So what are the new Mufti police cars then ?

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gunna-1, Dec 2, 1:01pm
They should ban unmarked police cars, not speeding when overtakeing is a funny idea that isnt grounded in logic, and should remain a gray area as far as enforcement goes, it is unsafe to watch the speed overtakeing and you need to judge speed and distance while you are doing the maneuver, if you are passing a car doing 90 you could do anywhere between 105 and 120, ks overtakeing, or 130 if you get into trouble, say another car comeing the opposit direction is going to fast and you need to take action to pull it of safely, if you have allmost completed the maneuver your only option is to boot it, and if a cop is anywhere in sight you might as well dig your nails into the wheel and bear doing 90 for a while.

nick91111, Dec 3, 3:27am
Yep, they are in Canterbury too.

tgray, Dec 3, 3:33am
Oh you do, do you? Tell you what - I don't find you driving at 130kph acceptable at all on a public road under any circumstances.

ebygum1, Dec 3, 5:55am
That car has been here for a while now, the " roofrack " is the lightbar, looks just like a rack untill the pretty red and blue lights start flashing. Spends a lot of time on SH3, pulls them up on a regular basis

laurelanne, Dec 3, 7:09am
Settle down tgray. I'm not gawking at the speedo when I'm overtaking. It is an estimate of a speed the vehicle could get up to. If speedo does touch 130kph, the actual speed is always less.

gunna-1, Dec 3, 8:31am
What about passing trucks if someone is speeding in the opposite direction and you have to take action, i,ve been in a car where there was sufficient room to pass a truck and for no reason it got real hairy halfway past the truck, the driver of the car i was in got upto 130, from about 110 to pull it of without crashing.

tygertung, Dec 3, 9:53am
There is certainly no need to go 130 km/h which is illegal, but I guess you are one of those "good drivers" who won't crash.

If you are overtaking a car which is going 80 km/h and you are travelling at 100 km/h, that is a difference of 20 km/h or 5.6 metres per second.

Seeing as the average vehicle is 4.5 metres, that means you will be able to get passed the the other car in less than 1 second.

Of course you will need to allow a couple of more seconds to close the gap between you and that car, but not very many seconds.

No need to exceed the speed limit by a factor of 30%. Ensure there is sufficient clearance to oncoming traffic before passing. If you are going faster, you are going to come closer to hitting the oncoming traffic.

bill1451, Dec 3, 10:01am
Hahha T Gray I could be wrong but dont you sell cars that would probably just about do double that (well nearly)

bryalea, Dec 3, 10:45am
You have overlooked the fact that the car you are passing is increasing speed as you pass, so by the time you are beside it the other car is going at least 105 km/hr. This seems to be the "thing to do" when being overtaken these days. At least 50% of the time I attempt to pass something that has been travelling at 90-95Km for a long way, when I go to pass I am unable to do so even at 105, This generally occurs on a passing lane.

tygertung, Dec 3, 11:07am
Well if they've sped up, no need to pass then eh?

tweake, Dec 3, 11:39am

tgray, Dec 3, 11:47am
Correct. I just sold my 2019 Corvette that I had for a year, and I never once got it to 130kph.

cjohnw, Dec 3, 12:26pm
But you obviously got it in excess of 100kph regularly?

wind.turbine, Dec 3, 12:57pm
The Acardia's are nasty, you cannot tell them apart, there is one hanging about in northland that I have seen a few times pull people over, only time you know its a cop is when its got its lights going, it doe not have any extra aerials other than the standard radio so bloody cunning you really cant see them around till its too late!

tgray, Dec 3, 1:05pm
I really didn't, although flooring it in second gear to 100k on a regular basis was fun.

framtech, Dec 3, 2:10pm
A good driver will slow down if being passed, I am so over assholes that make it difficult to pass because their egos are bigger than their abilities,
The latest head on crash involving a truck where three young girls were killed is a reminder that you have a right of care of other road users, If you want to be a dick and travel under the speed limit then keep left and let road users who want to travel at the speed limit pass without tuning the exercise into a race of chicken.
I was following a guy towing a boat the other day who was travelling between 95 and 98 kph but kept slowing down around the corners, when the passing lane came, while I was passing him he speed up to around 115 kph and I had to climb up to around 130kph to get pass this tosser safely.
If you are that guy, you are a prat that will kill someone one day.

alowishes, Dec 3, 2:27pm
Sadly a lot don’t stay ‘sped up’

franc123, Dec 3, 2:52pm
Oh yes there is, what you do to these people who think 110kph is warranted when two lanes become three after travelling at 85kph for a long time and holding traffic up, then drift back to 85 again when the lane finishes, if by chance you havent had enough lane to pass them is to give them full beams and air horns a few feet behind the back bumper until they pull off the road and let you past. Works really well in the dark, I've done it before and will do it again. Inconsiderate tossers, stay off the highway if you cant drive properly.

tygertung, Oct 14, 4:45pm
The speed limit for towing is 90 km/h so they are already going faster than they are allowed to go.