The problem with that is you are then showing your face and likely to become a "target" for petty stupidity by local officers. I have called a couple of times when I have seen some terrible behavior by the Police on the roads, they were receptive but ultimately I don't know if it came to anything.
Jan 1, 10:47pm
Ok - but reading through those survey results you would have to say that your views are in the minority! In addition, public perception of the police has been consistently improving over the last few years, which in my view shows that when they do stuff up they learn from it and improve how they do things.
Jan 1, 10:48pm
The frustrating thing is most problems are easy enough to start fixing. The trouble is with so many apologists its hard to get some momentum going to get things looked into properly.
Jan 1, 10:48pm
OMG! I actually agree with you.
Jan 1, 10:48pm
You don't have to complain, but if you don't for whatever reason then nothing will change.
Jan 1, 10:50pm
Like I said, I wouldn't trust the surveys at all. They are likely commissioned by the Police and swayed in that direction. The Police have a huge focus on PR hokum over actually fixing problems.
I would attribute the improved results to the increase in the amount of positive PR programs on television of late. Police 10/7, Motorway Patrol etc.
Jan 1, 10:52pm
I complain when I can but I don't think their complaints process does much as I explained. Much better to try and share my experiences so that we can get some public pressure to improve things.
Jan 1, 10:52pm
That seems a bit cynical. As with often happens with these threads, it quickly turns into wild accusations of perjury, corruption and incompetence.
Agree to disagree.
Jan 1, 10:54pm
I would be most interested if someone got a raw list of people who had, had cars stolen and surveyed them independently.
Jan 1, 10:54pm
New Zealand??
Jan 1, 10:56pm
No, nothing wild here, I could list my last 20 experiences sometime if you wanted, in raw form and you could judge for yourself. It would take a few pages though!
I am not talking about taking issue to minor inadequacy's but multiple complete failures on the part of Police. Its the Public safety failures that bother me the most, especially as one resulted in a death.
Jan 1, 10:56pm
The police should become a limited liability company. When our house got robbed before xmas a couple of years ago the police wouldn't even come. They told us not to touch anything and they would be there sometime in the next three days. But heaven help you if your ruc's are overdue.
Jan 1, 10:59pm
I will have a read through when I get a moment. Given how in-congruent this has been with my experience and those of friends I wouldn't take it seriously unless I could see exactly how they went about the survey.
As I explained, if they are just randomly calling people because of the massive PR focus of Police I wouldn't be at all surprised by those results.
Jan 1, 11:00pm
This is pretty much a typical experience among those I have talked to. Even worse when you have the location of a wanted offender or stolen property the response is usually much the same.
How people can be happy with that escapes me.
Jan 1, 11:46pm
Problem is, police will never ever be able to keep 100% of the people 100% happy, 100% of the time. They never have and never will.
But this is like all organisations, from Chang's Laundry to McDonalds to St John's Ambulance. Out there is a group of persons disgusted with each.
Complaining about police just makes hotter gossip than blabbing about your bad experience at Countdown.
Jan 1, 11:55pm
The thing is though, Coundown don't endanger lives and property very often when they make a mistake.
The other problem is Police are failing MOST of the time in my experience, which is not even close to what you would expect from "any organisation".
Why is it that people are just so eager to forgive the Police no matter how terrible the service they give!
Jan 2, 12:25am
In most cases people understand it's a damned difficult job. All the time dealing with people at high temperamant all wanting things to go THEIR way.
Yes, you have some personal experiences. How convenient that nobody can get the other side of the story from the police. There are good & genuine reasons why police may not be able to come through for you to the standard you expect. What they were in your case, nobody can tell from here.
Jan 2, 12:30am
1. Its not a case of telling them they are not "doing it right" its a case of not even trying to saves lives at all. Like the kidnapping situation. there is NO excuse for prioritizing a PR event over that.
2. Perhaps you would like to explain what kind of good and genuine reason the Police may have had for not being able to walk across the road to pick up my stolen laptop from the pawn shop when they had 7 days to do so!
I don't care how difficult the job is, that's no excuse for not even trying and blatantly putting people at risk.
Jan 2, 12:31am
Jazz just Go and pay for your infringements If you don't want to get any more fines. then follow the rules I can't dumb it down much more. alternatively there's some good deals on mobility scooters at the moment,
Jan 2, 12:34am
What on earth have you been smoking! I don't have any infringements and I don't know what you are talking about, its best to read/comprehend a thread before contributing.
All you are doing at the moment is being a great example of the kind of space head who thinks the Police are doing a wonderful job.
Jan 2, 12:55am
How unrealistic of you to suppose that I may have an answer for these situations. I know nothing about them. How could I!
You were unrealistic here jazz, and your expectations were too high.
Jan 2, 12:58am
LMAO! Expecting Police to attempt to save lives and return stolen property is expecting too much!
Well. it certainly is at the moment!
Jan 2, 1:16am
It's your attitude mate. If you act towards them like you do to them and others on here then no wonder you have bad experiences.
Jan 2, 1:24am
What a load of presumptive rubbish.
Jan 2, 1:29am
No. Reading tuition. I was saying I couldn't possibly provide an answer as to what was going on due to the fact I know nothing of the situation except what you say of it.
It was unrealistic of you to think that I would be able to provide answer on that topic. Did you think I would just believe your side of the story and admit defeat! Is that what you expect of people, to listen to what you say and accept it as fact without pondering the alternatives! It seems so.
Perhaps some pondering of the alternatives may lead to a greater understanding of why things didn't go the way you expected. Or, perhaps they won't.
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