Police bust drag meeting

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gunhand, Mar 1, 11:14pm
Yep, haven't stopped laughing enough to post.Policewoman, How many times you been pink stickerd!Dude who owns tractor, Awww 3 times now.
YEP, they learn quick. But its the Cops fault a.

johnf_456, Mar 1, 11:17pm
Yep its like the people who get speeding tickets, then whinge whinge.

gammelvind, Mar 2, 12:01am
Yep saw that as well, what a dipstick. Lol

bill-robinson, Mar 2, 12:08am
this used to be common. in the 60's and 70's all cars had to be registered and have a wof.this included proper race cars that never saw the road. to save costs we registered them as tractors ,it was cheaper, and the warrent did not include lights or horns or parking brakes so that was easier as well. the plates had to be produced at scrutineering.

twink19, Mar 2, 12:26am
wait until they dont have to get a WOF

pollymay, Mar 2, 2:08am
That I don't have time for their nonsense when I'm busy. If the car doesn't have an issue don't spend 10 minutes winding me up cause I need to get home and you want to find something wrong. Therefore I have very little sympathy for them operating with tactics targeting a group when they can't even be reasonable with a turdy little daily driver.

For that matter I don't like the aggravation of dealing with police at an event. I only had a temp licence on me due to adding another class which is a hassle,

meathead_timaru, Mar 2, 2:19am
I don't think ambiguous gender and gender neutral are quite the same thing.

meathead_timaru, Mar 2, 2:26am
It's petty, anal-retentive policing, and the no-life goody-two-shoes wowsers in here know it.

chevcamaro, Mar 2, 2:51am
i understand the ha ha we got you attitude, do the crime do the time type crap but surely going to a race track rather than laying diesel on city streets and keeping the area under siege until they finish having their fun is better for everyone
differant strokes for differant folks
hello johnny 123 howz ya. oh thats right you haven't got one be kind to small animals johnboy or they weee on you

pebbles61, Mar 2, 3:30am
Why can't they go to the drags in vehicle that's all legal and fit to be on the road etc!

snoopy221, Mar 2, 3:55am
Oh wow so do me.
Sheesh i do have a few vehicles
Crikey i even have a friend who
LEGALLY has a 2 wheel drive home built beach buggy type VEHICLE
LEGALLY registered as a TRACTOR
Yes it has a rear tractor towing attachment fitted and is used on MANY vintage tractor rallysGawd Damn the taxman that wants ya ta vin a vehicle;e because ya changed address and it is liable for
Continuous licensing and NOT on an A label

Reality is they are tax revenue goverment agents who issued 30 or so tickets.
Majority for A class regoes.

snoopy221, Mar 2, 3:58am
We don't get them around our area, the neighbors soon deal to them and one neighbor is a coppa.


johnf_456 (173 ) 11:18 am, Sat 2 Mar #

The POT often calls the KETTLEaye chaps

bill-robinson, Mar 2, 12:35pm
sounds to me like you are perfect but the police dont know. apply for an exemption certificate and just hand it over next time and drive off. same cert lets you drive though compulsory stops as well

bellky, Mar 2, 3:28pm
Makes it hard to respect the Police doesn't it! Vulchers they are.

I love it how they call their speed camera vans 'Traffic Safety Cameras', instead of revenue gatherers.

socram, Mar 2, 3:33pm
I copy and print out our licences and laminate them and leave them in the glove box of each vehicle.We only carry the copies when travelling overseas, as ID, too. never the originals.
Sure, in NZ they aren't legal, but if the law decides to ping you because you left your wallet with the original in it at home, or in the other vehicle, then tell them quite politely that you will be pleading not guilty and will see them in court.I doubt that having sighted your licence copy that it would ever get to court.

When it comes to law breaking, would you rather the police did nothing at all!Dealing with anarchists who believe laws are for everyone except them, or who are totally selective about which laws they are going to abide by, confuse me.Is it OK to steal from the Warehouse because they can afford it!is it OK to beat your wife because she burned your dinner!Is it OK for some perve to hit on your 14 year old daughter!

I am virtually teetotal by choice, (I certainly never drink and drive) but I still expect to be stopped and breathalised if the police havea road block.They have a job to do and commonsense dictates that if there are likely to be rich pickings in a specific area, then why not target it!

