". in saying that a GW ute had halved its value ." Talk it up all you like but half of maybe 20k is still less than you could lose on a mainstream brand ute. I'm not saying I'm a fan of these utes but there are other things to consider & it's always good to have different perspective.
Sep 28, 3:26am
Would be a 4G64 or 4G69 2.4L. 4G93 is a 1.8L. The 2.2 models use the Toyota 4Y pushrod engine.
Sep 28, 3:34am
About time you got a taste of your own medicine, besides I wasn??
Sep 28, 3:42am
Just going off the ID Tag on the fire wall of the ute says a 4G93. maybe when they copied the engine from Mitsy they forgot to copy the correct engine code lol.
Sep 28, 4:04am
DUH ME! Point taken, it was a GW 4x4 ute, v240/x240or something like that. Sorry. Fish
Sep 28, 4:06am
From what I understand, they use old Surf Chassis, with old Hilux "Y" engines, and Mitsi Engines with bodies copied from Nissan and Isuzu.
Sep 28, 3:00pm
yes i seen one of these in ric mall and thought they were very nice and a very attractive price. then i seen it was chinese. wouldnt touch it! rather pay the extra for a jappa. but hey thats just me
Sep 28, 3:03pm
Are they European!
Sep 28, 3:24pm
If you went back 30 years you would find that statement made about Jap cars, still is in many places. In a global market i can't believe people are still hung up on brand names etc, simply crazy!
Sep 28, 3:35pm
And you paid the extra for a Japanese one then! How much did you pay!
Sep 28, 4:16pm
Honda has been manufacturing their Jazz In China since 2005, that??
Sep 28, 5:03pm
Some may be under license but they blatantly stole a whole car from Fiat with no license at all to do so, they are not allowed to import the car they knocked off into Europe by court order. Stealing just one car like that is equivalent to the theft of many millions of dollars. Moral issues aside would you trust the safety of your family to a company of thieves!
Sep 28, 5:08pm
Completely untrue. Why on earth do you keep spouting such rubbish, your a complete idiot without the faintest clue. I am not sure what your connection is to Chinese vehicle imports in NZ but every time the subject comes up you seem to emerge from the undercurrents and spread blatant lies and untruth's.
People are not as stupid as you think they are, we can see right through your technique of taking a fact and completely twisting and misconstruing it into something completely untrue.
Kindly go away and come back when you have learned to tell the truth.
Sep 28, 5:12pm
Their are several reasons actually: 1. Safety standards 2. Quality standards (you have to preserve your brand image) 3. The Japanese and European manufacturers tend to have to pay for their own R & D by legitimate means.
I am referencing Great Wall specifically here, there may be other Chinese manufacturers who are legitimate in their business dealings who also strive for reasonable standards of quality and safety. However their costs like every one else's will reflect that. Like I said there is no special "Chinese magic wand" that allows them to produce equivalent quality sophisticated automobiles for substantially less than anyone else. They do have some small labour cost advantages etc but it dosn't equate to them building the same vehicle for half the cost.
Sep 28, 5:24pm
Just to clarify, no one is trying to pretend that Japanese/European manufacturers don't outsource some of their manufacturing and assembly to China. However the design of the vehicle and the quality of parts and assembly is still very much under the control of the company.
mapman is trying very hard to twist that to try and have us believe that means a Honda Jazz etc will only be as good as Great Wall product, which couldn't be further from the case.
Its like saying a Snap-on tool that happens to be manufactured in china is the equivilent to the same item from a $2 shop.
Sep 28, 5:41pm
More importantly would you trust the safety ofyour family to a company that stole a Fiat to copy!
Sep 28, 5:54pm
You want me to disappear because I tell the truth and it doesn't fit your love affair with a certain brand. Tossing your lollies about only showcases your not getting your own way, which is the flip side of the truth. On this occasion I merely point out that Fiat named their Panda car after an animal that comes from China and Fiats source certain engines from China because their engines were not up to spec. Now here is the thing jazzman, if the Fiat engines were up to spec and better than the Chery Chinese engines, they would use them would they not!
Sep 28, 5:55pm
Here is another fact to make your blood boil, the first Chinese made Fiat was made by Nanjing Automobile Corporation way back in 2001. Don??
Sep 28, 6:21pm
You are making silly and very, verywrong assumptions and portraying them as fact. If Fiats engines are not up to spec then why have they just cleaned up the Engine of the year awards! Why does the rest of the world use Fiat engines except this tiny pocket of Fiats made for the Chinese market!
What exactly would not be up to spec! Emissions, reliability, economy!
You are trying to make a big thing about something that is done as a little domestic project in China and has absolutely nothing to do with the 99% of other Fiats made or any of the Fiat vehicles in NZ.
You clearly don't have even the tiniest understanding of Fiat vehicles or their engines and have just read something somewhere and have drawn all kinds of bizarreconclusions from it.
Just more of your weird ramblings trying to turn something into something its not to fit your own strange and incorrect view point. Your peppering your threads with some specific and random information like address's from Wiki or wherever does not make what you are saying true.
Sep 28, 6:29pm
I need popcorn, and I need it now!
Sep 28, 6:42pm
If that's the case, then they should be pretty good.
Sep 28, 6:48pm
Indeed! Interesting to see both sides of the story though.
Sep 28, 7:11pm
If your suggesting that Alfa Romeo and Fiat only use there Chery engines for small domestic projects in China then your very ignorant. The name of the Chery engine used by Fiat and Alfa Romeo is the ???Acteco??
Sep 28, 9:13pm
I am well aware of the acteco engines, you have spouted this rubbish on here before about them. So just what have you imported with acteco engines then!
Perhaps you would like to show us some Fiats on trademe with these Acteco engines!
Sep 28, 9:31pm
Aha, the good old Dog and Lemon Guide which basically states that unless it is a Toyota it is a piece of shite.
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