I had an incident with the Police yesterday. While dealing with me they were illegally parked. Could I make a formal complaint against them! They should've have parked there but this is mainly me being spiteful !
Jul 31, 5:10pm
Yup, I think they can park pretty much where they like (within reason) while conducting police business.
Jul 31, 5:39pm
seen the idiots blocking a lane while talking to some one when there was tons of room to pull off the road. Complaining to the police about a policeman doing his job! heh heh, cant see that getting you far troggy.
What did he do to upset you!
Jul 31, 5:53pm
I had an incident with the police.haha is that, I got a ticket, in PR talk !
Jul 31, 5:55pm
friendly_prawn wrote:
seen the idiots blocking a lane while talking to some one when there was tons of room to pull off the road. Complaining to the police about a policeman doing his job! heh heh, cant see that getting you far troggy.
They chased me when I was riding my bicycle!
Jul 31, 5:56pm
You know quarter of the story never cuts it in here Trog. come on, the real facts mate.
Jul 31, 6:07pm
In the absence of the full story. Well have to guess what really happend.
alright, so you were riding down the road naked apart from a cowboy hat, and you were still half cut from the night before. You accidentally rode you bike out in front of their car cutting them off then you gave them the two finger salute as you yanked a bottle of Jack Daniels out from under your trench coat that you had strapped over your handle bars. But thats when your tinny fell out. So the cops decided to pull you over but you decided to make a run for it. They gave chase. Well can yah blame them!Gee, what did you expect troggy.
Jul 31, 6:18pm
seen eating 'ghost chips' on a stolen bicycle.!
Jul 31, 6:20pm
Oi vey
Jul 31, 7:07pm
They can arrest people and use blue lights too, Are you going to complain about that.!
Jul 31, 7:25pm
Well if ya gunna tell storys get ya facts right. First he's naked bar a hat then he had a trench coat on, sheeeesh man, this could go to court.
Jul 31, 7:29pm
No it is quite clear the trench coat is strapped to the handlebars.
I don't believe troggy would be riding naked with only a cowboy hat on however. He would insist on an approved sefety helmet at least.
Jul 31, 7:46pm
No, the reason he was being pulled up was because he was NOT wearing a safety approved helmet.Bloody cyclists!.
Jul 31, 7:55pm
And I'll have me hat back when you've finished with it troggy.come to think of it, if you used it to cover up your modesty.you can probably keep it.
Jul 31, 7:58pm
Dam, your right, pays to read twice lol.
Jul 31, 9:10pm
Bloomin' heck, they're videoing my escapades now!
Jul 31, 9:25pm
lol he should auction it.
Well Worn Hat Used To Cover Privates! Bet he'll get all sorts of bids from all sorts of weirdos.Look trog, we just made yah rich. And all yah needed was an old hat.
Jul 31, 11:58pm
That's a fair description. pays to check the legal description and that's not hard to do.includes something like ".while in the execution of their duty." Can't say I care for the use of the word "execution" though, thank goodness they don't wear firearms!
Aug 1, 12:09am
I think its time a new piece of legislation was introduced worded simply:
"Police are not to create more of a hazard than that which they are trying to prevent."
That would go a long way to preventing the stupidity which is sold to us as road Policing.
Aug 1, 12:13am
Will you feel proud of yourself for being spiteful!Or would you rather think of yourself as mature!
Aug 1, 12:37am
This is going to become ever more prevalent as more and more people get tickets for 1km/h over the limit while passing on dual carriageways and the like.
Sadly, no thought has gone in to the effect on peoples respect of the Police. Support and respect of the community is about the best weapon the Police have against crime, yet they seem all to willing to forgo it in favour of tazers and guns.
Aug 1, 12:52am
My wife and i saw a cop pull a truck with an oversize load up,stopped and parked right in front him, on a blind corner. The truck driver went apeshit at the cop because of the danger he created, and was asking the cop ,who would be responsible if another vehicle hit his truck, and why he didn`t go another 50 metres up the road, to a big park area, the cop said he can pull him up anywhere and any time he chooses. We were walking past , watched and heard it, and couldn`t help but think how arrogant the cop was, and how stupid too.The truckie was more concerned about other people`s safety than the cop was.
Aug 1, 1:05am
shoulda spoke up. I would have if I saw something parked on a blind corner. Cop or not!
Aug 1, 1:09am
That's it in a nutshell. I have seen many like this.
The worst was probably the night time breath testing that had cars backed up to half way around a 100km/h blind corner. When I mentioned this to the cop the response I got was "oh it was backed up further before". Absolutely ZERO common sense.
Another one was a cop stopped in the middle of a dual carriageway in poor weather at night with his lights facing into oncoming traffic. Looked like a car coming at you the wrong way down the dual carriage way.
I had another one slam their brakes on in front of me and come to a near stop with no indicators at 100km/h with a line of cars behind me. Turns out he had just found a goodplace to hide and had not bothered to look in his rear view mirror or indicate. Luckily I had 4 seconds between me and him but I needed all of it as I was being tailgated.
Then there are the idiots that park speed camera's and radar cars semi-obscured in the middle of passing lanes. I have seen several near pileup's as people instinctively brake during passing maneuvers.
The stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
Aug 1, 1:12am
The thing is, this will continue until their is an independent authority to complain to with regard to roading Police.
The Police complaints authority do not cover road Policing so they do what they like.
That and as mentioned above there needs to be a set in stone legislation that insists that they must not create road hazards.
Or. we could just weed out the large number of neanderthals in the force.
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