Got 8 kids and taught each and every one of'em to stay single file and as far left as possible seems common knowledge when sharing the road with vehicles much larger,heavier and faster than for rego's! 2 cars,3 motorcycles and 10 bicycles (Mrs & I as well) that would be as welcoming as a kick in the balls.
Feb 17, 6:52am
That kick'd probably stop your kid tally growing though !
Feb 17, 2:48pm
lol.nah!.a very sharp implement in the hands of an expert took care of that.
Feb 17, 3:55pm
Because current helmet technology does not provide adequate protection and the law has meant many people have stopped cycling.
Feb 17, 4:00pm
Current helmet technology has made helmets very good - for the section of the head they protect. There has been a drastic decline in commuter and children cycling since the helmet law came in at the end of the 80s (riding a bike suddenly came to be seen as something dangerous to do) but that is also because of the availability of cheaper Jap import cars and parents becoming over protective of their children (partly because of more cars on the road) and so driving them to school. Less cycling and walking has contributed to NZs population weight gain, obesity, heart disease.
Feb 17, 4:00pm
B######t. That lack of adequate protection you talk of, provides a hell of a lot more than not wearing one
Feb 17, 4:02pm
! Prove it
Feb 17, 4:03pm
See my post above. It's true. I don't have the stats at hand but they exist in different forms.
Feb 17, 4:17pm
We need to charge pedestrians a rego too. For using the foot path! someone has to pay for those footpaths!
Do you people that complain about having to slow down for a few seconds complain about red lights aswell, what about someone on a crossing, what about the farmer moving his cattle down the road to another paddock,
If you go around a blind corner and cant stop YOU are going to fast, what if a car has crashed around that corner and you cant stop. or cattle on the road, you still need to slow down,
Share the road! its there for everyone, take a chill pill and enjoy the drive!
Feb 17, 4:18pm
Oh dear, how misguided you are. But in this country like others you entitled to an opinion. Being an EMT I (and many others here have also probably seen) seen the benifits of wearing a hlemet time and agian. Ive seen kids come to grief going down hills and having there faces slide along the road but come out with minor scraps but rooted helmets.Ive witnessed my own 6 yo fall off on a tennis courtand smash the helmet but no faceial injurys. So unless your happy with kids having smashed up faces and scars I think you need to revist your opinion. And kids play ride bike etc and get hurt all the time, its part of growing up but braking an arm is better than braking your head. No one will ever convince me a helmet (unless made of weetbixs) is not safe or safer than none. They do have to meet a standerd.
Sorry. It will take some hard evidence to convince me people have stopped cycling because the law says they have to wear helmets, like triangle says
Feb 17, 4:44pm
ROR good old hitler
Feb 17, 6:01pm
Next time you are out on the road try opening your eyes and you will see the proof.
Feb 17, 6:05pm
I do not subscribe to the cheap Jap car excuse. But yes in order to get the helmet law in cycling was demonised as very risky and parents did become over protective. Oyur 6 kids have cycled for many years often sans helmet and there has never been a problem. In fact they have never been in volved in serious accidents. Makes you think doesnt it!
Feb 17, 6:18pm
Geez - why so much fuss over nothing! Do your best to avoid hitting and killing people, and if it still happens because those people felt suicidal on that day, so be it. I mean sure you may have to pay for the dent in your car / repaint to cover up the blood splatter, but how many cyclists get hit a year! 10! 20! That's 0.000002% chance. If you bought lottery tickets each time you drove, you would have a higher chance of winning in a division than hitting a cyclist. Just drive normally, sanely, and don't stress. Is that too much to ask!
Feb 17, 8:17pm
Trihard, whoops, my eyes. Umm yea. real good facts you have there. Had em open this morning when riding & there were other bikes around. But if jumping to conclusions keeps you safer than cycling, by all means, jump away. Just watch out you don't hit the roof. O yea, know plenty of people that a helmet has saved their QUALITY of life as well
Feb 17, 9:05pm
I bet you have! There is never any shortage of"a helmet saved my life" yarns.
Feb 17, 10:29pm
My Brother. So 1st hand, not some yarn.
Feb 18, 2:03am
I've smashed my helmeted head down on the road twice in recent years. First time put a good crack through my helmet and imho saved my head the damage. Second time I would've had damage at the very least.
Feb 18, 7:08am
Do you have a balance problem! I advise you brush up on your cycling skills.
Feb 18, 8:12pm
I advise you change your name to circle1. As you really have no point.
Feb 18, 8:41pm
When the lycra brigade get back in their cars do they drive as crazy as they ride! mmmmm
Feb 18, 9:37pm
Yes, I think we're all're an idiot.
Feb 18, 11:15pm
There are just too many accidents reported on these threads. There must be a medical term for this condition of spouting untruths or at the very least exaggerations.
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