JAZZ WHAT YOU SAY IS Completely untrue. Why on earth do you keep spouting such rubbish, your a complete idiot without the faintest clue. I am not sure what your connection is to FIAT VEHICLE IMPORTS in NZ but every time the subject comes up you seem to emerge from the undercurrents and spread blatant lies and untruth's.
People are not as stupid as you think they are, we can see right through your technique of taking a fact and completely twisting and misconstruing it into something completely untrue.
You clearly don't have even the tiniest understanding of NON=FIAT vehicles or their engines and have just read something somewhere and have drawn all kinds of bizarre conclusions from it.
Just more of your weird ramblings trying to turn something into something its not to fit your own strange and incorrect view point. Your peppering your threads with some specific and random information like address's from Wiki or wherever does not make what you are saying true.
Kindly go away and come back when you have learned to tell the truth. (There, I fixed it.)
Sep 28, 10:34pm
LOL nicely done!
Sep 28, 10:39pm
Jazz, there was actually a point to what I just posted.I trust you get it.
Sep 28, 11:01pm
Both Fiat and GW imported by the same person.
Sep 28, 11:02pm
Now there's irony for ya!
Sep 28, 11:07pm
Yip, I have pointed that out in past too. I can't believe Fiat stand for it.
Although its a company obviously not a person.
Sep 28, 11:11pm
But what if it's true! <disclosure - I don't own a Toyota, and never have> A concern that I have with D&L is that it's easy to find older articles, which may no longer apply.Example these Great Wall utes.It;s easy to find them panned by D&L for poor fuel consumption and crappy safety rating - probably true at the time, as well as other comments they made.But the new one (240 model) has reasonable fuel economy and a 5 star euro safety rating. Some of the other general comments they make are worthwhile, comparison between car duty cycle in NZ market vs foreign markets, about the likely fate of cars packed with electronic gizmos which will fail, about how illogical SUV ownership can be <second disclosure - I have a large SUV, have owned it for 12 years, and overall it's been the best vehicle that I've ever owned - for my needs >I also tend to agree with their comments about euro cars, that sometime in about the '80s, they tweaked to the fact that in a world market, the beautifully hand-crafted cars made by the Germans (with some notable exceptions) had no commercial future, so they changed the commercial model around, and that has a big TCO impact for owners in markets like NZ. As always, YMMV.
Sep 29, 1:13am
UTVs, one with the 3 cylinder 800cc 12 valve DOHC & a 4 cylinder 1100cc 16 Valve DOHC. These are solid engines and John Deere has now dropped their old engine for the Gator and replaced it with the Chery 3 cylinder 800cc 12 valve DOHC. Go on the JD website and see how happy they are with the Chery engine, but no doubt your about to shoot me down again with your negative crap. What have you imported Jazz and what do you base your knowledge on! Maybe we can get to the root of your problem.
Sep 29, 1:24am
its not often i agree whith you jazz but mapman is a tosser who says things he cant backup, he is so oppiniated he makes you look neutral lol
Sep 29, 1:33am
LOL, thanks.
No doubt you are enjoying the above post as much as I. Somehow because mapman has imported some UTV's with Chery engines the Fiat cars on the road here have magically had their fiat engines evaporate and have Chery engines fitted instead.
I think he may be better served laying off the importing and instead look intomaking money out of selling whatever mind altering substance he is taking. it must be good stuff!
Sep 29, 1:37am
Oh and for your information mapman, I import things on a weekly basis and have even imported the odd car. As you will no doubt deduce this of course makes me an expert on the geology of the moon.
Sep 29, 1:42am
Needless to say 3tomany & myself have got history and has not got enough brain cells to add to the topic, so like Jazz reverts to calling people names. People who don??
Sep 29, 1:45am
yea the utvs ! he claimed they were going to save many lives if farmers replaced there atvs with utvs but he was wrong utvs have a place butare dangerous if used as an atv. i wonder what happened to his utvs he imported! maybe they were to unreliable lol. or maybe a beach buggie just is no good on a farm
Sep 29, 1:56am
i am still farming that says a bit and my atv hasnt killed anyone. on the subject of utes i just bought a new ranger and did consider a chinese example but after all was considered the ranger came out on top in every respect ie: running costs, resale, fuel consumption, local service, traction, towing, space, [suicide doors], compatable aftermarket accessories and the list goes on so great wall didnt look great to me.
Sep 29, 1:59am
Just because you type it, it doesn??
Sep 29, 2:05am
UTV sales are on the up and biting into ATV sales, fact No. 1. Fact No.2 is nobody in NZ has been killed in a UTV accident, how many farmers die each year on a ATV Quad! Enough said.
Sep 29, 2:06am
The retail price for the Ranger came out on top by a country mile too. You should have a better Ute at the price difference, your point 3tomany, apart from being a lot poorer.
Sep 29, 2:07am
Whats a UTV! (seriously)
Sep 29, 2:08am
a beach buggy
Sep 29, 2:10am
sorry forgot to mention some people want farmers to ride beach buggys as an alternative to atvs big lol
Sep 29, 2:26am
shows how few are sold. 5 people died riding atvs last year and nearly every farmer has one. 5 people died driving tractors and nearly every farmer has one but tractors have a roll cage and most have seatbelts, yet the stats are the same ! how can this be !
Sep 29, 2:46am
I have never heard anyone call their John Deere Gator, Polaris Ranger, Honda Big Red, Joyner Trooper, Kawasaki Mule, Artic Cat Prowler, Kubota RTV 900, Can Am Commander, New Holland Rustler or a Yamaha Rhino a Beach Buggy. I wont call you any names 3tomany, but it??
Sep 29, 3:21am
If you hate motoring, and life in general, then by all means buy as muchChinese as you can "get the best deal on".
Sep 29, 3:26am
ok thats a tractor with seats lol, maybe i was a bit rough with you mapman sorry for name calling but i just cant see things the way you do facts allways seem to get in the way
Sep 29, 3:26am
foxy, long time no speak. You must of got an email from 3tomany. Looks like the western world hates life in general, because Chinese is all they buy.
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