I drive through west Auckland eacn morning between 6.30 and 7 am, and often see cyclists, by themselves or in groups. and they usually have a battery of lights flashing all over them, in front and at the rear. That is a very unusual occurence you have reported.
Mar 27, 4:51am
but buses are bigger and slower.
Mar 27, 2:10pm
It seems the bigger the belly, the bigger the attitude towards cyclists.some cyclists are there own worst enemy though. (some - not all)
Mar 27, 2:27pm
.and harder to lane split with.
Mar 27, 2:31pm
next you will want all cyclists to wear glasses and red clothes and white socks. Get real.
Mar 27, 3:45pm
Another one yesterday in CH-CH.
Mar 27, 3:46pm
Absurd, why should one whole section of road users get a free ride on the backs of those who pay!.
Mar 27, 3:48pm
Im pretty sure they are only allowed 2 a breast when its safe to do so, if at any stage its not safe or they are holding up traffic they must go to single file. Iv had my own close call with 2 lycra wan#ers side by side 100kph area mid corner with a car coming the other way, the guy closest to me was lucky as i was going to take him out before i would cross the centre line.[/quote]
So just as well for you that it wasn't one of the hundreds of agricultural machines that are all over our roads at this time of year .they're a lot wider & often slower than cyclists & often have very large blades or prongs etc right at windscreen height .would you make the same decision then ! How about just learn to drive to the conditions so you have time to safely avoid any unexpected obstacle
Mar 27, 3:50pm
See my comments in previous post .dork
Mar 27, 3:52pm
Generally the issue around cyclists involves their safety rather than them paying towards their use of the roads. That is an issue which would then include pedestrians, horse riders, mobility scooters etc etc, so is really quite pointless and would acheive nothing. Even if cyclists paid RUCs, it still would not improve the skills of our many aggressive and incompetent drivers.
Mar 27, 4:05pm
Great idea - in theory - the problem being of course, how do you propose to enforce it! The current helmet law is clearly not being enforced, and a helmet is much easier to see and far harder to forge than a licence or RUC. And RUC's for light diesel vehicles are not a great success, would be far worse for bikes
Mar 27, 4:28pm
You may like to note that the thread is about cyclists paying their way.
Mar 27, 4:29pm
You ignore the fact that all other road users are licensed and regulated, cyclists would merely become part of the whole enforcement regime.
Mar 27, 4:34pm
Dude something tells me the roads were here before you arrived. Did you pay! just saying
Mar 27, 4:36pm
Sorry you make little sense, care to clarify!.
Mar 27, 4:36pm
Why are cyclists still being killed despite wearing 'safety' helmets!
Mar 27, 4:52pm
Good question. Why do people die when they fall off a roof even if they are wearing a high viz' vest !
Mar 27, 4:53pm
I realize that, but only small minded idiots are hassling about that. The issue really is the safety of cyclists.
Mar 27, 4:54pm
guess those vests aren't too 'protective'.
Mar 27, 11:16pm
The same way motorcyclists still die wearing armoured leather neck to toe.
A collision with a car/truck is goodnight nurse.
Mar 28, 12:22am
You think you should be excempt frompaying towards the roads while using a bike oliver6! Maybe the council could sell permits to ride the streets. No permit no riding your bike
Mar 28, 12:37am
i definitely think cyclists should not have to pay. V8 drivers should pay a cycle tax to pay for more cycleways and to offset their absurdly disproprtionate burden on the environment
Mar 28, 12:39am
How exactly do you figure they have a "disproportionate" burden on the environment!
Mar 28, 12:45am
Who pulled your chain bummboi, where i mention V8s !
Mar 28, 12:49am
Unnecessarily large car / engine = more environmental pollution.
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