Police intimidation

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purplegoat, Sep 24, 10:39am
And yet more bull dust and exaggeration from the armchair critic with the biggest chip on his shoulder
Ever stopped to consider that just because somebody has a whinge to the local newspaper about the local copper that's doesn't mean it's true
I have no doubt that yeap there are cases where the police act inappropriately but many of the cases you spout on about are often due to smart Alec's who fail the attitude test and then make up fake news

purplegoat, Sep 24, 10:40am
Haha pull the other one . facts coming from intrade . nah not likely

thejazzpianoma, Sep 24, 11:32am
So our court system who convicted the cop on a raft of charges is in on the fake news plot as well then?
Good to know!

BTW. with regard to the "attitude test" Police are supposed to apply the law equally to EVERYONE. This "attitude test" rubbish is just another tool for them to abuse in order to manipulate people and that is exactly what they do.

purplegoat, Sep 24, 3:21pm
Unfortunately the red mist that descends across your eyes when the P word is mentioned has affected your comprehension .
In my previous post I acknowledged that yeap some cops act inappropriately , that's a far cry from " a daily occurrence " that you rabbit on about . .

thejazzpianoma, Sep 24, 4:26pm
Sorry, can't read what you wrote. Red mist too thick.

purplegoat, Sep 24, 4:38pm
More like don't want to read, cause it doesn't fit your one eyed agenda

sadmuddle, Sep 24, 6:41pm
Best way to deal with Police officers is don't have any thing to do with them unless you absolutely have to.

flack88, Sep 24, 6:45pm
#35 There is a lot of pommy cops here Nelson full of them,they also work for WORKSAFE and bring there idiotic health safety rules also.They have got out of the Islamic caliphate called England.

ross1970, Sep 24, 7:02pm
So true.

thejazzpianoma, Sep 24, 7:14pm
That's the trouble though. People believe the fairytale that is Police 10/7 until the fateful day they need Police assistance. At which point it's a crap shot, depending on where you live maybe a 50% chance they will assist in a competant manner?

Not so bad if we were talking about Telecom or some other sub par business. but with the Police, people lives are often on the line and real people are dying regularly as a result.

purplegoat, Sep 24, 7:52pm
And more bull dust from the one eyed police hater
You claim there's a 50% chance your matter will be dealt with competently is just plain horseshit . do you ever go back and read the garbage you wrote and think " what the fark did i write that for " . lol

headcat, Sep 24, 8:01pm
But we have been told that only a few are crooked. Trouble is nobody will tell us which ones they are so all are suspect.

jcmp21, Sep 24, 9:21pm
Righto, everyone, calm down, calm down, jcmp is here now and I'll be taking control of the scene from here. *starts unrolling cordon tape to secure the scene*

jcmp21, Sep 24, 9:23pm

jcmp21, Sep 24, 9:26pm
I agree, that said 90% of the time, I've dealt with them, they have been great. The one or two times they failed, they failed spectacularly.

jcmp21, Sep 24, 9:27pm

jcmp21, Sep 24, 9:29pm
but you're on here daily defending the new daily case with your usual vitriolic and somewhat unhinged diatribe.

mrfxit, Sep 25, 8:43am
Could well be that they have to compete with the other mass's of cockroaches down there.

jackinabox, Sep 25, 8:56am
Make sure the tape is upside down and back to front jc, the cops always have it upside down and back to front.

kazbanz, Sep 25, 9:06am
valb1-I've read and reread your post and can't get a clear picture of what happened. it seems that there are two issues.
The first is that your daughter WAS involved in a car accident and as a result was charged with "something" -Careless driving?
You said that the charges were dropped but on the same account there was a judge involved and CCTV footage was shown which suggests a hearing was actually held and she was found not guilty. that is different from charges dropped.
The Police officer at the scene telling the person who was just involved in a car accident that they would interview them later/after hours sounds like a decent and reasonable thing to do when someone is clearly in shock.
refusal to do so or avoiding tactics would mean repeated requests to reschedule the post accident interview.
Im sorry but based on your posting it comes across as a cop doing their job
Unless there is more to the story I would be saying she's trying to use scare tactics to get out of being charged.

monsieurl, Sep 25, 9:18am
Im guessing the 'meeting unofficially' part was more out of police duty time. sounding like the cop was more sleazy then going to do any actual police work.

bumfacingdown, Sep 25, 9:27am
"The charge against her was dismissed,"
So not dropped

jmma, Sep 25, 9:52am
Just goes to show it doesn't matter how many times people read things, they still don't read everything.
Not picking on you kaz because several posters have said it as well.
Grand Daughter not Daughter.
Just an observation

kazbanz, Sep 25, 10:10am
too lazy to punch in the extra word.

kazbanz, Sep 25, 10:16am
the words the OP used was "thrown out of court"
but the point being theres a logical explaination.