scotty20001 GIVE IT UP! haha you are just making youself look like a complete and utter joke! For starters the type of car you go on about like its the best thing in the world is an average performer over all, does not respond to modifications as well as alot of other motors do and is very very boring in most people views!
Jan 24, 11:27am
exactly. Poor scotty just cant grasp the fact that a 1.8 honda and the 121 are quicker than his.
Jan 24, 11:34am
Well the owner would hav to be an idiot & you'd have to be one also to believe that.
This is the funniest crock of sh*t thread out. so much dribble & crowing about SFA from the Jappa brigade. Forgetting that the Commodore is also the heaviest car by probably 200-300kg (probably 400kg+ on some of them). Actually it's about that time of the morning to go have a big steaming Jappa. Bring them to Meremere & see how you go.
Jan 24, 11:40am
ollie, once again your lack of knowledge shines through. There are many s/c V6 Commodores in Aus making around 500hp & there are a few making in the vicinity of 900hp; not bad for a cast iron, single cam, 2 valve, pushrod V6. The same engines in USA are churning out 1000-1600hp when fitted with turbos. still cast iron, single cam, 2 valves & with pushrods!
Jan 24, 11:46am
So this just shows that you are an incompetent mechanic. just keep replacing them but dont try to find the reason why it has come off!, very professional of you. Sounds like you should just stick to working on lawnmowers! Mates s/c VX has never dropped a belt in the 10yrs he's owned it.
Jan 24, 12:28pm
Neither me nor the owner found out why the belt flew off. All the bearings were good and tensioner was OK. So f.ed if I knew. Besides, the third belt is still there and hasn't come off yet.
Jan 24, 1:39pm
The Commodore is not fast, how many times does this have to be pointed out! Even a VX SS isn't really that fast. The Integra will lick the VX at Meremere. The Commodore will have around 6-700kg on the Honda, how does that make it a good car! It's a poorly assembled, overweight underpowered junker as the majority of Australian cars are, only good for towing.
Jan 24, 1:42pm
500hp isn't impressive really. 900 is. But, you can get that out of a pencil sharpener and without huge cubes it won't be streetable. It's not relevant, what is, is Scotty and his drivvle.
Jan 24, 1:44pm
Ya this thread was about what people actually back to that.
Jan 24, 2:50pm
i love it!
Jan 24, 2:52pm
come on who is the nark! man up.
Jan 24, 3:40pm
racing a honda is like racing in the special Olympics, even if you win you are still a retard.
Jan 24, 3:44pm
how can you not replace the S/C belt properly one of the easiest jobs in the world! i wouldn't even trust this guy to change the oil.
Jan 24, 3:45pm
oh and guider any recommendations on a good set of headers for my 3.8! you don't happen to have some lying around do ya by any chance!
Jan 24, 4:03pm
Oh look, Scotty's made a little friend.
Jan 24, 4:16pm
the only thing that would class those Olympics as ''special'' is the supreme engineering and quality so yes the Supreme Olympics it would be!
Jan 24, 4:50pm
I am genuinely curious about this - do those of you who partake in these pissing contests have any clue how stupid you make yourselves look! Any idea at all!
Jan 24, 4:55pm
Step back from the Urinal smac, you will get wet feet!
Jan 24, 5:11pm
yes and apparently he loves his big steaming dumps.
Jan 24, 5:15pm
Correct. Someone did the first one, I did the second one. So, "my one" hasn't come off.
Jan 24, 5:17pm
I can piss REALLY high up the wall though.
So I bask in my own reflected glory. Or something like that.
[You should feel happy that we confine it to specialised threads like this, started solely for the purpose, so that innocent bystanders with real questions don't get caught in the crossfire.]
Jan 24, 5:19pm
I'm a qualified mechanic and AVI. Only been in the trade 12 odd years.
Please tell us what you do.
Jan 24, 6:04pm
Haha what ever you say. Notice I never said they are shit just that they are average and look at the google dribble you write! you needa see what people are spending on them and the work going in to get them to make over 400hp! Sorry to you lost people but they are just pretty average when you compare them to smaller motors like Toyota M's & JZ's, Nissan RB's etc and even Mazda 13B and 20B's
Jan 24, 6:15pm
Ewww thats just plain gay! Why dont you two bum buddys give it up, go jump in your Homodores, head to the Holden dealership & get some more HRT jackets and head to the local gay bar any you will be in your ellement.
Jan 24, 6:22pm
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