Local wreckers buy stolen vehicle,police no action
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Jun 12, 2:30am
What can I do! I found my stolen vehicle at a local wrecker. I asked them about it and was told "I remember the guy that brought it in, he wanted to deregister it so I drilled the chassis plate off for him" He looked through his records and doesnt have any for this vehicle. Are they required by law to get i.d from someone selling a vehicle to them! The police went down there and were told the same (except the drilling the plate off of course) And dont seem to want to go any further with it. Said I could pick it up if I want to.
Jun 12, 2:39am
Drilled the chassis plate! The VIN plate!
Must still have the chassis number on the firewall though! Surely if it's stolen, the wrecker can be done for receiving!
Jun 12, 2:43am
Yes the vin plate. It still has the vin number etched into the windows. Was stolen in Jan last year. Police just dont seem interested. I thought receiving too, but my question is are they required by law to get details or do they just usually do it for their paperwork!
Jun 12, 2:46am
No idea, sorry. If I had to guess, I'd say they should under the Second Hand Dealers thingy. I'd be pissed at the Plod, if I was you.
Did you say to plod "I want him investigated for receiving stolen goods"!
Jun 12, 2:48am
If you got an insurance payout the insurance company will be very interested.
Jun 12, 2:49am
Yep and I said about the secondhand dealer thing I thought they had to get photo i.d. Plod said "we will continue with our inquiries" but by the tone of his voice he just wanted to get rid of me
Jun 12, 2:51am
Wasnt insured, lol thats why im interested. If they had run the numbers through I could of got it back in one piece. Now, engine gone and lots more, it wont see the road again
Jun 12, 3:26am
pushthe police to do their job and if no result go to the ombudsman with the full story but its retro-active,you have to keep pushing.go for the full value of the vehicle from the wrecker.
Jun 12, 3:33am
Agree the wrecker has the car in his pocession he should proove who he bought it from.
Jun 12, 3:34am
Wreckers wouldn't normally buy a vehicle still licensed and as the licensed owner has to de register it now, what has happened with that!I was a wrecker and kept a police book with details of who i bought my stock from.I dont believe they all do and i never was asked to view mine in the decade i was doing it.
Jun 12, 3:34am
I say no records means wrecker nicked it himself. Ive got a similar situation with the ploid over my tandem.It gone nowhere for 5 yeras till I finally cried enough and made a complaint to the Police Complaints outfit.Had a visit from the plod who tried to tell me it was too hard.He went away with his tail between his legs to make further enquiry.They now know it's not going away and they have to do something.If you get nowhere do the same.
Jun 12, 3:39am
I looked at buying a wrecking business back in the 80's.Would have had to obtain a 2nd hand dealers licence.Unless things have changed there will be certain records that he must keep by law and if he hasn't can no doubt be prosecuted.If that happens you need to file an impact statement and set out the value of your loss and seek restitution etc.Don't let either the wrecker or the plod get away with doing nothing.Also make the plod get a copy of the dereg documentation.that will have id of the person who did the deed.These are things the plod should do but unfortunately, in my experience, you have to hold their hand all the way!
Jun 12, 4:01am
Threaten the cops that you will take this story to the media if they don't take any action
Jun 12, 4:09am
Just write a letter to the District Commander. You'll get action.
Jun 12, 4:18am
Dodgy as bet the wrecker or his mates nicked it.Why would a wrecker accept a registered vehicle and offer to drill the chassis plates off!You HAVE to follow this up and kick these assholes in the nuts.And give fairgo acall about it all aswell.
Jun 12, 4:31am
"You are not entitled to cancel the registration if:the vehicle has been stolen and not recovered"
If you'd reported it stolen they couldn't do anything.
Jun 12, 5:15am
Time to talk to the Minister of Police -and maybe the media. Makes a good story in the news. Not the first time I have heard of this - a workmate found some of his stuff in the Avondale Markets - police couldn't care.
Jun 12, 7:08am
Probably not since they've already paid out and the car is presumably partly stripped. But they will at least have a better chance of getting the Police off their backsides and going to see the wrecker.
Jun 12, 11:49am
1) yes by law they are required to keep a record of who they purchased the car from. 2)the police are soposed to take the item if it is stolen-return it to you later once the investigation is complete
Jun 12, 3:59pm
In the case of my Tandem Police knew where it was as it was listed on TradeMe.Asked seller about it and then "forgot about it".Unfortunately what they are "supposed" to do and reality are far apart these days.I really believe that is the reason there is so much crime these days as in a lot of (easy) cases nothing is ever done.
Jun 12, 4:04pm
So much these days! As opposed to.when!
OP just stay on their case, park yourself in the reception until they provide the necessary paperwork for you to fill out.
Jun 12, 4:12pm
I guess I'm more "stubborn" than you --I wouldn't take no for an answer. My stolen goods were uplifted by a cop from "a secondhand shop" within an hour What frightened me a bit was that the secondhand shop had a printed form to fill out for just such an occasion
Jun 12, 4:25pm
I'd take some good clear photos of the car too, including any identification marks, and if possible a pic that shows the car in the yard [get an angle where the car is seen, but in the background is their sign, or building]. You don't want to pursue this then find the car conveniently got removed or crushed.
Jun 12, 4:58pm
This, if it hasnt already gone over night
Jun 12, 7:22pm
the car is right there,the job is 1/2 done. can see why people get annoyed. a car is (mostly!) the second biggest asset anyone has, the law on car crimes needs to be seriously revamped. continue with getting police to do their job for sure.
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