the reason we cycle up onehunga mall is it is the easiest gradient ,the otherroads, streets are Queenstown road, normans hill, or Seacliff which are steeper, Plus with Onehunga mallyou drivers, pie eaters, and other fat peopleget a chance tosee what a good fit slim body looks like
Feb 19, 5:31pm
When cyclists start obeying the road rules, and stopping at red lights instead of riding straight on through like they weren't even there, then they'll get some courtesy and respect from me. Riding up onto the footpath, then over the crossing and back onto the road at the other side also does not count as 'stopping at a red light'.
Feb 19, 5:57pm
You could say all that and MORE from drivers. We don't need or want your "respect" just you obeying the road rules.
Feb 25, 5:20am
Just wondering how many cyclists understand where the blind spots of vehicles are considering that cycle lanes are on the left. I have often when in town with truck and trailer had bikes shadow me in the blind spot only to shoot past when I stop at the lights leaving me thinking 'Where the f%$#@ did he come from!
Feb 25, 1:43pm
Sorry to backtrack, but the helmet argument again.So far I have smashed 3 helmets, twice with no car involved, third time when a car cut me off turning left into car park with no indication, just after overtaking me.The time I smashed the helmet with the car involved I split my helmet in half, and was concussed for a couple of days, I'm pretty sure that saved my brain that day.I honestly can't see why people think not wearing a helmet is a good idea, it is cheap, effective and not uncomfortable, even if they weren't compulsory I'd still wear one.
Feb 25, 3:28pm
tip to avoid the mall at the one way street by the bakery hook a left (if coming from airport) go through bus terminal, left at end then right into foodtown carpark, carry through to the end and go right then left to come out att roundabout by dick smith. miss all the ped crossings, roundabouts, parking cars etc. much easier. or man up and ride up one of the hills.seeing as how you are riding to get fit and riding hills will achieve that more than dawdling through traffic just saying.
Feb 25, 3:35pm
Mate in chch was knocked off his bike last week. Got to spend the night in hospital. No memory of the crash or the earthquakes (take the pos with the neg). More important, no idea how bad the bike is as no memory of where it is either. He found someone's business card in his bag, so hoping that he has it
Feb 26, 3:13am
Have you ever wondered why you are having so many accidents!
Feb 26, 5:15am
Neither does a driver of a car ina100km speed area coming up toa red light then crossing 2 lanes to turn left at the intersection then doing a u-turn across a double yellow median to get through the lights after they turned red for him so he could get back on the same roadahead of the 3-4 cars that would have been infront.
Nor the guy that pulls out onto the middle of the road in his car in a 70k speed zone from the far side of the road and over takes cars while driving down the lane divider at around 90kmph and then once into a gap gets himself up to 120kmph dodging between cars.
What has he got to do with your driving habits! Can a cyclist judge you according to his behavior and afford you less respect for it!
Or would you consider that unfair!
Feb 26, 1:05pm
Not too many really, it is pretty normal to fall off a bike (ie hit loose gravel, black ice or so forth),I have been biking for 20 years, fallen off while on the road about 6 times, 3 of which were due to a car knocking me off, 3 were due to bad luck or bad judgement with no car involved.
Feb 26, 2:12pm
i hate it when we all stop at the lights and cyclists zoom pass through the red light not giving a sh*t. If they cant follow simple road rules then they shouldn't be allowed on the roads.
Feb 26, 3:04pm
Been tryed Warrents as well but was rejected because of the difficulty of enforcment
Tell me about it, then when they are confronted about it they are the first to get upset.
Feb 26, 5:16pm
Of course they'd get upset - it's not like their mum's would get upset on their behalf!
Feb 26, 6:07pm
I think you need to cut down on the pies
Feb 26, 6:21pm
If only they had a simple way of registration of some form so they could be reported.You can't exactly report and say you saw a guy in lycra run a red light.
Apparently other countries that have employed bicycle registration have found the schemes to cost more to administer than they gathered through fees.Seems like a waste of time to be honest.
Feb 27, 12:09am
Holland found that in the '70s. There could be differing grades of bike licencing; diesel - for the old and slow, classic / vintage - Choppers/Dragstars and bikes made out of plumber's iron, Heavy vehicle - the above fatty in lycra (and similar) and a new one - Advanced - guys like this;!v=RxXqQqAc2pA&feature=related (remember he's going around those corners at up to 80kph on a tyre patch about the size of your 2 thumbs)
Feb 27, 12:15am
I saw some knob on a bicycle go through a red man at the lights just as the cages had a green to go, of course he got in their way, they beeped, and he had the nerve to give them the bird.and I'm one of those motorcyclists covering their costs, dicks.
Feb 27, 1:30am
Yup will all pay for the ones that don't pay for themselves. I don't wear the excuse oh I have a car and a bike either. Some of us have multiple vehicles being petrol heads but we pay rego on them multiple times over. Why can't they.
Feb 27, 1:37am
In most of the country the roads are paid for by our RATES not petrol tax. So - as long as they are a rate payer (and who isn't! Even children have their parents paying rates) then we (cyclists) have as much financial rights to use the roads (not Transit roads of course) as any motorist.
Feb 27, 1:40am
I wasn't talking about roads, its also about paying acc which of course cyclists are more likely to get injured more in the event of an accident than someone in a metal box. Especially when some cannot grasp the concept of red lights, had one today going through the red making the traffic wait while he goes through.
Feb 27, 2:00am
with your point of view, why aren't pedestrians paying acc and footpath taxes! (rego) They keep getting run over by cars, trucks, trains, buses. They should have a number plate screwed to their rear, that way we can report them when they J walk or cross when the wee man is not green. Why don't you mention them. What about the pedestrian crossings. Who pays for that special paint and the flashing lights on the poles that cars run into! As a rate payer, why should I have to pay for a footpath when I drive a car and ride a bike! Silly eh! I Think so. A bit like this thread still going on & on &. The sooner people stop letting themselves get wound up over the great bike debate the better IMO. Anyhow.
Feb 27, 2:04am
Pedestrians cross a road, they do not use it as a sole purpose of transport. Like I said before if they had some form of registration the bad ones could be dealt to by law enforcement appropriately and make the roads a safe place for all as a result. Anything engine driven has plates.
Not to mention holding up traffic with there double abreast style riding so they can chat about whats on shortland street.
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