good to see you can own up to your mistakes, at least we are getting somewhere now.
Jun 19, 5:27pm
Holden ute.
Jun 19, 5:30pm
and your point is.
Jun 19, 5:36pm
No one who drives a Holden ute knows anything about anything except where to get the best sheep or which knuckle bandages can withstand the most dragging.
Go clean some of the spilled beer off your singlet and get a hair cut.
Jun 19, 5:42pm
There you go. Now anybody who wants to take foxnut seriously probably belongs to the Destiny Church or something. Fact is I have four years of direct contact within the Chinese car Industry and you just talk s%#t. Want to talk facts or carry on like a kid!
Jun 19, 5:43pm
You haven't stated a fact yet, why start now!
Jun 19, 5:50pm
A chap I know has had a Great Wall for over a year now, no problems, but then is only used as a car. What you pay for is what you get. Its quite nice to drive, comfy too Now, was,nt Ladaa copy of a Fiat 1500!
Jun 19, 6:56pm
If you chose to type that, up to you but doesn't make it correct, fact is there are plenty of facts I have stated and you know it. Here is another fact, you just talk crap because you have not got the knowledge to add to the topic. My advice is when you have nothing to add but crap don??
Jun 19, 7:36pm
My advice to you is learn Internets new guy.
Jun 19, 7:41pm
It was a legal deal sponsored and endorsed by Fiat which is perfectly fine. I can't believe people can't tell the difference between blatant theft and building under license.
Jun 19, 7:42pm
+1 anyone can see what this nutter has been saying is miles from the truth. He just says stuff to fit his argument and dosn't care if its true or not.
End of the day:
Great Wall = Thieves
End of story.
Jun 19, 7:48pm
In case people missed the links in the slanging match. Here are Photos of Great Walls illegal copy of the Fiat Panda. Both cars side by side interior and exterior.
Wow talk about copy, thanks for that good info. China's car industry is a worrying concern.
Jun 19, 9:45pm
Strange thing to say considering you have 8 beside your name and only been a member since 2010. Your find my name has a few more feedbacks than you and seven years more than you on Trademe. Are you thick or what. Again just because you type something it does not make your BS factual Greenhorn.
Jun 19, 9:45pm
Yes, we shouldn't allow manufacturers that do this to sell product in this country. Its just ridiculous that we come down like a ton of bricks with legislation against people downloading a few videos at home. Yet we let Great Wall trade here while they blatantly steal millions of dollars worth of intellectual property off others.
If countries didn't buy the exports of blatant thieves like this they would sort themselves out pretty quickly.
Jun 19, 9:46pm
Back to GWC from Chery. Good god man get your story straight or at least stick to the same car. Is it Chery or GWC that you are accusing! Your confusing yourself.
Jun 19, 9:46pm
Idiot, foxdonut is actually a web site developer moron.
Jun 19, 9:47pm
GWC, thats what the thread is about and thats who I have been accusing. Its YOU who have been trying to confuse people with side tracks about Cherry.
Jun 19, 9:47pm
jazz calling me names wont hide the fact the China builds Fiats and VW. Call me a nutter for telling the truth all you like. What should I do, pretend they are made in Italy or Germany like you!
Jun 19, 10:04pm
He's still a Greenhorn to T.M and I just said so. What part of that don't you understand. You seem to be getting flustered now. Try and control yourself and type slowly. Thanks for letting me know I'm up against a tag team. Doesn't matter as long as the pair of you carry on like this, I'll leave it up to you both to self implode.
Jun 19, 10:22pm
+1 totally agree. Fiat and VW should stop using Chinese labour, Chinese technology, Chinese Engines, Chinese Transmissions, Chinese paint, Chinese plastics, Chinese Running Gear, Chinese wheels, Chinese suspension Chinese steering wheels, Chinese carpet, Chinese welding and Chinese companies to build their cars and bloody well do it themselves. It??
Jun 19, 10:33pm
mapman = biggest troll in motoring
Outsourcing of labour is common, straight ripping off a design and building it out of pot metal is something else. You can't seem to distinguish between using some china made bits on a car vs the whole car being made poorly by thieves.
Jun 19, 10:37pm
This is the third account I've had on TM. I started using this website when it started. If you're so retarded that you equate a users online purchases on an auction website with their knowledge of the Internet the, well. Lol.
You post on a fourm like someone who's just started using them. You're far too precious about your comments, you expect that people here actually treat you more than just an avatar and you can't work the quote function properly.
I use the Internet as a primary source of entertainment, escrewing it in favour of television, I have been since 1996. I've spent a lot of time on forums, I can spot a n00b when I see one.
Jun 19, 10:38pm
the ones made "under licence" from china as a majority get shipped out to Singapore and other Asian country's( korean and india and so on ) i believe, the ones we get in NZ are barley ever Chinese built, as they normally come from the UK or directly from Germany or South Africa ( if they still make those under licence too ) the point for chinese manufacturing those cars is because its too expencive for those countrys to regularly import from the likes of germany, as the quality of the metals and plastics are that much more refined , so china picks up a licence to manufacture and distribute to certain areas because they are generally cheaper to build all around ,So i think your point is kinda pointless, and null and void of any real meaning or argument, oh and if im not mistaken alot of japan's cars are self built under licence too
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