Meathead wrote "t's an event open to the public on private property. Just like a restaurant - are you telling me a restaurant can't tell you to leave the premises! The property owner or occupier can ask anyone they wish to leave. It sounds to me like the Police were trespassing once they refused to leave and should have arrested themselves. "
Depends under what section of what Act it comes under, I have known person to be done at a stock car event, treated as public property because the grounds were open to the public and not shut via a gate
Mar 3, 2:45am
Crikey, all this over the police taking some cars off the road that shouldn't be on the road.
Mar 3, 2:47am
Crikey, all this over the police taking some cars off the road that shouldn't be on the road.
Quote johnf_456
Some should look at it as a fun tax, you want the fun pay for it.
Mar 3, 2:51am
Hmm meathead, go and read the legal definition of what consititues a "road" and what powers that then gives Police over said road. Once youve done that bit of homework, please report back with your findings.
your on about assumptions ! youve just made one with regards to what I do or dont know about the legal definition of what a road is, and what powers the police do or dont have once a road is "open to the public" wether by right or not.
Mar 3, 2:57am
differance is most of the people you refer to that get a ticket in their fully legal car, dont come on a MB crying about how unfair it is and how the pigs this that and the other. They just take it on the chin, accept they got caught, probably on the balance of things acknowledge to themselves they got caught this once, but do it often, and pay up. With out starting a big whinge fest blaming others and crying about how unfair it all is
Mar 3, 3:29am
Correct.I think I have been pinged 3 times since the speed cameras first came out.I'm just glad that unlike Australia, you don't get points on your licence. Took a project car once round the block 25 years ago on a Saturday afternoon.No WoF or rego.Just my luck - got caught.If it had been in the UK, it would have been impounded.
There are some that get away with all sorts of misdemeanors but I seem to be the one who does 61kph when I am running (uncharacteristically) late for an appointment.Done again.
Then there is the only car I have ever hit on the public road, (1991) in just under 50 years of driving - and his car hadn't been regoed for 4 years!
So, I keep to the law because I get caught if I don't.Simple really.
Mar 3, 12:41pm
Good example, so thanks, of those who know what the arbitrary limits are but who choose to ignore them and thus become revenue providers. Next.
Mar 3, 1:06pm
There is one simple thing we could do to keep illegal vehicles off the road. When the police stop a vehicle and it is illegal for any reason, i.e no WOF,licence not current, illegal mods, etc.), then it should not be allowed to be driven another inch. Here the police issue tickets and usually let the vehicle be driven away, which immediately compounds the offence. Every vehicle that is not legal for whatever reason should leave the scene on a tow truck, at the owner's expense. It is only by causing maximum inconvenience for the owner/driver that this sort of offending will be reduced.
Mar 3, 3:04pm
Police can pursue onto& arrestperpson anypropertybut setting up a booze bus & checkpointon privateproperty , if told to leavemay be illegal & any infringements issuednull & voidBettheywoulkd catch more drunks leaving eden park after a big rugby match . Now imagine the publicoutcry if they set up checkpoint/booze businthe carpark.
Mar 3, 9:22pm
propaganda works
even blinds the believer as to what point it is that hes reading / replying too
isnt this how brainwashing is supposed to work !!!
Mar 5, 2:22am
#48 hey Gunhand using an unregistered trailer on the road is breaking the law but is not a criminal offence! (IMO trailers should not need to be registered as they must be attached to a registered vehicle, but they should be roadworthy just as a motor vehicle must be at ALL TIMES)
Mar 5, 1:02pm
Until you have cleaned up after a couple of fatalities, dealt with the deceased and cleaned them up (usually the innocent party), advised families and orgnaised the i.d of badly mutiliated bodies, then its not so anal retentive, and its not so bad being what you would refer to as a 'goody two shoes' either after having done that a few times. Hows that armchair!
Mar 5, 1:03pm
Could be a test case, you are probably right.
Mar 5, 1:05pm
Well it IS still private property, however it's also a road.
Mar 5, 1:10pm
probably you.
Mar 5, 1:13pm
Then just keep being illegal, and take the fines like a man instead if crying like a baby.meathead.
Mar 5, 1:53pm
Agreed , most of the kids use their fines rap sheet as a badge of honour.Easy to stick it on the tab and drive away . Might slow em down and make them play legit if they lose the wheels. In saying that my car hasnt had a wof/rego in 10 years , but i dont rub it under the cops nose.
Mar 5, 3:37pm
I know what the definition of a road it. That does not detract from the fact that if that place which is considered a road is on private property that you have no right to remain. The bit "whether as of right or not" is key in the definition. Just try parking your car on any part of your neighbour's 'road' and see where that gets you.
Mar 5, 3:37pm
john_f how would you feelif they did this outside your rugby club ohh thats right you can not touch the holly game of rugby
Mar 5, 3:39pm
Boo frigg'n hoo. If you don't like doing your job, do something else. How many people have been 'mutilated' as a result of having an expired or incorrect class of motor vehicle licence!
Mar 5, 4:20pm
I don't go to a rugby club but if I did I would not mind, safety is the goal here.Especially as people drink to watch a game.
Mar 5, 4:21pm
Not many but often these vehicles have no wof due to a underlining mechanical issue that they know about but is to expensive to fix. Aka, no rego sometimes is the tip of the ice berg. If everything is upto date, you just drive on through
Mar 6, 3:19pm
I wonder if when, a policeman knocks on your door to say a family member of yours was killed by an illegally modified car, youstill say "Boo friggnhoo"
! But I'm sure for the purposes of maintaining the staunch, messageboard persona you will "say sure I would"
Mar 7, 12:57am
you obviously cant get your head around the complexity of the legal definiation of what a "road" is then. Otherwise you wouldnt still be banging on about "private property"as you are.
If it fits the legal definition of a "road" as the entrance road to meremere does, then the Police are legally entitled to set up camp there and stop vehicles and do whatever else they feel to maintain and enforce the law.
No point you crying on and on about it here, your tears and outrage arent going to make any differance at all.
If the owners of the cars keep them legal in all ways, there is no problem, if they dont and get caught, tuff titty. Pretty simple really
Mar 7, 8:42pm
^^^^lawyermay have differentinterpretation,ploice are allowed to persue & arrest on privatepropertybutsettingup booze buscheckpointsmay not be legal .Ever seen 1 set t up in a pub car park! . You will find they set upon the roadfor legal reasons .
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