AA Roadside assistance put water in our fuel tank!
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Mar 30, 6:58am
funny how the vehicle needs sensors to turn the car off to"save" it, hell if it had water in the lines it would just fail to run full stop, no need for fancy electrics! the Op makes the car sound like its a new technology or something, sheesh, diesel combustion has been around since the mid 1800's and it still works on the same principle as it did back then!
Mar 30, 5:09pm
Iagree with im andrew , years ago I bought a deisel renault lagunathat had been parked up for 3 months after it hadrough running problems, had never had a proper service just oil & filter changes . 5 l of diesel in & it wouldnt run . Drained lines,pumpinjectors& got near 1L of water . refilled& blanked off the EGR & walla off she went ,ran fine .
Mar 30, 5:35pm
LOL yea good point. It's not like gas tanks & filters & designed to sit high enough to avoid something like ( even) 1/2 liter of water under most driving conditions.
Yes water sits UNDER petrol = water on the bottom of the tank = water get's picked up very easily from very small volumes Most in-tank pickup filters sit approx 10MM off the bottom of the tank.
1 litre of water is PLENTY enough to stop most vehicles. Re:#10, NO fuel filters can hold 2 litres of water.
Really not sure of what to make of all this but theres more to the story then whats been told so far by EITHER party ( op or AA)
Mar 30, 5:44pm
Possibilitys are . Promptly . take another 25 liter container to the service station WHERE you got the last batch of fuel & fill it up from the same pump Or Talk to the Station manager & request any relevant info on his tank contamination records for that time frame. Or Forget the hassles & get on with life Or Get on to a CAB solicitor
Mar 30, 6:33pm
about the reciept thing. The aa fill their containers from bp even possibly while they fill their vehicle like all companies this would then be passed on to its accounts dept so why would they go through all the trouble of trying to track something for some customer thats all jumped up and demanding
Mar 31, 2:53am
I wouldnt be surprised if it just came off their vehicles fuel card, making it even harder to track down. He could have filled up his ute at the same time!
Mar 31, 4:28am
mate. isn't getting a citzens advice lawyer a bit like calling the AA for mechanical expertise !;)
Mar 31, 8:21pm
I think o/p is a little over the topseems all a little far fetched to me her mechanic probably feed her some sh*t too seems to be the thing with any trade if you can discredit someone else work or blame them then that's the thing to do
regardless ofwhere your fuel level is the intake is always in the same place in the tankrunning out of fuel would not suck rubbish up from the tank because as mentioned above ,intake is at the bottom, it will keep sucking till it sucks air. unless rubbish in your tank floats on the surface of the fuel
Mar 31, 8:59pm
LOL . DING (95% of the time)^
Mar 31, 9:13pm
WALLA!<-----what's that then!
Mar 31, 9:17pm
Its like"TA DAA"and away it went.
Mar 31, 9:18pm
Similer comment ^
Mar 31, 9:43pm
Wot yo never erd of dat!
Apr 1, 1:35am
yep.and almost unanimously you were all bloody wrong, weren't you.
This thread made me laugh so hard I snorted coffee.
I figure a humility lesson for the motoring "guru's" has been delivered.Remains to be seen who learns anything.
Apr 1, 1:43am
Yea.those other guys know jack huh!
Apr 1, 3:08am
Oh heck . another wannabe ONE
Apr 1, 2:44pm
No no, not at all.The extent of my mechanicing is changing oil filters and maintaining my veh to wof standards.What I found so funny was the rightous indignation that was displayed against the OP because they dared to 1 - stick to their story after been told that they were wrong, and 2 - the yawning silence by said posters when their main line of reasoning was shown to be flawed.
Don't get me wrong.I know that good advice has been given on this mb, I've trawled the archives for info myself.However, it is pretty common for some of those who give advice to get quite snotty when they feel ignored/unworshipped etc, and this thread pretty much made that attitude look very foolish.
As I said earlier, i wonder if any lessons have been learnt!
Don't take it personally Kaz, its just a web site.
Apr 1, 4:39pm
LOL, Ummm yes well that bit should have been fairly obvious or the filter/pump would be rubbing on the bottom of the tank. But yes, for the not so well educated, I spose I should have added that bit.
Apr 1, 5:45pm
nicely put
Apr 1, 5:48pm
last bit for sure, is a better worded statement like it should have been, (providing it WAS that way)
Nov 5, 4:48pm
Change to the VTNZ roadside service, and its annual membership is cheaper as well.
Nov 5, 6:01pm
7 months later.
Nov 5, 6:14pm
Yeah, 7 months later, better later, than never
Nov 5, 6:18pm
I contract to multiple companies, AA, first assist, etc. So what's the difference if the contractor is the same person!
Nov 5, 6:21pm
Well for first instance, your wrong, and second the VTNZ is cheaper than the AA.
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