I want to recommend to anyone who is being bullied and intimidated by some cop to go to Alistair from Road Legal for help. My granddaughter was in that position, with a cop behaving VERY suspiciously. About the time he wanted her to meet him "after hours" for a "chat", I decided we may need to get a lawyer involved. Thank goodness we did. The charge against her was dismissed, but it has been fourteen months of worry and hell for her. Unfortunately there appears to be a number of mongrel cops out there. I am considering taking it to the :Police Complaints Authority, but of course he will lie, lie, lie, deny, and they will of course be on his side. But if might be worth it so he can experience some of the grief he gave her.
Sep 23, 6:10am
So what did he do wrong? Asked to meet someone outside office hours for a chat? It sounds like something Police do all the time. What made you suspicious?
Sep 23, 6:25am
There have been some highly publicized cases of predatory behavior to women by police and it's quite right to be cautious, and important to make records of any such attempts.
Sep 23, 6:33am
Sep 23, 7:20am
You should join the TMMB Cop Haters Society. there are a couple of haters on here already.
Sep 23, 7:23am
She is a young attractive blonde! After hours for a "chat"? He is early fifties. I was in Rotorua during the Shipton affair. So maybe I am paranoid?
Sep 23, 7:23am
Almost as big as the TMMB the Police are Gods Club.
Sep 23, 7:28am
#5- Trying hard to be abusive are you?
Sep 23, 7:33am
I have no doubt this kind of thing does happen in all forms of employment. Doctor patient, Police citizen, Lawyer client, Boss worker, Dentist patient and so on and so on. However we really only know what you said has happened. No history of the event that lead up to the first contact, no reason for the "chat" givin. We no know nothing of your daughter or any history of any type of repeat offending or whatever. What was the tone when the officer said "lets have a chat" is he youth aid aid officer, detective or just a constable doing his job. The alarm bell here would be "after hours" as any form of other help should really be done during working hours. Did your daughter flirt with him to try and get off something (it happens) . To many gaps in the whole story for any comment really. What did the lawyer say to have charges dropped, thats what they do try and do though.
Sep 23, 7:53am
She was involved in a car crash. No previous involvement with the police He is an ordinary constable. He made derogatory remarks about her career the next day after the accident - which was later thrown out of court. He continued to try to intimidate her despite being told by the solicitor not to make contact with her. The last thing she would do is flirt with "an old man". There was CTV footage which the judge considered exonerated her from blame.
Sep 23, 8:01am
Waste of time complaining to IPCA. It operates out of same building as Police NHQ and is controlled by PNHQ. PCA was set up to absolve them from any wrong doing whenever possible. I (independant) was added later to fool the peasants.
Sep 23, 8:05am
Well there you go then, he should get his arsed kicked then. Now one and all will wonder what your daughters career is.
Sep 23, 9:23am
Dirty old cop after a bit of after hours sex in return for dropping charges . .pity didnt get him on tape but you did the right thing .
You should take your evidence to the Police immediately, clearly you have some, are you a witness? Photos perhaps? Act immediately.
Sep 23, 11:20am
Some wrong here be very concerned . have heard of cops looking for favours of naughty kind and let off fine.
Sep 23, 11:39am
I would take it to the IPCA even though they will likely try to help hide any wrong doing. Still worth making them do some work, and you never know, if he has doen it enough times perhaps they will quietly put him out to pasture.
This sort of nonsense seems to be an almost daily occurrence if you go searching the small papers etc and that's what gets to the media. so it's clearly a serious problem in NZ. There was recently a cop bullying a guy down south and it appears his colleagues were all encouraging it, which shows you it's a part of the culture at least in some districts. Which is very concerning.
Sep 23, 11:40am
Really tgray? ! I agree it probably is going on all the time, but you make it sound like it's OK. Sheesh.
Sep 23, 2:13pm
Hey its the biggest gang in town,you wont beat them and if you do you gotta leave the country.
Sep 23, 3:57pm
Several stages to IPCA. Have been thru system with harrasement and allegations. End line first investigated by offficers senior sargent , not happy with his attitiude or actions was then taken up by inspector . result constable reprimanded senior gets early retirement. Worth the time to use IPCA
Sep 23, 4:12pm
I bet the Mongrel Mob hate hearing that .
Sep 24, 1:42am
Arrogant cops all have pomme accent I noticed probably got kiked out in England and now want to play the big muckers here . Whangarei is extremely full of these cockroaches. Nothing to do with cop hating it's simple facts.
Sep 24, 3:18am
Was the court case about the car crash? (The charge against her was dismissed) ? or other incidentally trivia her trying to stick something on the cop, for any another reason? some young lasses can be very vindictive about anything over nothing ya know! As I read your post it states charges against her!
Sep 24, 5:09am
More fake news
Sep 24, 5:22am
At best a sweeping generalisation.
At worst a load of crap
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