Complaining about Police's illegal parking?

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trogedon, Aug 1, 11:27pm
I hang my un-hat endowed head in shame.

dr.doolittle, Aug 2, 1:21am
Seems the police caught you on their in-car cam.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 2, 2:05am
That would be the IPCA themselves when they told me over the phone first hand.

There is just no telling the lobster in the pot.

sw20, Aug 2, 2:13am
Again. You miss the point.

If someone broke into my house I'd just shoot them.

ree6, Aug 3, 10:24pm
Nope, you're wrong.

bellky, Aug 3, 10:27pm
Think you'll get off!

gunhand, Aug 3, 10:32pm
Possably, but by that time he will be broke, ridiculed, stood up for, had hate mail, verably abused, faimly pickd on, judged by message board and so on. Good ol NZ.
Oh and the vic will have been a stand up guy and good at rugby.

bellky, Aug 3, 10:33pm
Haha gunhand, good call.

truckr, Aug 4, 6:13am
some if not all city councils have a parking bylaw that says any enforcement officer can park on footpaths or wherever they need to in the course of them proforming their duties that covers police ,noise control, dog rangers etc

trogedon, Aug 4, 4:34pm
Thanks for this. I'll phone the council tomorrow.

gmphil, Aug 4, 6:08pm
There police men they should no better then break law, take it was two of them so no need to break law one could of moved car so as not to flout the law !

gmphil, Aug 4, 6:14pm
Last year was driving past local cemerty saw cop car parked on plots no shit,stop asked him u no were parked he said on offically bissness go away so did down station .be he got ass kicked missus rung local rag told them to