Disappointing NZ Police (again!)

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bellky, Nov 8, 10:53pm

klrider, Nov 9, 1:52am
By the minority!You are a crack up justyfying your own stupidy like that.

klrider, Nov 9, 1:57am
You seem to infer that use of discretion means you have been let off. Maybe they just realise you are a dick and use discretion to ticket you!

offrd1, Nov 9, 2:18am
Pity you can't debate a thread without name calling.makes you sound like a dick

kevymtnz, Nov 9, 2:25am
councils wof
wof expired by 5 wks
on way to 10am booking stopped in city to pickup other stuff while on the way
9.30am parking meter tosser posted ticket no wof
carried on went through wof no defects
returned to council and er sorry we give u one month grace
but my car did not fail so was in a wof condition
tough luck
i cant see the cops being any differant

thejazzpianoma, Nov 9, 4:02am
No no no, you have this all wrong.
1. Its "licenseing" not "registering" two very different things.
2. You can't license a vehicle without a current WOF. (with the exception of some classes of license, which are not applicable here).
3. The law allows you to use a vehicle that is both unlicensed AND un Wof'd on the road for the purposes of obtaining a WOF.

Hope that clarify's.

BTW, it would be really good if you could actually read and take some time to comprehend what I have posted.

You seem to think that booking a vehicle in for a WOF will prevent you getting a ticket and you also seem to think you also automatically get "compliance" if you are stopped without a WOF.

Neither of which are correct and form the basis of the problem.

Also, its already been explained that its far more efficient to check if a vehicle is booked in for a WOF on the side of the road than to issue a ticket.

thejazzpianoma, Nov 9, 4:09am
Anyhow, thankyou everyone. I am going to give this thread a swerve now as while there has been some great robust discussion its just descending into pointless circles now.
Please feel free to continue to post amongst yourselves if you wish.

klrider, Nov 9, 1:04pm
Thanks for permission to carry on without your insight

klrider, Nov 9, 1:04pm
Ummmm, google hypocrite

bellky, Nov 9, 1:41pm
i think this sums it all up

crzyhrse, Nov 9, 3:11pm
You're only saying that because you know I'm right.
Did you see Clownbull Live last night! They went through Manukau East where Ross Robertson has been their MP for 21 years and nobody they asked even recognised his photo. That's because they vote on colour (red) not policy due to their ignorance of what's actually happening around them.

crzyhrse, Nov 9, 3:13pm
LOL you've just gone all out to prove you know nothing! You'll get no argument from me on that point.

crzyhrse, Nov 9, 3:15pm
And everyone's situation is exactly the same, right! What a dips#1t.

elect70, Nov 9, 7:56pm
Guess they make the rules as they go , I recall they used to give you a ticket for no WOF but if you producedproofyou obtained 1 within 7 days & produced it toplods it waswiped .

thejazzpianoma, Nov 10, 3:26am
Its MY thread I started it. if I want to lease it to a hookers collective, run through it naked or take a smelly dump in the corner I will.
Jazz Out.

triangle1, Nov 10, 5:12am
Where did you get those figures! Last stats I saw said 40% of population does not trust cops in NZ. they need to smarten up big time. also parliament needs to stop passing more and more laws for the cops to enforce.and often stuff up.

holden95, Nov 10, 1:00pm
Well see why you get ticketed for every thing. Always found in my profession that those that revert to name calling were always the least intelligent

klrider, Nov 10, 1:07pm
What a joke, Police, as always, are among the most trusted professions in the country. Maybe 40% of the people you hang out with dont trust them, but clearly that is not representative of the population. Look at the latest OMR surveys.For police to be in the top few professions is very good, because they dont deal with good news for everyone, most instances they deal with will be a negative for one or other party, and yet they are among the most trusted professions. What stats did you see! A poll from the people at Occupy Dunedin maybe!

klrider, Nov 10, 1:08pm
While a muppet, that is funny.

drew2009, Nov 12, 3:31pm
Police officers who don't even understand traffic legislation aren't exactly known for their intelligence either.

xs1100, Nov 12, 4:14pm
"There is no reason why such a trip could not be logged automatically online if need be. But really this would all be a non-issue if the NZ Police were sensible and operated under the guise of common sense"

and whos going to pay to employ all the public servants to go through the records and check wether or not the recipient of the ticket had lodged a trip report stating they were going to the wof shop and wether or not the road they were on was the quickest way to their local wof station or wether they were merely driving without awof and then theres the whole bureaucracy around insurance claims as to wether or not you had a valid reason for not having a wof .so yeh better to just take your chances

drew2009, Nov 12, 4:38pm
Think of how much it costs you, the taxpayer every time an innocent person has to defend one of these rediculous tickets in court!

smac, Nov 12, 4:39pm
Because that happens.how often!

drew2009, Nov 12, 5:24pm
It wouldn't happen at all if there was a decent system in place.
Injustice happens alot more than you think, alot of it doesn't even reach the courts as people feel powerless to win.

My point was that the cost of implementing a system to make sure innocent people are not fined isn't all that expensive compared to all the court costs and wasted time the current system incurs. God forbid it might even be fair. Seems there are alot of people here who like getting tickets!

therafter1, Nov 12, 5:34pm
Unfortunately a lot that post here seem to operate on the principle that because it hasn't happened to them, then it does not happen !