theframes a on post 68 are you using these for legs on the hoist or what are they for!
Feb 26, 2:57am
swap the two wires going into the connector block have had this happen before so dont panick i can have a look at a previous install to double check tomorrow for you.
Feb 26, 3:17am
Ta for this - much appreciated. I will swap back those two wires I swapped and try the connector block ones tomorrow. One thingI have got outta all of this is . I know how to carry out simple safety checks now, lol! I printed off the NZ Code of Practice for repairing and testing electrical cord/plug repairs and got busy with my multimeter. Cheers!
Feb 27, 12:48am
Pinga, I got it going. Ta for your help mate. Chur!
Feb 27, 1:06am
no problem.
Mar 6, 12:51pm
Chur looks cool mate now ya just need some cars like in esprits photo and your away laughing
Mar 6, 12:53pm
Yup it will just be a shed with a hoist with no cool cars in it lol cool shed your bloody lucky great score
Mar 6, 2:09pm
Heheh :) I can assure you it'll have a cool car or two in it before too long ;)
Mar 27, 5:38pm
Pinga dude . around! I have a problem with the safety locks on the hoist. They are the manual ones. You know how when you raise the hoist you can hear the safety locks re-engage themselves into those slot thingies . well mine only does it on one side now. I have looked through that inspection/service hole in the side of the column and have reached in with a screw driver to move the working parts to see if they could be free'd up and that maybe this was the problem. They could be free'd up but its still not re-engaging on this one side. Ever come across this before! We did not touch them before today . ie. they were at factory setting and were working ok up until now.
Mar 27, 11:58pm
just spray wd 40 or crc on to the moving points struck it before where they had applied to much paint at the factory which prevented them from reengaging.
Aug 15, 10:16pm
Any of you dudes own your own vehicle hoist out in the shed! I am thinking about maybe getting one (of chink origin) . one of those types that works on hydraulic/cable instead of screw nut and thread. I had an old Istobal in the shed a few years ago but would not have another second hand one unless I knew its exact history and usage. The drive nuts were just about shagged on the Istobal and it was going to cost a small fortune to repair - so sold it on 'as is' That space has remained free ever since and is crying out for another hoist . ok, and the fact I can't be knaffed crawling under my truck and would rather do things in relative comfort, lol! Meiow! Anyone!
Aug 15, 10:43pm
What stud height do you have!I would love one but it aint going to happen in a skyline garage.
Aug 15, 10:46pm
Nope, I dont, but if I had the space and a spare 3k, I would have one tomorrow.
Or maybe that extra 3K could be spent on an RRS rack and pinion assembly for the stang, or a stroker kit, or something else vitally important.
I heard of someone that had a two poster on their drive way which could have been better secured to the ground. Pulled the rear diff cradle complete out of a jag and the car and hoist fell over forwards with the shift in weight balance. DOH!
Aug 15, 10:50pm
+1. I have to say I'd kill for a hoist, I just don't have the stud height in my garage.
Aug 15, 10:53pm
Dont any places rent a hoist out with tools! I remember back in the ol days in Canada you could rent in a "Pit Stop" but "do it yersel" place. Would be good if Supercheap had a hoist.
Aug 15, 11:19pm
I'd give my left one for a hoist.
If I ever get a garage with a high enough stud, that's way up the top of the list.I'd get a 4 poster myself, not much difference in price and look a whole lot more secure than the 2 post jobs.
Aug 15, 11:22pm
a 2 post would be more useful. you can drop the diff out of a car, or the whole front subframe with motor and box still attached etc.
Aug 15, 11:25pm
Dunno . a tad over 3 something at that point of the roof! Its a goldpine pole shed/leanto sorta set up. Solid as f**k and if someone hadda been whispering in my ear a few years ago when I paid for it to be built - I wish they would have said go for the next height up. I think this one is 3m at its lowest point and around 3.6 at its heighest point. I should have gone for the 4m something model. From my experience with the last one . I know you can stand up under a car but you need to watch you head around the diff and stuff. Its ok though. Just need to watch it as you are lifting it up also. I can't fit one of those clear floor types in. The type I am limited to is the ummmm . not clear floor type. Their post height is around 2.8 - 3m high and fits in no worries.
Aug 15, 11:33pm
Plus I have always envied seeing garages take 30mins to drop a box from out of a car .and love the way they seem to fit onto their tranny jacks, lol! it all seems so effortless. I ain't got a tranny jack but want one if I get another hoist. Question . is it normal to crawl out from under your car feeling like a cripple after dropping the box the old fashion way using a jack, jack stands and it only taking several hours! Lol!
Aug 16, 12:59am
I have one in my shed which doubles as my workplace nowadays, lowest roof height is 3.6m and 4.7 ish in the centre. I paid $2550 for it new on TMe and it's as you describe, hydraulic/chain with balancing done with steel cables and pulleys. I don't know how I got by without one for so many years.
Aug 16, 1:22am
Damn; I think I??
Aug 16, 1:29am
tried renting space with a hoist and storage, no one wanted to pay
Aug 16, 2:27am
We have 2, screw and a hydraulic. I prefer the latter.
I assume you have 3 phase available to run it!
Aug 16, 2:29am
Mine's single phase, the Chinese ones seem to mostly come that way.
Aug 16, 3:28am
Yeo. Most of the gear inside mine is 3ph and the engines are Chrysler.
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