us that of us that are doing our best to keep the planet habitable by humans regard our attitude as commendable. I'm genuinely trying to figure out if the 'greenie bashers' are really that hell bent on their own demise.
Feb 4, 1:38pm
Good on you for caring, it's important to do what you can as an individual to minimise your impact on the planet. This is why I've planted a hectare of our property in native trees, and my extended family have created an eco-sanctuary out of a couple of hundred hectares of hilly farmland. But it's important to also realise that much of the climate hysteria is being driven by political agendas, resulting in weakened democracies in the West for whatever reason. China, the greatest polluter by far, gets to chug merrily along, poisoning the land, air and stripping the oceans.
Feb 4, 1:40pm
Ah but not everyone who uses the term 'greenie' is a 'basher' either. They could be, but they also might be on the side of the greenies or they might be being devils advocate or they might be entirely neutral or.
Anyway 'hell bent on their own demise' is a bit rich considering that anyone alive today will be unlikely indeed to die as a direct cause from any climate changes etc.
Feb 4, 1:41pm
Well said and well done.
Feb 4, 2:19pm
Damn those greenies, wanting to conserve resources! We should use them all up now! Screw future generations!
Feb 4, 3:07pm
me using my share now
Feb 4, 3:24pm
Why use the term greeny - well it's a nice way of saying something without the f word in it, look, we were all going to die in the year 2000, then there was dream that we would all be under water by now, remember the ozone layer was out of control and we were all going to be fried - the list goes on. Only yesterday i read the world is spinning faster on its axis. you know the best answer for this, is a shut down of the media, if I walk outside right now, the world looks the same as it did back in 1957, the suns still shining, there is a smell of loverly baked grass and the wind is cooling down the evening, just like it has for hundreds of years. Now just watch some greeny arsewipe trash the day with fear and hypertension, taxes and control.
Feb 4, 3:26pm
Despite China's questionable environmental impact they also have a totalitarian government that is capable of changing their practices very rapidly. They have banned fossil fuel powered motorcycles, in favour of electric 'scooters', and have adopted PV at a massive scale. By sheer social control they managed to snub out the initial outbreak of COVID19 which is in stark contrast to many other countries; the US in particular. They have the ability to change course very rapidly.
What China is doing is plundering our planet to the advantage of its population which is especially noticeable because that is 1.4 billion or close to a fifth of Earth's humans. The real fear is what demands that will place on the world's resources if even a relatively small portion of China's population reaches the consumption rates of more developed countries such as the US, Europe and Australasia. If China starts consuming at the rate that we do the planet is really stuffed, but we're so busy crowing about how bad China's environmental record is when all they're doing is trying to catch up with us.
What does that say about our practices, and isn't that in itself a good reason to lead by example rather than wait for 'the others' to show us how to? Running around laying blame is just using denial as an excuse.
Feb 4, 3:38pm
China never beat the virus, they lied. Any attempts at greenism is done to reduce their dependence on imported energy, the CCP cares nothing for the environment. NZ is 101 out of 112 countries in the pollution index, nothing we can do will make any difference. The only way you are going to make any headway on global pollution is to massively cut birth rates. China has increased the number of children families can have. Africa will be the next problem, they are experiencing massive population growth. That increasing population will require more fossil fuels and resources. Your attempts at feel good greenism matter not in the slightest- except to your conscience.
Feb 4, 4:01pm
Feb 4, 8:26pm
No new cars after 2032. So we are still going to import 2nd hand Japanese import cars then?
Feb 5, 12:24am
Great discussion. It is important we can continue debate the future of our planet and this great nation. Totally off topic by me, but have any of you by chance read whirlpool in Australia ? It is a platform specifically created for this type of social interaction, on any subject. As good as T/M is currently for this type of interaction, I think we need a similar website in NZ.
Feb 5, 1:35am
This thread is why TradeMe killed off lots of message boards.
Reddit is better for people having some informed discussion on topic and off topic rants get voted down pretty quickly.
Feb 5, 2:14am
Yes, this is why I raised the issue. The way T/M eliminated other non TM topics tells me they don't particularly like running message board. They could cull again. Is there a section devoted to NZ discussion on Reddit ?
Feb 5, 3:20am
mickey mouse in terms of land area compared to other countries. MM in population compared to some CITIES not countries. that is what i mean . oh, and i know what i wrote and my memory works for more than an hour.
Feb 5, 3:32am
Google yourself a picture of NZ superimposed over Europe and be prepared to be suprised. NZ is quite a bit larger than many countries.
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