I finally got off my chuff . picked up my hoist from the transport comapany warehouse and have started the install. I see a problem already but not one that I will not overcome - but I need help. The other hoist was 3ph and this is the wiring that is still hanging from the ceiling hardwire point. This new hoist is 1ph. Question . what is the go for wiring 1ph into a 3ph system! The 3ph has the earth and 3 x phase wires and the 1ph as 3 wires 1 of them is the earth) Is it earth to earth and pluck outta my butt where the other ones go! I'm no stranger to wiring my own 3ph plugs and swapping phase wires to get the correct rotation etc but this is the first time I have had to do this sorta thing. Ta.
Feb 21, 12:25am
I was just thinking . the 1ph for this hoist is for driving an electric motor that drives a hydraulic pump. Its got an arrow (on the pump thingy) showing the correct rotation. Can a 1ph be wired up wrongly (like a 3ph can be) meaning the motor ends up spinning the wrong way! And if yeah . is it a matter of swapping wires around like is done on a 3ph to correct the rotation!
Feb 21, 12:26am
* Scratches head. Phase, neutral and earth is what you need, go for the red and black for Ph/N and the green for earth. Unless the colours have changed now. Or do what I did and wire a plug to the hoist and run it from and extension lead.
Feb 21, 12:53am
Not a sparky but pretty sure you cant wire a single phase into a 3 phase you might fry it
Feb 21, 1:12am
you can you just use the 1 phase and the neutral. probably best to get a sparky to hook it up for you. I hooked up my 3 phase hoist but had to have somone hook up the single phase as the conection instruction on my centrifuge motor made no sense to me.
Feb 21, 1:26am
For those with low (Skyline) garages. Instal hoist anyway. Load hoist with 4 x 2 frames. Remove any floor fixings and electrical connections etc. Remove garage door and place aside. Operate hoist as high as it will go - lifting garage. Build block walls around base of garage to fill gap. Repeat as required. Lower hoist and attach garage to blocks. Fill gap above garage door and refit door.
Feb 21, 1:31am
I almost went down that road but I decided to go for the increased floor area.
Feb 21, 3:38am
There is a video on youtube of someone using this liftt method (but might be roof only) I seem to remember them using a 44 gallon drum on each arm of the hoist in combination with some extra bracing on the rafters.
Feb 21, 4:00am
I am sure that he manufacturers of vehicle hoists are really hoping to barter their product for left testes
Feb 21, 4:01am
All I can say is "respect' mate! (Looking forward to the video!).
Feb 21, 4:29am
Trader_84 Short answer (don't take this the wrong way) your questions tell me that your best and safest option is to get a sparky involved. Long answer is all about explaining that phase to any other phase is 400V whereas phase to neutral (which is what you need) is 230v, and in your current situation you do not have a neutral available. If you start faffing around without a neutral at best you will let all the smoke out(you maybe unaware that all electrical and electronic devices actually rely internally on smoke for their basic functions) at worst you may end up frying someone rather than something. Please don't go there.
Oh yeah . so does anyone know what goes where. Ta.
Feb 22, 1:33am
yellow green to earth screw above blue capacitor red to u1 blue to w and then the two wires blue and black into the connector block
Feb 22, 2:29am
Haha pinga . I thought of you today dude, lol! Blue to which W! W1 or W2! Cheers.
Feb 22, 2:43am
It would be W1 aye! Because U1 is bridged/joined to W2 I note.
Feb 22, 3:16am
correct dude
Feb 22, 3:22am
Pinga - ta. Last question on the wiring . during your installs . have you ever installed a 1Ph hoist in place of a 3Ph one! I only have 3Ph power running to this location and want to plug the 1Ph hoist wire into the 3Ph system.
Feb 22, 12:14pm
sorry trader 84 no i havint done that why dont you just put a single phase plug on and then plug into a extension cord.
Feb 22, 6:43pm
Get itreconfigured for ! phaseusing existing cable(& on an RCDif its residential property)must be done by reg sparky. & cert issued to cover yours & his arse .Big fines thes daysif get caught DIY
Feb 22, 9:03pm
Cheers Pinga - thanks for the pointers. I got the unit secured to the floor today and carried out that wiring in accordance with your post above. Upon closer inspection . I saw that the 2 locations you stated - that each had a loose second nut/washer i suspect specifically for the purpose! That was confidence inspiring. All the rest of them were as tight as me. Cheer dude.
Feb 22, 9:18pm
Yeah but nah . mate - I paid big (to me) $ to get 3ph wiring run through my shack when we first built it. I'm not about to have anything reconfigured as a step down whilst paying for it. You must get the gist of this dog by now . a tradie is the last person you'd find on my property doing paid employment. I'll do what pinga suggested and just stick a plug on the lead. I was looking to hardwire it into my existing system so you know . it looked 'pro' I thought there might be an easy workaround and that one of the dudes that frequent this board might tell me how but no. Nevermind. A Bunnings plug will suffice for the time being. One thing though bro . you're in the spark trade aye! The wiring in my shed would not be more than 2.5 - 3 years old. It would have an RCD in it aye! What do they look like so I can look to see if I have got one or a couple.
Feb 23, 5:05am
when i set these up in workshops i always carry 1ph and 3ph extension leads so i can fire the hoist up and make sure everything works before i leave then the client can get his sparky to wire it.saves me waiting on sparkys all the time.
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