Complaining about Police's illegal parking?

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dr.doolittle, Aug 1, 1:56am
To be fair fp, it was probably cold & the cop couldnt see Troggies 'helmet'.

friendly_prawn, Aug 1, 2:03am
Dont yah mean cowboy hat!

friendly_prawn, Aug 1, 2:03am
shoulda called the cops!

sw20, Aug 1, 2:04am
A lovely highway police officer pulled over the old owner of one of my cars because it had german europlates on it. The officer admitted he had to go 70-80km/h in traffic in a 50km/h area to turn around and catch up with him.

pebbles61, Aug 1, 2:05am
These are the people who slaughter bikers to issue speeding tickets, I don't think a bit of illegal parking is gonna bother them lol.

kiwi-d, Aug 1, 2:05am
i hate when they do a U turn in front of you

pebbles61, Aug 1, 2:08am
Mate, come on, a car driving with German plates or doing 55kph in a 50 zone is a serious risk and needs to be stopped ASAP!

fryan1962, Aug 1, 2:30am
no chance of anything happening

trogedon, Aug 1, 4:29am
I did. I suggested they move to a safer, no yellow lines on the road area. They moved.

gunhand, Aug 1, 4:37am
And how else do they catch up with people!

sw20, Aug 1, 4:44am
I think you miss the point.

Since 5km/h over the limit is the most dangerous thing you can do, why would they do 20-30km/h over the limit to pull someone over because the plates on a car had the wrong font!

friendly_prawn, Aug 1, 4:51am
kewl. Thats the way yah do it!

sr2, Aug 1, 4:55am
Over the weekend I was coming out of Otorohanga at a good 15K or so over the 80K speed limit, the local cop just waved at me to slow down rather than pulling me over for a ticket. Great change from the usual revenue gathering, I kept a better eye on my speed through small towns for the rest of the trip.

gunhand, Aug 1, 4:57am
Hmmmm, dunno, maybe they thought being odd looking plates it could be a stolen car with odd plates put on it. Crims are not bright sometimes and actually draw attention to themselves by doing dumb things, even speeding.
And its amazing what they find when pulling over random simple stuff.
Why didnt the car have proper plates so not to draw attention to itself!
Did they use there lights! or was this a 70,80kph catch up not using them!

friendly_prawn, Aug 1, 3:17pm
on the radio this morning.
Police are looking for the owner of a blow up sheep found at the scene of a police car vs push bike, chase yesterday.
Apparently the owner of the bike denies all knowledge of the blow up sheep even though some local residents say they saw a person riding a bike carrying the sheep under one arm and weaving all over the road in nothing but a cowboy hat.
Owner of the bike denies all knowledge of the sheep which police say they find found strange considering the bike riders lipstick was found smeared all over the sheep.
Police are calling for all witness's to come forward.
Boy that must a been some wild night troggy.

friendly_prawn, Aug 1, 3:20pm
new news bulletin.
Police are unable to explain the high volume of calls from message board members all claiming to own said sheep.
One message board member named dr.dolittle was even heard to scream at the police, "its mine, I saw it first"

mrfxit, Aug 1, 3:58pm
SO . take a photo
It's a public place with a public servant doing a public job.

splinter67, Aug 1, 4:41pm
Well done fp RoFL

rotorhoe, Aug 1, 4:53pm
if you had someone breaking into your house, while you were in it and scared as hell hiding in your bedroom. would you want the police to travel at the speed limit, or get there as quick as poss to catch the crim!

friendly_prawn, Aug 1, 4:55pm
heh heh cheers mate.
Please just keep an eye out for troggy or dr.dollittle for me, so I can skidaddle if you see them coming.
Think I may need to go in to hiding for a couple of days lol

friendly_prawn, Aug 1, 5:02pm
By the way guys, if anyone is really struggling with the concept of a blow up sheep and wants to know what one actually looks like just ask Jason18 if he'll post a picture of his one. lol
*heads for the hills*

trogedon, Aug 1, 5:31pm
Just don't go through the train barrier, cross the lines, ride off, get chased by a mufti Police car and pulled over while you're doing it.

friendly_prawn, Aug 1, 6:08pm
tsk tsk, your a bad bad man troggy.
See, nowthis is exactly why we need police.

splinter67, Aug 1, 6:50pm
And you did that while naked wearing cowboy hat etc. You are the man! I take my hat off to you but I have clothes on. I'm not that kind of cyclistLOL

ree6, Aug 1, 7:25pm
So your run of terrible luck with the police continues with you as the common denominator.
In another post you say that the IPCA has no authority over road policing; where did you dream that up from !
Sort of puts the rest of your anti police posts in perspective.