And did Fiat win a court case. Nope, in fact they were so impressed with the Chinese made look a like they signed an agreement to build the Fiats making it a 100% Chinese made Fiat. Here is just one link/!ID=6081 jazz to be fair this is my expertise and have many contacts in the Chinese car industry, so be warned if you want to carry on going head to head on the subject. I love it when somebody tells me I have not got the faintest clue, when in fact I do. I also know some massive negatives within the Chinese car industry, but it??
Jun 19, 6:53am
Why am I not surprised! You just twist the facts into something they are not. Fiat did actually win their court case for your information, and Cherry are not allowed to export the offending copy to Europe without incurring massive fines as a result.
There was another Kangaroo Court case in China which they of course lost. I see you like to confuse people by trying to infer that because Fiat works with other Chinese companies they must somehow condone what Great Wall did.
Its sad that there are enough stupid people in the world that people like you have success with such cheap tricks, and companies like Great Wall can build blatant copies and be condoned.
Its a shame we have people like you in our country who are just so eager to deceive people into sacrificing our economy and good ethics so the likes of you can make a profit.
By the way I have come accross "China Automotive Review" before. Its just blatant Chinese government propaganda.
I even remember reading an article where some rep from Great Wall had the gall to try and say that the Peri was all their own design. Anyone who has taken a look at the link I have posted can see that is a bare faced lie and nothing less.
I suggest you go and peddle your crap elsewhere because anyone with a brain who has read your posts and links will quickly realize what an idiot you are.
Jun 19, 7:04am
Well the first sign of defeat is to go on a personal attack. I??
Jun 19, 7:09am
100'000 a year would be about what the Chinese market require. Whoop de doooo they have recalls, what manufacturer doesn't! Toyota have recalled a million vehicles in the last few years. All you are trying to do is start a tangent and distract from the issue. its not working. its just making you look increasingly stupid.
You are not doing your greasy mates at Great Wall any favors at all.
I can't help but notice mapman only joins us when the subject of shitty Chinese cars is raised.
Jun 19, 7:29am
Oh no wait, there was that Holden thread where he was laughed out of the forums for his complete ignorance of the subject a few weeks back.
Jun 19, 7:29am
I noticed that too, he's just a greasy importer trying to shield his even more greasy mates with smoke and mirror style distractions.
Jun 19, 7:30am
Not surprising given what he has said in this thread is completely nonsensical.
Jun 19, 7:38am
Twisting is twisting how can I twist when I use facts. You put down the Chinese courts and the Chinese government plus their newspapers must be wrong too according to you. Don??
I'd rather drive a Holden than a panda or a fart 500
Jun 19, 7:45am
thanks fox but untrue, that??
Jun 19, 7:46am
So is most things you can see in front of you right now.
Jun 19, 7:56am
Oh no my friend. its you that is secreting. greasy ooze.
Jun 19, 7:58am
No, I didn't check, I have a tendency to remember the 'special needs' members of the forums I post on and yours is filed away in here someplace.
Anyway mate, you want to drive an ugly plastic car made with a 10 dollar airbag and a rip off of an Italian engine (.lol) made by 10 year old kids working 16 hour days; I'm not going to try and convince you otherwise.
Do us a favour and sell a few to the types that would want them too - the less of you people on the roads is good for the commute to work in the morning and the gene pool in the long run.
Jun 19, 8:01am
Well yes actually that's exactly what I think, at least you have something right. What planet do you live on! Its common knowledge that the Chinese government manipulates their domestic courts, Chinese media etc. Hang they even had Google in their pocket for a while. Your out of your tree!
Jun 19, 8:13am
Fiat is not built in goddamn china -_-
I may have an absolute hatred of it but I've worked on a few on them, they are not chinese. Eurotrash makes great diesels. Great walls rust like hell to, my dad is in the market for a new ute. Call him oldschool but he hates a lot of this crap being peddeled these days and I tend to agree. He's a certified diesel mechanic and a lot of these imports are complete CRAP, he tends to like the euro stuff better cause it doesn't just fall apart.
I don't a flying shit about safety ratings and articles, what I SEE with my 2 eyes is chinese junk. It falls apart, I NEVER EVER EVER use a companies site as a reference as they lie through their teeth a lot of the time. Always use independents and I as my own independent see a load of untreated metal cleverly wrapped round an engine made of biscuits and apple cores. If you have taken a china turd motor apart even the metal is just cast pot metal made of old micorwaves. Hell my old POS holden may be a GM masterpiece of bad interior design but the motor will do 400,000km and it's not rusting at the seams unlike some cars I know of
Jun 19, 2:06pm
Haa!Stoopid kiwi buy Great Wall crap.Keep People's Repubwick money very happy.Need put cheap charlie wooden dog box on back, make kiwi think he special big man buy lots Great Wall crap.
Hey, Ive a made in China, Sachs Madass, and for being chinese made, its really good quality. My sons pit bike was a load of rubbish, lasted all of 3mths, where the Sachs is 3-4yrs old and still good as new. Ive had Japanese bikes for over 30yrs and the Sachs is just as good, quality wise as any of them.
Jun 19, 5:16pm
Spellinf mistakes is nit picking and something somebody does when they are loosening an argument. It was late at night a I made a spelling mistake. So what, I didn??
Jun 19, 5:19pm
mate, I drive a Holden Ute you can have the little plastic toy. I??
Jun 19, 5:23pm
Well that explains everything.
Jun 19, 5:24pm
You are well out with your facts or a B.Ser, go do some researchbefore you post. By the way you talk, you make every non-Chinese car sound perfect & you for one knows that is not the case. Carry on typing with only one eye open, will get you an Aussie accent before you can blink.
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