No, simply no excuse for the Police's behavior. This is one of MANY occasions the Police have let me down, each time they were given every opportunity and I had done as much ground work for them as was humanly possible.
In the case of the laptop they were given a file with photo's (offender and items), names, Police file references, a synopsis of what had happened, a recent bio on the offender with where he had been who he had ripped off etc, other Police stations involved the whole shebang. I even organised the warrant for them for trademe (also had to ring and organise fingerprinting myself as well) They had 7 days to walk to the shop directly opposite the Police station and collect my goods yet they failed.
They also failed to pick up the offender on multiple occasions when we called to say he was at another shop and being kept busy until they arrived.
If you are not going to take my word on things then its a pointless debate.
Jan 2, 1:40am
As with all statististics, these "results" need to be taken with a huge dose of salt. Of those "surveyed", only 40% had any contact or personal experience with the Police. The remaining 60% of those "surveyed" could only offer opinion based on what they saw on TV or what their "mates" told them!
Jan 2, 1:45am
Yes yes, you told me all this 6 months ago or so.
You seem to be missing something. The police are not here to explain their side of it. I don't make conclusions until I've heard both sides of the story.
Anyway, I'm going out now. Have a nice evening.
Jan 2, 1:47am
as much as we disagree on some things mate that truly sucks!i wouldn't wish that on anyone i hope your insurance pays out, shame on the Police that is disgusting, and if they did arrive they would probably look over your car with a fine tooth comb and give you a ticket for anything they could possibly find.
Jan 2, 4:40am
hand & glove
remember, 100 million a year for the government is the goal
Jan 2, 3:36pm
Look what I started, oh dear!
Jan 2, 5:06pm
They never take full credit. They always say its down to drivers. Sorry to ruin your pointless point.
Jan 2, 7:19pm
Funny , I had mini stolen many years agoreported to local police,I found it 3 weeks laterparked ona street . I asked people in househow long has t been there& saidnearly 3 weeks . When I told them it had been stolen they saidlocal poice sargent lived opposite &hadasked himabout itbut nothing happened . . Very observentcoppers.
Jan 3, 12:23am
North island VS Sourth island!
Jan 3, 1:56am
Jazz, while I sympathise with your situations and dont want to make them (1 anyway) seem trivial but to the Police I think what you have done to help them may well have made it worse. No one likes anyone doing there job for them as it shows them to be inadiquite or inept and no one likes being shown up, especially the Police. Now as for the lap top Im sure it will so far down on there priority list it may not even regester. To you its a huge deal but in the sceam of things its probably a 0 on the Police radar. Was it insured and well backed up!Not the point to you but at least you get a replacement all be it for the cost of your excess. As for other matter,s Ive dealt with the Police as victim, possable suspect, and criminal (as far as minorish road traffic offences make you a crime) and have yet to have a bad experince of my own or family. Ive had Ds grill me over a stolen motorcycle (mine) and why not how are they to know I didnt have it knicked even though I said I didnt. People oddly enough are not truthfull to the Police. Iveneeded ASAP backup from Police and had it in minutes. Ive seen what they deal with in the we hours while most are tucked up in bed. No organisation is perfect and never will be. Most of my friends etc have no issue with the poilce either and those who do need to stand in front of the mirror and have a long hard look at there attitude. Ive said it before and will say it again many who think they are getting a hard time by the Police bloody well deserve it 99% of the time. And thats not saying you do Jazz, far from it. Its just that a laptop in todays world is a minor thing as is car theft these days. Do you not see the kind of events happening in good old NZ every day now and wonder why your case dosn't seem to matter. Im sure most cops would like to do everything they can and are allowed to to solve all case's but saddly it just wont happen. And did they ever say why they didnt walk across they road and get your property! I would be curious as it could have been part of a bigger thing for all they know/knew. Why not some good storys about the Police like how they took 30 DUIs off the road last night that may well have killed inocents and put you laptop case even further down the list. Or the about the crimes they do solve only to be stonewalled by stupid PCness and self righteous minorities. If my TV got stolen tonight I would be happy to know Im insured and will get another and wouldnt really excpect the Police to retreave it. But they do find stollen goods while excicuting warrents for other reasons though.
And lastly no the Police wont "OWN" the road toll as its not there fault people are killing themselves and others, They are after all trying to get the message through every day. You are dealing with Humansafter all and they tend to be the most arrogent of speices alot of the time. Sorry about spelling.
Jan 3, 12:29pm
Haaaaa lol he he lol ohhhh ha ha ha .nice one, you almost had me fooled until I saw who posted. That chip still weighing you down aye.
Jan 3, 12:33pm
You will find that cops check every rego in the street they live in every day, its a common practice cause thats all they want to do on thier way home, and its always a good hit rate because there are only a couple of stolen vehicles in the entire country, and they never move around, they are always in the same spot waiting to be seen by a cop driving home.
Jan 3, 2:05pm
their PR department sure liked to say how great the result was for the first weekend we had it
their silence on this holiday period of its effectivness is defening
Jan 3, 3:03pm
Poor baby not feeling protected! Boooo hoooo.
Jan 3, 3:04pm
Clearly you have not been reading the media.
Jan 3, 3:07pm
Good post !
It is my understanding from previous reading in this forum that you are either presently, or have been a policeman.
Yes/No !
Jan 3, 3:08pm
if you have, im sure you can name the first holiday weekend we got it
Jan 3, 3:09pm
Well i reckon the fuzz do a good job,so.
Jan 3, 5:53pm
GIven the crap they put up with they do a pretty good job.Somethings I disagree with but then again they are the Law Enforcement Agency so decided by the state on behlaf of the people. Would you prefer that Police work be done with the Army and the Army given total control over Law Enforcement!
Aug 9, 12:00pm
Yes, bring on the Stalinist state.
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