So what are the new Mufti police cars then ?

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buyit59, Nov 30, 3:27pm
Wonder if they bought the Holden Acardia's before GM left ?

franc123, Nov 30, 3:32pm
They may well be Equinoxes. They couldnt be given away those things, as per the ZB Commodore.

gpg58, Nov 30, 3:38pm
Thought 1 i spotted a few days ago, that was an astra rs in grey(looked too small to be a toilet door)which had the usual aerials.
Certainly fast enough for them IMO, as i have a 2020 RSV which goes really good, getting to real silly speeds real quick(not that i have tested aye. )

esprit, Nov 30, 4:15pm
New incognito highway patrol cars are SUVs supposedly

esprit, Nov 30, 5:10pm

paul861, Dec 1, 1:01am
saw an acadia in te kuiti saturday, charcole in colour,blacked out grill. apparently the cunning sods are putting roofracks with ladders etc on them and bike racks on the towbar

orphic1, Dec 1, 1:58am
They had a white Hiace van in the ’80s, (builders van) complete with a ladder on the roof that used to cruise the Foxton Straights.
The giveaway on mufti cars is the second aerial.

alowishes, Dec 1, 2:36am
You’ll have to have great eyes to spot that extra aerial in time when the mufti is coming towards you on the Foxton Straights.!

3tomany, Dec 1, 3:25am

alleycatz, Dec 1, 3:35am
silver acadia here in BOP

franc123, Dec 1, 6:28am
Especially at 170 km/h.

voyager4, Dec 1, 7:10am
Apparently squad cars will be Skodas

buyit59, Dec 1, 10:17am
Hope they don't have the bike rack blocking the reg number. that is a traffic offence !. And the loaded roof rack will use more fuel .

lookoutas, Dec 1, 10:50am
I saw that too. Nice lady pulled over and let me past, then followed and waited for me to overtake!

trogedon, Dec 1, 12:46pm
Hyperbole right here; "Police are introducing a new fleet of unmarked vehicles - and motorists are warned any car around them could now be police." "any car"?

saxman99, Dec 1, 2:14pm
Yup, gotta watch those ‘84 civics.

franc123, Dec 1, 2:40pm
What's ironic is they're mostly runout rejected Holdens they would have got dirt cheap. For car people they're actually quite distinctive as theres so few of them about.

laurelanne, Dec 1, 2:57pm
I am sure 90% of us aren't going to notice any difference. When they do ping some poor bugger for doing 130kph when passing, I hope they take note of the guy doing 80kph with a line of cars behind him that their victim has just managed to escape from.

saxman99, Dec 1, 3:35pm
Yeah, right.

tygertung, Dec 2, 1:01am
If they are only going 80, should be pretty easy to pass doing only 100, no need to go 130.

bill-robinson, Dec 2, 1:15am
gets you back on your own side of the road quicker, which is safer.

franc123, Dec 2, 1:53am
Damn right, get it over with ASAP.

laurelanne, Dec 2, 2:02am
The hardest passing is when someone towing a trailer is being held up. I have a RAV4 diesel and I find 130kph quite an acceptable speed if you are trying to clear a couple of vehicles. Passing would be the only time I ever run the risk of getting a ticket.

bill-robinson, Dec 2, 3:35am
should have passed them both at the same time (#24)

familiadude1, Dec 2, 3:37am
Saw an equinox a few days ago had pulled someone up