AA Roadside assistance put water in our fuel tank!
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Mar 29, 8:00pm
I pity any AA employee that has the misfortune of dealing with you on the side of the road!
Mar 29, 8:06pm
AAso a service tech came and got you mobile againis this not what they do;;;if you break down again call themthats what the subs are for arent they . .
Mar 29, 8:15pm
noswalg wrote: I pity any AA employee that has the misfortune of dealing with you on the side of the road![/quote
Then you clearly have the wrong idea, I wish you was there and could see the facts also. It is not my say so about the water it is the professionals say. Gee TM people must be perfect and never forget anything :( Do people really think the fact I forgot to check my fuel gage make's me a bad person or make it ok that AA assistance has gone so terribly wrong! I am not making up scenarios about the fuel either, I do not know where the contaminated fuel has come from or why it had so much water because AA can not provide this information, they don't know either. Well have a great day anyway :)
Mar 29, 8:17pm
If you don't check a fuel guage hate to think what else you check, oil light, water temperature, now wonder I fix cars all the time that would of warned the driver beforehand something was up. Its not about been perfect its not like you loose a tank of fuel in a min.
Mar 29, 8:37pm
Sorry to much to explain the whole story :) Naively I didn't realise that I would need to get in to the whole story. I understand where people coming from though.
Ran out a few km past gas station. AA turn up telling a story in contradiction to what our vehicle specialist and the AA guy from other location, saying it maybe stuffed, I new otherwise and so didn't go in to it. Our car has lots and lots of sensors and things which is why the car will shut down. This guy was a mechanic but didn't know anything about this type. He held up see through 25L about a 1/4 full that I paid $10 for and said I would not make it to the next garage on way home about 15 min away. He said I had to go back to the garage I just passed to fuel up. The car started, as I drove it was shuddering and playing up, I barley made it on to forecourt and it died. The Car would not start.
We Did another Call out had to wait as he had gone to attend someone else once I called back, the call out guy came and said it wont start, we already new this. He was going to ask AA to two to closest mechanics, probably was him, we said it had to go to the people who deal with the make, it was too far for AA to take it as they were 80 km away, AA would only pay to tow local, couldn't give me an idea of how much, mechanic expressed it would be a lot, so hiring a trailer would be cheaper, at this point we didn't know what was wrong.
Later we found out the two fuel filters were full up with water, these are large in our vehicle, it sensors would protect the car so would allow it start. So car has no damaged fortunately.
Mar 29, 8:40pm
Yes that is right. I am guilty for allowing my husband to keep the car sorted, this is only because he has the fuel card. It is normally all good, we regular service too, so no I do not check things and yes It teaches mr I should. So if is it ok for AA to provide water to people like me!
Mar 29, 8:46pm
You're very determined aren't you! Have you cancelled your membership yet or will you be calling them the next time you run out of gas!
Mar 29, 8:50pm
Well hopefully you have learned your lesson, I highly doubt it, run a car low on fuel constantly will sucks moisture and crap up the fuel system. Not to mention what it can do to a fuel pump.
Mar 29, 9:11pm
here are a few facts. 1.water is more heavy then petrol it sits in the bottom of a tank for ever. so when you run out of fuel then add 5 liter petrol you swirl mix the water in the tank with petrol and it gets sucked up so there is only 2 possibile things one is the above another is the AA contractor has added him self the water to the fuel asno petrol station will pump that much water in to that small amount of petrol. personally reason 1 makes the most sense.
Mar 29, 9:40pm
So, what sort of car is it! is it one of them flash ones that has a fuel light, these,surprisingly, comes on when fuel gets low so the person in control can get some BEFORE they run out!
Mar 29, 9:44pm
I always thought the needle near the low / emptywas enough.
Mar 29, 9:53pm
E for enough & F for f.k all.
Mar 29, 10:35pm
Not always my father had three identical honda accords.When the fuel light came on on two he had about 50kms before he ran out of fuel.With the third one as soon as the light came on it stopped.They were older models.I never let my car get too low due to the shit that builds up in the tank and I don't even know if the low fuel light works on my car, only had just over a year and it's an older Laser
Mar 30, 12:25am
+1 Cheers Stevo
Mar 30, 1:02am
I'm a bit confused here. Was it 1 liter or 2 .!
Mar 30, 1:03am
Gee TM people must be perfect and never forget anything :( Do people really think the fact I forgot to check my fuel gage make's me a bad person or make it ok that AA assistance has gone so terribly wrong! I am not making up scenarios about the fuel either, I do not know where the contaminated fuel has come from or why it had so much water because AA can not provide this information, they don't know either. Well have a great day anyway :)[/quote]
yeah trademe is full of people who think they know everything, gets pretty annoying sometimes. =)
Mar 30, 1:21am
How far did you get before the car started playing up when the fuel was put in by the AA! Did it start, then run badly straight away! Did it start run for 10Km then run rough!
Mar 30, 1:32am
I don't know why you lot are mentioning water lying in the bottom of a tank and only being sucked up when it runs low. You all must drive like Nana's, or have robotic liquid seeking pick-ups.
Have I ever ran out of petrol!"YES" Didn't have a crystal clear view of the gauge tho.
Mar 30, 1:33am
lol its a diesel As above your story is bizare. Btw there is no sensor that cuts out when there is water in there.whoever told you this has clearly no knowledge of vehicle electrics. The aa has no policy to provide you fresh diesel that is crap I know this as I am a contractor to the AA and my father has been a roadside officer for 35 years. Also they do not have to tow your vehicle to the dealer only the closest authorized repairer. That is their policy. The only sensor is a sediment sensor on the filter which will bring a warning light on not shut engine down. You seem pretty determined it was the AA fault good luck in proving that. Ive seen 4wds suck water into the tanks from unmaintained emissions systems.
Mar 30, 1:45am
Sounds like someone not knowing what there on about. It would have to be a small chance in a million to get 6litres of fuel and have 21 litres of water in it. You must of had water sitting in the bottom of the tank. Morral of the story try not to run your tank empty. Take this as a leason and move on. Dont try and pass the blame.
Mar 30, 2:06am
hang on everyone.it only started to cough and play up AFTER they refilled at the gas station.has anyone bothered to think that the water was probably from the gas station! Sites that don't dip tanks for water can easily suck up water.especially if all the pumps for that petrol grade are going at the same time. i know of an instance where a merc 500 shut down 100m down the road from a servo because it got water from the tank. the sensors in the tank shut the car down before any damage was done.
Mar 30, 2:21am
OP, your an idiot. You obviously have not been draining the water traps on your filters/lift pump, and sucking from the bottom of the tank would have filled them even more, to the point they overfilled and the water was then sucked through to your injector pump.
TL;DR diesels have water traps, drain these every service or you will learn all about water injection.
Mar 30, 4:37am
I don't get it. Doesn't the fuel pump suck up the gas from the bottom of the tank regardless of how full the tank is!
Mar 30, 5:32am
just a question ylenats, what ethnicity group do you fall into!
Mar 30, 6:49am
sounds like a tui thread
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