No your correct I would like ti think if I was put in that situation Id find all the faults. And Id hope we all would. But Can everyone here honestly say they would find all faults.
Jun 26, 4:18am
Thats a good thing isnt it carclan !
Jun 26, 4:23am
Most of the faults on cars is the nut behind the wheel.
Jun 26, 4:24am
For once the faults were not stupid little things that you wouldn't normally care about. What I was disappointed about was target not giving them a grilling for saying they did stuff but didn't. Thats a criminal offense isn't it!
Jun 26, 4:35am
I did not see it but what evidence do you need of compression test the test can be done without plug removal the aa has these machines
Jun 26, 4:43am
They had a camera mounted in the bonnet behind the latch looking down, and another above the rear window looking foward. A "expert" set up the car for Target, so one would assume he would have noticed the inspector using the electronic method you have given the link to , but Target could well be mistaken. Their quote was "there was no evidence of this"
Jun 26, 4:44am
how does this electronic method work!
Jun 26, 4:44am
Yes, your correct, A 32 year old female who understands her cars needs maintanence but wouldnt have a clue what to look for or indeed what she is looking at under a car would be well awhere of a split pin missing. That goes for a huge amount of the male populas as well.Thats why we have mechanics and such people who we should be ablee to trust. Yeeeeeeeea.
Jun 26, 4:45am
check the link i posted
Jun 26, 4:45am
But they are quick to knock you back on a wof for some stupid little thing.
Jun 26, 4:52am
And gunhand if that thread was mangled by some of the so called mechanics in here then it would never unwind anyway.The problem is the idiot that took it off in the first place. There hardly any accidents caused by mechanical failure, robots don't make mistakes. fiddlers do.
Jun 26, 4:57am
AA inspections missed a BADLY slipping clutch on a ute my sister bought. You could tell even driving around a parking lot it was knackered. Thankfully, we complained and they paid half the bill to change it, which was at least amicable.
Jun 26, 5:55am
Just goes to show that so many so called 'experts' in the automotive field are either anything but, or subject to a higher error rate than is normal. (All humans have a 4% error rate - challenge that if you will) but only getting 3 out of 8 faults at worst and 5 out of 8 at most, on a pre purchase check at a cost of up to $169 for 70 minutes worth of worth, is not a good look for the trade.
Even most of the experts I have dealt with have made grave errors, yet all are always very opinionated on anyone else's work.Only the auto electrician (who I only use rarely anyway and the wheel alignment place come out with 100%).
Jun 26, 6:12am
I'm pretty sure most people are well aware that working at VTNZ means you're far from an expert in your field. like building inspectors.
Jun 26, 12:30pm
A lot of you guys should be WOF inspecters seen you're so damn good.
Jun 26, 2:31pm
It's not really a compression test, it is a comparison between cylinders, based on the current drawn when each one compresses. Useful only to point out differences, will not give you a pressure figure.
Jun 26, 4:04pm
Target made the point that it might be wise when investing in a replacement car to get a second check at a garage you regularly use. Personally I would sooner paysuch a garage instead of one of those pre-purchase check outfits.Its also good to to hang around while they do the check so things can be explained.
Jun 26, 4:09pm
Helped a complainant recently who has experienced a VTNZ collaborating with a car dealer to give a "pass" result on a car that had major faults. Its going to the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal mainly because theamount involved exceedes the Dispute Tribunal's ceiling
Jun 26, 4:11pm
They cant have the current virm eh! or it was an old show, those windscreen chips wouldnt fail a wof now, the virm says"Damage in the cva apart from scratching and surface pitting that does not effect the drivers vision, eg, small stone marks"
Jun 26, 4:36pm
Personally .
As a "prepurchase check", they sucked big time As a "wof check" a little sloppy but ok-ish & not unexpected
A prepurchase check should be very close to the same detail as a VIN /modded car certification check
No surprises about Vtnz & AA results, it's been that way for about the last Ummmm 40 years dating back to the 1st "testing stations".
A brother of mine used to "test" the inspectors at various stations back then, with similar tricks to "Target"
Jun 26, 4:39pm
You could offer a 2 part option of a basic prepurchase test & a comprehensive test
I would call those 'sample TV' tests as basic but expensive
Jun 26, 5:11pm
but the AANEVER do an actual compression test. Never have. They do an indicative compression reading. That AA gobbledee goop for -we measure the voltage drop in the HT leads when the engine is turned over.
Jun 26, 5:15pm
NOPE--in both cases the PP test was the full test -ie the most expensive option.
Jun 26, 5:18pm
which might explain why they give it in terms of % rather than cylinder pressure.
Jun 26, 5:20pm
lol this is a laugh i did two wofs in timaru a car thats not ment to be turbo first place pased it but found out it had pink sticker so didnt do wof so went to vinzthey pased it but i had dropped a twinturbo motor into it so shoulda had to cert it
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