I'll admit to breaking the speed limit now and again and am far from perfect, but I was brought up to accept that driving was a real priviledge and to respect the law, because overall, no matter how irksome some laws may appear to be, I'd rather be dealing with the NZ police than the South African police.

wrong2, Mar 2, 4:33pm
emphasis on the last part gunhand

demonising not-perfectly-legal cars makes for good numbers & stats at the end of the year

bill-robinson, Mar 2, 4:33pm
SOCRAM, your last paragragh sums up the whole situation.well done.

trogedon, Mar 2, 4:46pm
Good job Police.

gunhand, Mar 2, 5:10pm
I still don't understand why some think its ok to run around in illegal cars and excpect no consequence of doing so. This is whats wrong with sociaty today, no one thinks they should be punished for doing wrong anymore. The laws are there and are reasonably easy to understand. And not one of these people with illegal mods could pretend to know they arn't. They dam well know its wrong and do it anyway. Its nothing new as its been going on since the wheel was invented, so were consequences.
And no doubt you will say police should be out catchng real criminals Whats a real criminal in your eyes!Should a rapist be let off cause he only penatrated his victim once, hardly hurt her at all, minor stuff really. Should a shop lifter be let off because they only took a packet of gum, should a bank robber be let off cause they only got $50 in the end! hardly worth the hassle of pursuing really.
Crime is crime and we all commit it every day in some way wether you like it.
or not.
Example. I have an unwarented trailer at the mo, nothing wrong with it but for whatever slack arsed reason I havent got round to having it done yet. Its regoed.So I know everytime I use it I might get caught, and Ill be pissed off at myself as a $40 WOF v a $150 fine dosnt make sence.But I won't come moaning on here about and feel victimised about it.
Everyone seems to think car crime is no issue but if you let it slip they get dodgyer by the day. Im sure some would be the first to moan (and do) when a wreck of car is the reason theres (and I dont mean a 1972 worn out thing)an inocent familykilled. And then its.where were the cops, why wern't they doing there job keeping these things off the road.
If evryone kept to the rules (which we don't) the bad police wouldn't have a job. But human nature being what it is we just can't help ourselves, wether it be speeding (again a minor crime apparently) or taking pens from work we think we for some reason are above the law and consequence.
Said it before, if you want a lawless state go live in Johanesburg for a while and see how true lawlessness suits you.
And those who moan and get all upset because a car is stolen, well hey its only a minor thing now isnt it, hardly anyworse than runing round in an ill handling stopping and bald tyred car now is it, no one got hurt did they. But you all want a consequence for the theft though but none for the car wreck.
And im not speaking as church going (prob some of the worst offenders) law abbiding citizen either. Ive done things that I should be locked up for if caught and running around with a unwarrented trailer puts me in NZs 10 most wanted no doubt, well not really but its still a crime wether I like it or not.

attitudedesignz, Mar 2, 5:17pm
This one's really p1ssed ya off hasn't it gun'! Don't worry mate, i agree with ya 100%.

gunhand, Mar 2, 5:27pm
LOL, not really, I don't get really P Oed that easy, but it annoys me yes.Theres an illuison thats its ok to flout the law just cause your a teenager or 20 something yob in an illegal car then moan ya tits off about it when you get caught. And some are proud of having thousands of dollers worth of fines that will never be paid, again no real consequence, no respect ethier. But thankfully most will grow out of it and look back and see there wrong. Oh and of course there the first to call police when someones committed a crime against them and excpect a result an an hour, including add breaks.

wrong2, Mar 2, 5:27pm
the point being the cops focus on road users for other reasons than public safety

that the cops get called out on it isnt because we are all law breakers who are annoyed at getting busted

its because we can see thru the PR bullshit & understand the political hijacking that goes on in the upper management

gunhand, Mar 2, 5:32pm
Perhaps they need to seperate again like the old days. I agree with that idea. Focus on your specific job and not blur the lines to much.
But sadly I feel (lets call them MOT LOL) MOT officers need very simalier powers to the Police as many car crimes result in much bigger things. Your not just pulling over a bald tyred wreck these days it could contain two wanted gangsters and a P lab.

therafter1, Mar 2, 6:20pm
Unfortunately this has been sneaking up on us for quite some time now (as Jazz and Meathead and others have TRIED to point out on many occasions previously). The police slowly seem to be becoming just another taxation arm of the government and they are being lambasted for it, when it is being imposed on them by government !

I'm not defending the individuals with the incorrect labels on their vehicles. But surely the solution to the issue lies elsewhere and not at the bottom of the cliff, which is where the police seem to have found themselves.

The administrative checks and balances obviously need to be tidied up. I'm reasonably confident that the licence label on the offending vehicle wont state 1964 David Brown 990, so how is it possible that someone is able to licence something like an 06 Falcon as a tractor, when it still states on the licence label that it is an 06 Falcon

smac, Mar 2, 7:24pm
Grill you how! They looked at the label in the window, it was fine.how was there even a conversation! In what way did they hold you up!