You might be 'legal' today. What about when they change the rules to include something else inconsequential as a requirement, as they are gradually doing! Oh, that's right, You'll roll over again.
Mar 7, 9:28pm
Only a moron pretends to know anything about a person that posts here other than what is included in the message.
Mar 7, 9:28pm
See! There's one now.
Mar 9, 3:25am
change the rules then you claim we roll over. Hmm the main culprit they caught on the operation was the ar owners who changed their rego so it was a tractor. The powers to be havent changed bugger all to suddenly make you legal car today, illegal tomorrow.
any changes to wof requirements etc etc are well published and advertised.
you really do go off on a tangent and dribble on about people rolling over lol
didnt realise it was such a bad thing to do, you know keep ones car legals, pay all the required fees and fines and when you get caught suck it up instead of crying like a baby all over a MB about it
Mar 9, 3:42am
Gee, another one! This place is flooded with them.
Mar 9, 5:00am
I heard more about what happened at that meet tonight from someone that was there. Cops can bite me, they basically lied then justified it as a safety operation. Made threats at track staff to come down harder when questioned.
If what I hear is the case they didn't make anything safer and had no real intentions of doing that. God squad putting in the good work again.
Mar 9, 5:02am
You know the filth loves a good old power trip, look at them and the firearm laws, they like to think they get to make them up lol
Mar 9, 11:41am
CVIU now was it! How would you know what their intentions were!
Mar 9, 7:01pm
that would entirely depend on the mods / what happened
just being illegal doesnt mean unsafe
(& prehaps it was YOUR family member that took HIM out)
Mar 9, 11:21pm
OK, so to play devil's advocate a little: what are you thinking of in the way of illegal modifications that aren't unsafe!
Mar 10, 12:44am
Because they "said" what their intentions were then did something completely different and made a complete balls up of it. The threats and saying they are just going to shut the road down because they decided they could show up and do whatever they want regardless of what's said is bollocks. I think a police presence is enough to make people behave a lot better generally so what is the point of rocking up destroying any trust the dragway put into them. They'll not be welcome back and just be spit on as useless pigs by the persons involved.
Mar 10, 1:04am
Hmmm let's see. a sticker encroaching more that 50mm from the bottom border (going from memory here, so that might not be correct) of the windscreen on the passengers side. or even just something that would actually be certified if it were inspected but simply lacks the paperwork.
I'm not going to argue there aren't a some complete tools out there cutting springs etc. but this sort of harassment is over the top and simply not a good use of taxpayer money. There are much more important things to be investigating. Do you have any idea of the number of unsolved murders in this country! Oh, that's right, they don't bring in money - they COST money.
Mar 10, 1:55am
How many at the drag meet got busted for excessive stickering!
Mar 10, 3:18am
& how is that related to darryl's point
Mar 10, 4:26am
ditto flooded with crybabies who cant accept responsability for their own actions and wants to blame someone else, its always someone elses fault isnt it
yeah its the fault of the police that those clowns had their vehicles registered as tractors lol
Mar 10, 5:30am
How many got busted for anything! The person I talked to said they only really got a couple people and that was a rego class and the other an engine without cert however they had passed the safety inspection and it was a decent job.
Until someone can tell me they actually managed to achieve something other than just pissing a bunch of people off then I'm sticking by the fact it was unnecessary and heavy handed.
Mar 10, 1:35pm
Yea, parents of those kids being killed on the road should just harden up right! They should learn to accept that people should be allowed to drive what the heck they like on the road, and no action should be taken until after something happens, right!do you ever get back to your village!
Mar 10, 1:41pm
The only flood here is being caused by the tears of those baby's that get caught doing what they know is wrong and then pass the blame because they were to stupid to even get away with it. And apparently its those that keep their vehicles legal to avoid the fines that are the 'wowsers' that is just hilarious, honestly, you are a riot, a thigh slapping genuine clown.
Mar 10, 1:48pm
Well done the Police, anything that removes dickheads and their junk off the roads is welcome.
Mar 11, 12:14am
'Junk' is a matter of opinion I guess, I get the 'what a dangerous old piece of junk' look when I rock up to the shops in my 43 old year
Mar 11, 12:29am
Well done you've surmised that poster perfectly
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