Disappointing NZ Police (again!)

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crzyhrse, Nov 12, 6:55pm
Shame you're wrong. I get ticketed for nothing. More jumping to conclusions, piggy!

crzyhrse, Nov 12, 6:58pm
That's largely because they've moved away from hiring adults with common sense. Now they prefer idealistic children to work as Police.

crzyhrse, Nov 12, 7:00pm
I hear some of them are even so slow they're still handing out $400 infringement offence notices for provisional license condition breaches.

crzyhrse, Nov 12, 7:02pm
You've noticed that too! Perhaps they just need to get out more!

drew2009, Nov 12, 7:39pm
LOL i was once pulled over by one older officer who didn't even understand the graduated licencing system!
I was doing nothing wrong so i explained it all to him whilst desperately trying to keep a straight face.

drew2009, Nov 12, 7:44pm
God forbid that might ever happen. They might have to use their brains to observe things and learn something! Rather than just being told what to think by the govt.

crzyhrse, Nov 12, 7:56pm
Me too. When I was learning through a driving school through my high school we used to go in pairs - one driving and one as a passenger. A MoT motorcycle cop stopped when we were doing parallel parking and berated the instructor for permitting me to carry a passenger. The instructor carefully explained there was actually nothing wrong with carrying passengers other than just the supervisor on a learner's licence.

When the cop was finally convinced after a bit of time on the radio he admitted he was wrong and left sheepishly. My instructor had but one word for that cop. "Idiot".

Now you'd think that being MoT he'd have known the road rules inside out since he had nothing much else to remember! Apparently not.

bigboi22, Nov 13, 4:48am
no wonder people call them pigs and the filth.nz police suck

klrider, Nov 13, 12:46pm
Piggy.really! Thats it! What a sad and pathetic individual, going through life with such a chip on your shoulder must start to eat away at you. Is it because deep down you realise your prejudice is a product of your own bad choices! As a previous cop of 14 years, (betting I have plenty more in my past to be proud of than you do), I always find that people who use that term generally have a lifestyle far closer to a pig than even they themselves realise. Im also picking you are not bright enough to see how childish and petty your comments portray you to be, scoping the boards to find a place to air your misguided frustration despite the random connection.

drew2009, Nov 13, 6:43pm
Could say the same for people who call people dicks, muppets and imply they are idiots.
Seems to be a common problem amongst retired police officers, always demanding respect and seem to live the illusion that they are so much better than everyone else, a family friend recently left her ex cop husband of 10 years for that very reason.
What exactly have you got to be proud of!
The fact you were a shameless government drone for 14 years who didn't know any better!

drew2009, Nov 13, 7:02pm

Police come in 11th, down 2 places from last year.
Judges are down a couple of places to.

smac, Nov 13, 7:03pm
You're quoting RD.seriously!!

mopsy3, Nov 13, 7:17pm
Ever heard of a trailer! Simple really.

drew2009, Nov 13, 7:53pm
A surveys a survey. I could always quote the one where police were in the top 10 most untrusted.
The RMR survey that klrider mentioned is for Australia and New Zealand, where as the RD survey is for New Zealand only.

crzyhrse, Nov 13, 8:27pm

crzyhrse, Nov 13, 8:30pm
If you could read, you'd have realised he's not actually doing anything illegal but the cops has issuued an ION regardless. It's like getting an ION for not displaying a vehicle license when it is being displayed.

holden95, Nov 14, 2:11am
No mate not wrong. Right on the money "low intellect".

smac, Nov 14, 2:54am
Well actually.I think you'll find the OP started this whole thing on the idea he THOUGHT it would happen. Incredible really.

crzyhrse, Nov 14, 3:07am
Totally wrong. Hell, you don't even know your job yet you expect people to believe you know me! Muppet!

crzyhrse, Nov 14, 3:09am
Looks like it already has.

smac, Nov 14, 1:06pm
No, not saying it can't at all. I just think starting a thread to have a whinge about something that might happen is pathetic. As for being caught out before, he never did go into the details, and I don't think ever clarified whether or not he took the vehicle back to the cop to get it waived. All very light on detail, heavy on the bitching, usual story. Some angry people coming out of the woodwork in this thread.

mopsy3, Nov 14, 2:29pm
If the guy got a trailer he wouldnt have to be bleating on about a problem right or wrong. He wouldnt have to prove he was getting a W,O.F and he wouldnt have to spend days and days on here moaning about it with happy people like you. Simple really.

crzyhrse, Nov 14, 2:59pm
Entirely not the point of the OPs post, not that the cop has to waive the ION anyway.

crzyhrse, Nov 14, 3:00pm
I've forgotten more than you could ever hope to know.

smac, Nov 14, 3:33pm
I'm not gonna even attempt to figure out what the point was!