Local wreckers buy stolen vehicle,police no action
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Jun 12, 7:56pm
keep at the plodsthey willinvestigate . Wrecker is up for receivingfailed tokeep record ofseller& removing tags .Check therego whether its been cancelledif not they will keep sending you theaccount forrego .
Jun 12, 8:00pm
straight down and take photos from all angles. show them you mean business. Nothing else should be getting sold off it from now on. They now know its yours. If they sell anymore bits it now could easily be proved as blatant theft of parts.
I think I would be looking to see if I could take the wreckers to disputes tribunal to recover costs. Might pay to have a chat to a lawyer to see if this can be done. It looks like the wreckers are involved if they cant prove who they bought it off. That being the case you may be able to recover the price of the car back off them.
Just another angle worth possibly persuing.
Jun 12, 8:01pm
Also try to record a phone conversation of them repeating they took the chassi plate off. Ask to speak to the same guy that stated that, and asked him why they took the chassi plate off. If you can record his answer they are screwed!
Jun 12, 8:16pm
Actually if insurance had paid out, they WOULD be very interested, they would own the thing.
Jun 12, 8:37pm
Something largely worthless. They would likely only take an interest in pushing Police to prosecute.
Jun 12, 8:45pm
You don't need to remove the chassis plate/numbers to de-register a car, you just take the plates to the post office. What's the name of this crim' wrecker!
Jun 12, 9:00pm
You can't de-register a stolen car while the case is still open.
Jun 13, 1:00am
Get the insurance company involved for sure. When single people complain, they do nothing. When big companies are involved demanding their money back with fancy lawyers, stuff actually gets done. So useless here, unbelievable,,,
Jun 13, 1:24am
^^ theres no insurance.Not that it should matter.Either way something should be done its not acceptable to let someone get away with that sort of carry on even if its a year latter.
And FOXDONUT police resources need to be realocated from issueing joe blogs a ticket for 3km'h over the limit to finding peoples shit thats been stolen which is a real crime.These degenerates are making a living from this which should be stopped.
Jun 13, 2:20am
A conviction and possibly a scummy weaker thinking twice before accepting stolen goods is worth far more than the wrecked chassis.Plus there might also be reparation awarded
Jun 13, 2:40am
tell the police you saw them in your car driving through a 50kph zone at 55kph. they'll be there right away!
Jun 13, 3:21am
foxdonut wrote:
You guys should take this show on the road. There's plenty of places that will pay for good improv comedy acts.
"so, over a year and a half ago, my uninsured car was stolen and now I want to tie up police resources because I think I might have a shot at getting the wrecked chassis back from this guy who sounds dodgy according to the trade motors message board."
==============================- ======= Gee Foxy, if you want to bend over and take crap like that go for it. Dont expect the rest of us to be prepared to be used as a door mat.
Jul 3, 7:22pm
Did it have insurance on it. Get fair go down there. Say this wrecker recieves sold property stir it up. Bad for business for them. They should have paper work
Jul 3, 8:05pm
Update. . . Police wont return my calls or provide me with a recovery notice witch nzta say I need to be able to onsell the vehicle, The officer goes on shift again tonight so will try again I guess
Jul 3, 8:07pm
Most wreckers and all scrap metal merchants have had dealings with plod. Plod will routinely send out lists of stolen vehicles, suspect dudes and for the scrappies - a list of metallic things that have gone missing locally or seem to be flavour of the month. There will be a detectives hotline card somewhere on the reception desk too. Plod relies on scrappies and wreckers for cooperation so in the main will not want to stir the pot too much.
Jul 3, 8:22pm
Go for the officers boss.if they're stalling you, go up the foodchain.
Jul 3, 8:59pm
Ahh so refreshing to see people finally waking up to the Police nonsense. Keep at it OP, threaten them with the media as that's about the only thing that's likely to get any action.
This is what irks me the most, the majority of crime is done by a few unsophisticated criminals that re-offend time after time after time because zero effort is made to catch them.
Also. email your MP and complain about the uninterested shambles that is our Police.
As another poster said, time to get the them hang away from sitting in the middle of passing lanes trying to catch people 1km/h over the limit and on to doing some proper Police work.
Jul 3, 9:07pm
Jazz give it a rest. Your claims are baseless, illogical nonsense at best.
In fact most of the time it's difficult to even see what you ARE claiming.
Here's a starter:
What is this:
"the majority of crime is done by a few unsophisticated criminals that re-offend time after time after time because zero effort is made to catch them"
based on! What's your source! Or are you simply blathering on about your own experience (which you won't elaborate on ) again!
Jul 3, 10:10pm
actually smac he his right, the news the other night on tv3 ole judith collins went onto say 85% of crime is commited by 6% of population. which tells anyone that it is indeed a few. however sophisticated they may or may not be
Jul 3, 11:10pm
Ahhh.no. What Jazz said and what you just said are completely different things. It's reasoning like that which makes Jazz think he has a point to make.
Jul 3, 11:19pm
Ring the station and ask to speak with the "oficer in charge"Ask for his name and rank and number and make a note of that.Tell him you need to know what steps have been taken to recover your property and that you will not accept an answer that the officer involved is not on shift.Ask him to find out and ring you back.Ask when he intends to do that.DON'T LET IT GO.Its a simple matter and just because someone can't be bothered is no reason for the enquiry not to be completed.Interestingly in the case of my Trailer the officer allocated to the file by Police Complaints told me quote "I don't need this shite".In other words - bugger now I've got to do some work!
Jul 3, 11:34pm
I sold a car to wreckers earlier this year and I had to give my name, my drivers licence number as well as address details.This according to wrecker was mandatory requirements.
Jul 4, 2:34am
cops are too busy waiting at gas stations giving tickets to worry about any type of real crime. we had the same thing with a car trailer the cops wouldent do anything even thou we told them it was at a knowen crims place they told us we wernt allowed to go and get it .we got it back when the guy that built it seen it out of town with a car on it and made the guy take the car off and brought the trailor back to us
Jul 4, 4:29am
A: The vehicle has been recovered, if the owner wants it towed they pay the police don't B: Where does it say in the OP posts that police aren't investigating this just that the OP thought they weren't. C: (Not in reply to you but others) Wonder how many wanted criminals/stolen property/stolen cars etc are located or found by cops enforcing the speed limit. But I guess that never ever sinks in to the uneducated who have a beef with being ticketed.
Jul 4, 4:35am
Wonder how many wanted criminals/stolen property/stolen cars etc are located or found by cops enforcing the speed limit. But I guess that never ever sinks in to the uneducated who have a beef with being ticketed.
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