They were selling it "as traded". ie took it as part payment for the car they sold. Therefore they did own it and were not selling on for the pervious owner.
Feb 22, 1:48am
Do they have any other cars for sale on Trademe? Curious to take a look at who it was.
Feb 22, 2:59am
I can. A dealer has legal obligations under CGA etc . A dealer stating they ARE trying to avoid their obligations will have their adverts removed. In this case the WOF was expired and the dealer stated they were not renewing it
Feb 22, 3:06am
You believe wrong. PRIVATE sellers are allowed to. Dealers are not. Rephrase- Private sellers can simly put --sold as is where is etc. A dealer cant sell as is but can state a list of faults with the vehicle. The vehicle is still covered under the CGA just not for the very specific faulty items listed.
Feb 22, 3:10am
If legally challenged over this they are likely to get nailed
Feb 22, 3:12am
Not true.--all a private seller has to do is add in AS IS WHERE IS to their advert and theres no requirement for a wof
Feb 22, 6:29am
Well many dealers are openly advertising like this Trademe about “selling of behalf of a client”. So I think it’s a practice that is more common than you think. They will then hard sell warranties with the car so if there is a problem the buyer would claim warranty instead of trying their ground on CGA.
Feb 22, 6:38am
Some ads don’t even say it’s traded. Just says they are selling on behalf. And we all know the only reason that’s even mentioned is to try and have the customer not come back to them if there is an issue. They well know that if challenged in a dispute they will loose. But it’s a game of roulette they are willing to play as selling a car under a dealer yard earns more than selling it wholesale.
Sep 10, 2:57pm
So report it to Commerce Commission. To Trade me as well. It only takes ONE customer to say "no its not OBO I traded it in" and they are in deep trouble.
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