Police bust drag meeting

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cuda.340, Mar 1, 4:09pm
last nights Friday nite Dragwars competition at Fram Autolite Dragway Meremere was disrupted by the Police setting up multiple speed cameras on the Expressway near Fram Autolite Dragway, which is fair enough, but they also set up check points & the booze bus at the track & set up chase cars to catch anyone who entered Dragway Road & decided to leave instead of entering. when asked to disperse by track management they refused & proceeded to check every car n driver who entered with cameras rolling. many cars were pink stickered & attendance was down big time compared to a normal friday night meeting. the NSDW program was set up to get the kids off the streets, but this would achieve the exact opposite. WTF were they thinking!

johnf_456, Mar 1, 4:10pm
Excellent job, considering that is where you are likely to find non legit vehicles. Good on them, helps make the roads safer for us all.

If you have a legit car there is no problem.

pebbles61, Mar 1, 4:11pm
Easy money lol

pebbles61, Mar 1, 4:12pm
This is true, and most of the people who drive such cars know the the filth is gonna be waiting for them there.and still go lol

johnf_456, Mar 1, 4:12pm

cuda.340, Mar 1, 4:16pm
kind of non thinking answer we tend to get from you Johnny. if the kids aren't at the track, parked up & enjoying the racing, then they're on the road being a menace to joe public. where would you rather them be! up your road doing burnouts & drifting the suburban streets! think before you write dribble next time johnny.

cuda.340, Mar 1, 4:17pm
no dummy. they avoided the place like the plague. don't you read!

johnf_456, Mar 1, 4:18pm
Firstly don't go making up names and calling people them. I have no problem with them going to drags, but what I do have a problem with is them putting others lifes at risk by driving around in non legit vehicles and putting everyone at risk. We don't get them around our area, the neighbors soon deal to them and one neighbor is a coppa.

And by the police going to the drags, impounding them, takes another vehicle off the road.

pebbles61, Mar 1, 4:22pm
I did and from what I read a few people got caught and a few didn't turn up, no doubt after being texted by their mates!

snoopy221, Mar 1, 4:24pm
many cars were pink stickered
There is where it is definable.
Either heavy handed Police
Or warrant-able vehicles.

We don't get them around our area, the neighbors soon deal to them and one neighbor is a coppa.


johnf_456 (173 )11:18 am, Sat 2 Mar #8

Policeman is the correct term - Please don't name call.

daryl14, Mar 1, 5:00pm
John won't be happy until he has chased all of us out of motoring and the entire world is banned from driving.

johnf_456, Mar 1, 5:05pm
Yeah right why would I want that, I have a passion for cars like most here.

llortmt, Mar 1, 5:27pm
No Police-officer we must remain gender-neutral like john!

bumfacingdown, Mar 1, 5:55pm
"when asked to disperse by track management they refused"

If track management is there to promote safe vehicles/racing why would they ask the police to "disperse"!

pollymay, Mar 1, 6:22pm
Because they are wanks. They pulled me over in a 2004 nissan bluebird, the most nondescript thing in the world and then proceeded to grill me over rego etc even though it was current. I was on the way home from hamilton. Far as I'm concerned they can suck a fat one if they are solely concerned with finding something rather than conceding maybe I am 20 something but not actually doing anything wrong with all 40 of my horsepower.

if that was anything to go by then they must of been having a field day with the modded cars. Cars that come out once in a blue moon with rego on hold and such are sitting ducks; I don't really care if it is illegal. I would of stopped in on the way but with those clowns there they bought some action to me free of charge WHICH WAS REALLY NICE, I just love wasting my time sitting around being lectured for nothing.

bill-robinson, Mar 1, 6:49pm
so what is the problem then!

neville48, Mar 1, 7:06pm
What a load of biased, nanny, gobshite. Lazy policing is what it is.And if they never left private property when asked to that will probably negate the infringement if a lawyer is involved, laws are for all of us.surely!

pnh4, Mar 1, 7:16pm
Badluck Bro's stick it on the Tab', churr churr. pigs suck.

pebbles61, Mar 1, 7:20pm
Everything's legal till you get caught! haw haw!

pnh4, Mar 1, 7:26pm
fuunny attitude what do you do!

gunhand, Mar 1, 7:37pm
Why do people always seem to try a defend those doing wrong!If the police set up a sting opperation and you get caught for whatever reason.well you were doing something wrong wern't you. However if everything is ship shape and your doing the right thing its a few minutes out of your day now isn't it. Not forgetting all the mouthing off and knowallisum of youth (and some adults) that goes with these things that just dosn't do your cause any good at all.
Sorry but if you want to run around in a non legal car than so be it if you get caught. Some should put the same effort into making things all legal as they do protesting about it.
And if you think you have been unjustly pinged well you have a right to protest it as you do any offence you may be charged with.
But Im sure most would just make a big noise in front of there mates making idle threats against the police etc and then do five eights of bugger all.
And someone said its better to have them congregate at the drags than on the street. True, but thats till the event finishes, then where and what do youthink they will be doing.

gunhand, Mar 1, 8:33pm
Ive also been to drag meets,car race meets motorcycle racing etc and seen all manner of stupidity after the event and for hours later.

socram, Mar 1, 8:57pm
I can't really get my head around the problem with the pink stickering side at all. I am not going on the public road whilst my car is down at HD with rego on hold either!

Anyone who drives that section of road - even without the drags being on, knows there is always at least one speed camera.

I seem to remember the police stopping ALL 250+ Targa cars (sr2 may remember) and ALL support vehicles for breathaliser and Wof check a few years back, when I was a support vehicle driver.I can't remember a single complaint- or pink sticker.

johnf_456, Mar 1, 9:32pm
I remember that at the targa, was a while ago! Its funny its the younger ones that complain about the police.

splinter67, Mar 1, 11:10pm
Hmmm cars registered as tractors oh well they got what they deserve
This is how it goes rip the system then complain when they get caught