Yes but lots of ladies & laddies get top go "Oooh" & "Ahh" at our guzzlers. We should be using the roads for free.
Mar 28, 1:04am
should I have waited for an invitation to join in! From you! Anyway, I mentioned V8s because they are an interesting counterpoint to cycles on a number of fronts - engine size, pollution, noise and efficiency but mostly because they seem to be driven by chronically unfit, rat-faced, lard-arses with a macho complex
PS I like what you did with my name there, paddy - very clever
Mar 28, 1:09am
So all you can do is name call because you realize you have no substance to continue your futile rubbish
Mar 28, 1:39am
Aww.come on brummoi, V8 drivers are not all like that. You might be surprised.
Mar 28, 1:49am
It doesn't bother me if there is charge to ride a bicycle on our road. That isn't my concern. I can't understand why they continue to build new roads without proper cycle lanes. Considering the money our petrol taxes, taxes and rates contribute, ( cyclists included ) and the fact that cycling is increasing weekly and is obviously an issue which is here to stay, the powers that be are very shortsighted. I have 2 vehicles and 3 registered motorcycles so I feel I have contributed enough towards roading costs. However if it will make you and many other small minded whingers be quiet, I am happy to pay a bit more to ride my bicycle. I would consider it hush money to stop the whining. It wouldn't improve my safety or improve our useless drivers.
Mar 28, 2:01am
my tongue is firmly in my cheek, dr. As it happens, I like big cars but I guess they do show tnat all vehicles exist on a continuum in terms of the cost they impose on the roading system. A thirsty V8 has a greater impact than one of those odd-looking little cars favoured by old ladies, but no sensible government would charge road charges on the merits of each vehicle individually. It would be ridiculously cumbersome so costs are set in broad bands, in effect. I suggest bicycles lie very much at the bottom end of roading cost impact in a group that would be uneconimical to tax.
Why does no-one like lycra! They should try it, they might be surprised!
Mar 28, 2:04am
I don't think that " no one likes lycra" just a certain type of small minded, anti, probably slobbish people.
Mar 28, 2:07am
Firstly, again I fail to see how a v8 is going to add any measurable extra burden to the roading system than a smaller car, and secondly, since the v8 will obviously use more fuel, which of course includes road tax, they will be paying more towards the roads. And personally, i believe that bicycles should be registered so that they pay towards ACC. Nothing to do with road tax at all, which of course is paid in petrol, or in RUC for diesel vehicles.
Mar 28, 2:24am
so what about pedestrions , rugby players & every other activity that results in ACC Claims also being registered to cover ACC Claims
Mar 28, 2:43am
look at it this way maybe. roadways built for bikes alone would be very lightweight and cheap. For small cars, the roads would need to be a great deal more substantial than for a bike and a lot costlier too. For large cars, the roads need to be even stronger and even more expensive. And so it goes on until we get to large trucks.
In reality, roads are built to withstand the largest vehicles they are likely to carry, none of which are bikes. Apart from a few bucks to paint in a cycle lane or a sign telling inattentive drivers to watch out for cyclists, the roading cost imposed by cyclists is effectively zero compared to that for motorised vehicles.
Mar 28, 4:31am
I went for a run up our road this afternoon and I saw 3 dogs, 2 pukekos and a hedge hog on the road. I spoke to them about paying towards the roads but they thought I was a w/nker, like the posters who go on about it.
Mar 28, 5:41am
Mar 28, 1:47pm
Totally agree .hence the sarcasm in my previous post
Mar 28, 4:35pm
I'm glad I didn't go for a ride today (saving my energy for group rides on the weekend) the GUILT would've done my head in.
Mar 28, 5:58pm
I've just been. 90 minutes around Waitakere and Taupaki and a 30 minute run.I saw a few pedestrians bludging their way along without paying !
Mar 28, 6:57pm
Looks like a typical NZ driver.
Mar 28, 9:11pm
Looks like a group of morons not riding in single file,on the wrong side of the road.
Mar 28, 9:38pm
then you've let your prejudices get in the way of finding out what actually happened.
'The 28-year-old driver was apparently drunk and fell asleep when he crashed in the race, said police investigator Jose Alfredo Rodriguez'.
Mar 29, 3:28am
The lycra brigade will be out in force tomorrow morning in Auckland, and also next weekend. You obviously have a thing about it so get in to Tamaki Drive in the morning and you will be in heaven
Mar 29, 4:45pm
I am part of the lycra brigade, the reason we wear lycra, by the way, is that it keeps us cooler, has a chamois (padding) in the seat and if we do come off it doesn't tear as easily as other farics therefore lessening grazes in minor crashes. If you have ever been out on a bike you will realise that sometimes you don't hear cars coming depending on where the wind is coming from and how fast you are going (I don't listen to music for that reason), if there is a car coming towards you, you often don't hear the one coming up behind you. Even if there is a shoulder on the road often it has broken glass, loose stones and other things that would make us skid and lose control just as a car would if it was forced to the side of the road into loose metal. I both drive a car and ride a bike and I know that the majority people, both cyclists and drivers of vehicles are safe and some which are not. If, like the new ad campaign on tv says, we remember that in everyone using the road is a person not just a car, truck, bus or bike, the roads would be safer
Mar 29, 7:33pm
Its not actually Lycra - I've sold lots of cycling gear and its usually a Cotton / Polyester blend.
Mar 29, 10:31pm
.and another one, yesterday, in Oamaru or nearby.
Mar 29, 11:17pm
If you didn't wear bright lycra Saffa would be moaning that you couldnt be seen
Mar 30, 3:00pm
Obviously cycling and cheerleaders have something in common.
But I'll put money on a cheerleader getting the joke before you.
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