Hidden camera car in Auckland with 8 faults going into vehicle inspectors. VTNZ bbbhhhaaa what a joke.
Jun 26, 2:48am
Yep, watching.
Jun 26, 2:55am
im watching , mate just took his car thru VTNZ withone of those "gopro cameras so he could see what they missed, havnt seen footage yet but he said they missed 3 things ,crack in windscreen, 1 seatbelt doent lock, and airbag light on.
Jun 26, 2:55am
not me, whats happening
Jun 26, 3:02am
lol awesome. AA Albany didn't even apologize for putting down a compression test they didn't do
Jun 26, 3:05am
Why did he take it for a WOF if he knew there was stuff wrong with it! I always check mine first because I hate wasting time unnecessarily.
Jun 26, 3:12am
VTNZ and AA pre purchase inspections absolute FAIL on them both only found 3 of the 8 faults. Car with hidden cameras with 8 faults: 1 steering linkage split pin missing from castle nut, 2 park light out, 3 headrests missing front seats, 4 chips in windowscreen feild of vision, 5 tow bar mount bolt missing, 6 brake hose missing retaining clip, 7 tempoary fuel cap, 8 loose seat. AA supplyed a compression test aswell but was one ACTUALLY done on the car! "there was no evidence of this" VTNZ also same stunt with voltage tests were on test sheet but again NOT done. So glad TARGET does these hidden camera tests, really filters out the cowboys. AA, VTNZ shame on you, MUPPETS, both of you. Watch it TV3 on demand.
Jun 26, 3:16am
AA charged $169 . wow
Jun 26, 3:29am
Overall the AA have become a bit of a joke . used to use for car checks insurance etc and aa card use . but i fear this could be my last year as a member as i feelthey no longer have that old fashionedservice they used to have and got too commercial . I may very well go with state roadsideassist next year.
Jun 26, 3:36am
Luckily in Auckland and Wellington, there is a real Vehicle Inspection Company. I have used them for at least 15 years.
We trust the AA to do licensing!
Jun 26, 3:40am
Funny what is said about these outfits as the failed my 05 Fairmont for head lights that they said were to blue - had been though umpteen before and never said a thing.
Jun 26, 3:41am
Yeah not only that but on the TV1 news just tonight AA driver training, and the contractors they use have been busted still using a defensive driving interactive training DVD that still uses the old give way rules! Apparantly until this became known to the media they were "going to get around to changing it" in about August. Frig how incompetent is this outfit!Worse their actions (lack of) were actually defended by the NZTA.
Jun 26, 3:45am
I hada look at one of their directions mags recently, little if anything car related, lots to do with holidays. Seems even that's a waste ofmoney now!
Jun 26, 3:48am
Would never use them but I hope that what Target has shown means other people wont either
Jun 26, 3:50am
Allan Dick tried to set up a rival "Drivers' Club" some years back, but as far as I know it failed for lack of support.He has always been down on the AA and is one of the very few motoring journalists I have respect for.
Jun 26, 3:51am
Our wof inspections and inspectors really need a tune up,way overdue. What will happen after all this on tv ! SFA i reckon,the country is way too pc to go and fire people over it,so glad i gave up inspections when i did. I was 1 that protested at what VTNZ was doing in April 09,i knew it would come round and bite them.
Jun 26, 4:00am
Speak for your own inspector, I do very well thank you.
Jun 26, 4:03am
Not an outfit I'd be wanting to work for. This Govt review due later this year which could involve the doubling of WOF intervals, or even the axing of inservice inspections completely and the outsourcing of COF's to transport operators themselves who have got a workshop, appopriately qualified people and are willing to chuck in a set of brake rollers could well kill off or substantially reduce the size of VTNZ. Having seen the discussion document for this all of these outcomes are on the table.
Jun 26, 4:06am
I cant see how they have firgures there if a compression test wasnt done. I think target may of misunder stood it. Its not a normal compression test with a gauge in each spark plug hole. Its a relative test by checking the crank of the engine and find the low voltage during each compression cycle.
Jun 26, 4:11am
Sorry zeph,i know there are excellent inspectors out there like you,but they are few and far between. It has got worse in the last 12 months i think.
Jun 26, 4:12am
Hardly, not all of them are cowboys. You get cowboys with all trades!
Jun 26, 4:12am
Those target turkeys are a buch of jackasses anyway, almost as bad as the people they investigate
Jun 26, 4:14am
There is no excuse for missing a split pin not being there is there !
Jun 26, 4:16am
Atleast they got Orcon off that old guys back.
Jun 26, 4:16am
I did not see anybody here that commented it was ok
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