Harleys = Noise Pollution

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sabbath-black, Jan 27, 7:42pm
.1, boy racers haven't learnt, and 2, nobody over 40 on any motorcycle is going to be sad.

tgray, Jan 27, 8:15pm
Definition of hell!
Neighbour with a 6am start work time and hearing it start up outside my bedroom window at 5.30 every morning.

16feb08, Jan 27, 9:13pm
What is wrong with some of you people! You don't like something so the cops should automatically do their jobs and stamp out anything that offends you!
Well I don't like OP's point of view very much, maybe I should get on to my MP to ban him from speaking.
Look, I don't like rotors "barp barp-ing" past me, but its only for 10 seconds so I just suck it up and shut my mouth.
Maybe some of you nana's should do the same.
I have ridden more than a few poker runs, and I can tell you there is a damn sight more people out there taking photos and waving as we go past, than there is blocking their ears!

aragorn2003, Jan 27, 9:47pm
we must live on the same street

trogedon, Jan 27, 11:34pm
People used to wave at the Hero Parade (a few looked like bikers) too but few would want them going past our houses night and day.

wrong2, Jan 27, 11:36pm
loud bikes save lives

loose.unit8, Jan 27, 11:48pm
I call bollocks (and I ride an R6). In a car you don't even hear loud pipes until they are right beside your window, especially if the car is moving.

loose.unit8, Jan 27, 11:50pm
Exactly.It's just the type of person who buys Harleys.It's not compulsary to have the loud non-standard pipes, the harley jacket or the harley belt buckle

ally-oop, Jan 28, 12:13am
i like the way mazzy conducts themself. sounds honourable and respectful.

wrong2, Jan 28, 12:28am
well i hear loud bikes coming up from behind & from the side - & they are more noticable head-on

jmma, Jan 28, 12:31am
Just don't get on the wrong side of her, just kidding. Agree, good post.

bent_ate, Jan 28, 12:34am
What a bunch of old foggies you are in here. Alot of you must lead VERY boring lives.

Im off to the shed now,, gotta cut the pipes off my non existent Harley

stabi360, Jan 28, 12:47am
i ride a harley its quiet it has had some mods done to the pipe but still quiet as far as harleys go
my wife gives me a hard time when we go out and theres a honda or a 250 and she says even those are louder than your bike .
i like to hearmy ipodand the engine as i ride not like some i ride with onewears ear plugs as his sporty sets off car alarms as he rides past
i can only handle about 5 minutes riding behind him on his exhaust sidebefore i start to get a headache
oh and only 2 bits of harley clothing 2 t shirts one was from dealer when i purchased bike another t shirt from a friendwhen he went overseas

chevcamaro, Jan 28, 1:18am
aS Said before loud bikes save lives , i would rather know one was close than hear that ffrrrtt as a rice rocket caught you unaware

hatchback, Jan 28, 2:21am
Im sorry but you obviously have no appreciation of the perfect sound that a straight pipe Harley makes, in fact when I become Prime minister, I will make it purely optional to baffle a Harley or any NON japanese car that has eight cylinders

purple666, Jan 28, 2:25am
You have my vote.

a65, Jan 28, 4:40am
Im sorry but you obviously have no appreciation of the perfect sound that a straight pipe Harley makes, in fact when I become Prime minister, I will make it purely optional to baffle a Harley or any NON japanese car that has eight cylinders.
love it .

sr2, Jan 28, 4:58am
Not wanting to start a slinging match (each to his own) but you probably should read the NHRA Prostock bike rules. The only Japa??

arrithedog, Jan 28, 5:03am
As said before - no they don't.

nzdoug, Jan 28, 11:13am
Ive always had stock pipes, dress pipes and slash cut shot gun straight pipes, for weddings and funerals.
Power shifts under road tunnels are greatfor sonic booms.
Rolling on the power can sound like an 8.8 cm. antiaircraft cannon.

drog, Jan 28, 12:39pm
I am a motorcyclist. Motorcycles are a minority group. Noisy motorcycles antagonise a large number of people.If we don't sort it out, nature will. The law will act. End of story.

howie69, Jan 28, 4:53pm
Seems like there are a lot of Harley haters out there, who want to regulate everything. Guess the Greenies have taken over this thread. I agree with earlier postings Take your child to see a bike show and gradually introduce them into a world of chrome, fine steel and different noise notes. A V twin idling or under throttle is music to many peoples ears. May not be your ideal, but your child may enjoy it, at least it should dispell unreasonable fears. This goes for any child. Be nice people it costs nothing.

jmma, Jan 28, 4:58pm
Go the Thumper (o:

tazcsv, Jan 28, 4:59pm
Questain is why are they allowed such a high db reading!

bellky, Jan 28, 5:02pm
Yes, Harleys = Noise Pollution.