and in the rest of the world there is nothing, or maybe water
Feb 5, 5:55am
Most cylists, myself included, didnt ride less because of hemet laws. They make sense. Most people I talk to ride less due to traffic issues
Feb 5, 6:06am
Yes, but per the statistics, there was a massive drop off in cycle usage after the helmet laws were brought in.
Feb 5, 6:24am
The 16 largest ships produce more sulphur oxide fumes than all the fossil cars on the planet. They burn the dirtiest fuel there is (bunker oil). But forcing these ships to burn cleaner fuel would make cheap junk from China a little bit more expensive, and we can't have that. While I believe the world needs to find an alternative to fossil fuel for transport, it's important to target any action where the most difference can be made. Taxing the West is all about subjugation, so we will submit meekly to our new socialist masters.
Feb 5, 7:42am
Why would a change of government change something that is fast becoming the norm the world over? By 2035 you'll be struggling to buy a vehicle with an ICE as the world's automotive suppliers change over to alternate vehicles. It's not like petrol or diesel vehicles will be banned after that date just no more ICE vehicles being sold new. Even China will require that all new cars sold after 2035 be eco-friendly “new energy vehicles”.
Feb 5, 7:46am
It dropped of sharply after the 90s here particularly universities, some still rode but many didnt and opted for cars instead there use to be streams of pushbikes that turned into streams of cars.
Feb 5, 8:11am
yes, and the great thing about that is you will only work 1 day a week as we do not have the capability to generate enough electricity to run all those cars and an electric country.
Feb 5, 8:12am
It was the final reason for me to stop riding my bicycle in Chch. Have never owned a cycle helmut
Feb 5, 8:38am
So you're predicting that the sun will stop shining by then too? Not too difficult to run an EV on PV if you are organised to do so, and even easier to run an office/workplace (during daylight hours).
Feb 5, 8:48am
your perfect world. homes,work, and solar panels between the two. who needs the country side it is messy and has all those farting cows. get with it, spread a bit of CO2 around it helps the green things grow
Feb 5, 9:28am
Who is Helmut ?
Feb 5, 9:39am
Just ride an electric bicycle to work if you can't be bothered riding a normal bicycle to work.
Feb 5, 10:58am
Probably because it coincided with cheap imported cars?
Otherwise it would have been because some people thought they’d send a message to the rule makers along the lines of “Huh, if I have to wear a helmet while riding a bike I won’t jolly well ride a bike - THAT will show them!”
And then in line with that they went and removed the seatbelts from their cars ( most likely)
Feb 5, 10:59am
Some German guy that people wear on their head?
Feb 6, 6:39am
thats what i said. "if I have to wear a helmet while riding a bike I won’t jolly well ride a bike " also at same moved from levin where i was 2 minutes on bike from work to wellington
Feb 6, 1:45pm
so what, there was an ice age, now its time for a warm up before we go into another ice age, it's a cycle and has nothing to do with man, man will kill itself off far quicker than the planet will ever do with war, drugs in all forms and greed.
Feb 6, 1:53pm
true but there is hardly any people here, and that's a good thing, close the border and drive petrol cars as much as you want and compare our pollution to england.
Feb 6, 2:48pm
I don't usually put much creedance in John Cadogan's offerings but he's making a bit of sense in this one:
Feb 6, 10:02pm
Greedy is haveing the police helicopter going all day to appeases peoples irrational fears about those slightly different than them, and the phony war on dwugs, wich is total nonsense, burning hundreds of liters, i walked past some gang members the other day and they are now less scary than the bloody police! will that still be buzzing around wasting precious resources while everyone is forced into ev,s?
Feb 6, 11:22pm
human greed and stupidity will see us deing in self driveing car crashes because of foot stamping and screaming about ridiculous ideas like driving on prescription meds remember the add "do you have a problem with that" no i dont, i have a problem with some angry toss pot pulling on his reflective vest getting out of a patrol car to harass someone who likely hadnt broken a law looking like his ass is on fire to bitch and moan at them about bugger all and wasteing there time about nothing.
Feb 7, 2:35am
Any you are pretty f. naive.
Feb 7, 4:41am
There's no need for abuse, just because you don't agree with someone's point of view.
Feb 7, 11:19am
You might believe that, because that is what you've been told. But you still insist on buying cheap Chinese junk, shipped over on the worst polluting devices on the planet. So that would make you a hypocrite.
Feb 7, 11:44am
And it's the shrill screamers, the spittle spraying downshouters who demand that anyone who doesn't mumble the official narrative be censored, deleted or disappeared completely who are the enemy of your children. An old feller driving an old car is zero risk to you or your kids.
Feb 7, 12:17pm
So how do you know that we are on the verge of an environmental catastrophe, other than being told so? How do you know what percentage is man-made, over the percentage prescribed to sun activity? Because I've seen evidence from scientists on both sides. And if it's really so bad, why does China, the world's largest polluter and resource stripper get to do whatever they want, while an old bloke in NZ gets beaten over the head for having a V8? The biggest issue in the world is that there are too many people for too little resources, so the best thing you could do for the planet is just not have kids.
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