No one has suggested that children's toys should be allowed on the road
Mar 25, 6:22pm
Mar 25, 6:39pm
What are they lcra brigade out doing every weekend! Playing on their bikes. Most people know, playing on the road is dangerous.
Mar 25, 6:41pm
another troll.
Mar 25, 6:54pm
And a happy xmas to you too.(I'm actually serious about cyclists being licensed)
Mar 25, 7:01pm
Amsterdam says hi, we have the highest number of cyclists in the world and no license. Fact is cage drivers attitude is a big issue here.RUC! why! bikes dont damage the road.
If anything cyclists should be able to receive tickets for riding abreast of each other in large groups.
Car drivers need to be prepared for the fact that if you have a 'sorry I didnt see you' moment, that there is a chance your wing mirrors will be smashed off.
Mar 25, 7:01pm
.and I just plain dont think they should be on roads.
Mar 25, 7:05pm
They should still not be side by side is my point so if they get wing mirror rash its there own fault.
Mar 25, 7:05pm
So, using your logic there is no need for me to get a building permit for a small house.
Mar 25, 7:07pm
who gives a toss about a wing mirror. Unfortunately a "sorry I didnt see you moment" is likely to turn into a "sorry I killed you moment" thats the reality and something I never want to be part of. Get bikes of roads, its too F#!%ing dangerous.
Mar 25, 7:14pm
There are thousands of cyclists in NZ, and more each year, mainly adults riding good bicycles, not children's toys. They are legally allowed to ride on roads. The best solution is for all cyclists to ride safely, and mainly in single file, and for motorists to have to learn to drive correctly, attend a driver training course where they will be taught to drive safely, how to handle the vehicle in all conditions, and to observe considerate driving practises. This happens in Japan and the standard of driving there is far superior to NZ.
Mar 25, 7:19pm
Iv got no problem with them being on the road but the pair i come across need to pull there heads in or they will get hit. Its not always the car at fault.
Mar 25, 7:19pm
In a world where I cant legally get a guy to stand on a ladder over 1.8m high, we allow bicycles and trucks on the same road. Its like putting a lion in the same cageas a budgy, no amount of training will keep the budgy safe
Mar 25, 7:19pm
Are cyclists licensed in the republic!
Mar 25, 7:21pm
When you consider the poor accident rate of trucks in NZ, maybe they should be banned from all roads !
Mar 25, 7:26pm
And just what would that accident rate be for trucks
Mar 25, 9:23pm
you seem like you have something against trucks. maybe we just ban you from the roads full stop and then you wont have to make these stupid comments
Mar 25, 9:39pm
Wow, sarcasm.
Mar 25, 9:54pm
The only problem I have with trucks is that they are big and seem to be a danger to cyclists like myself.
Mar 25, 10:09pm
Mar 25, 10:47pm
Still waiting on these stats.
Mar 25, 10:57pm
Good idea, the roads would last longer and rail would finally pay a dividend.
Mar 25, 11:26pm
I don't have stats. Just an impression based on news I
Mar 26, 1:13am
I recently attended a presentation put together by an advanced driving trainer (offroad, vehivle handling, defensive driving etc) who used to be heavily involved in attending fatal accidents. He had a slideshow of images from a number of these crashes, and at least half of these images involved trucks, some on their side, some down banks, etc. What was interesting, was that of all these truck related fatal accidents, after an investigation only one was found to be the truck driver at fault. in all other cases, the truck had taken evasive action to avoid some other moron on the road, and had ended up paying the price for it. Of course this isn't going to be the case all the time, but still.makes ya think.
Mar 26, 1:14am
Cars should pay the same ACC costs as Bikers.yep cause that's gonna happen.
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