New look trade me motors

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mopar63, Jul 19, 3:43am
don't like the new format ,only thing good is classic cars now incorporates price from zero up,not 6 grand as previously,shows you how little they know about motoring.Also they should have a link to every motors catergory on the motoring home page,how could they get that one so wrong

desmodave, Jul 19, 4:38am
Just cheat man , get a bigger bottle . Here's a handy tip , If ya mrs sits facing you , ya can look over her shoulder and carry on shopping . Think of it as multitasking .

kam04, Jul 19, 5:58am
This ! Until ALL the ads are down loaded no searching can continue. The whole purpose of displaying ads.
I don't have any problems searching for anything, to me there isn't much difference from the old format but I do agree things do seem to have got slower without the ad thing. The property search has been changed to the new format as well

kam04, Jul 19, 6:15am
Yeah classics are under 'All catagories' on the far right hand side

intrade, Jul 19, 6:33am
so far i cant see anything that would upset me. What i can see is we dont like change . for some reason bitching about a website is more important then the governments screwing you over .
if you dont like trademe you can all leave the country.
Ring a bell?

intrade, Jul 19, 6:38am
i think that has more to do that most stuff loads from your cache and since its all new its got to bunker it first.
if i kill my browser and reload all pages are there and it only loads the changes in linux firefox quantum anyhow.

mimik3, Jul 19, 9:05am
Amazing, They've modernised their 1990's search engine, now it's only 19 years behind the rest of the world.

framtech, Jul 19, 9:47am
Problem is the search engines (goggle etc) the information is filtered, so it becomes difficult to find product direct and trade me profit on this. by buying direct you can often get a better deal.
The more trade me piss people off, the less trade they will be done with them, and that includes the message boards.

strobo, Jul 19, 10:52am
And that's exactly why most of my wheeling and dealing is done else where nowadays ! The place where no one is raking fee's and no middle man and no monitoring .If trademe haven't figured that out yet they are very slow learners.Most are here for shits and giggles and the odd buy now .,not hard to see.They've effectively screwed themselves with all the changes. Its either fit in or fork off.

strobo, Jul 19, 11:03am
I really like ya thinking lol ,But I'm still faced with it and it aint prettty ,I have this problem with multi tasking with those 3 ingredients things get a bit side tracked to a single task "in no particular order "in a very short space of time "I'm greedy ya see "and that's the problem my enjoyment of living is just not the same .It's all trademes fault .I blame them for all these changes! It aint good i tell ya.Maybe some living nature shots in the back ground instead of trade me page may help my situ .Thanks for the tips desmo.

rjgmjs, Jul 19, 12:54pm
Harder for us older buggers to navigate all the changes. If enuff people complain, they might bring back the old format

morrisjvan, Jul 19, 2:31pm
The Q&A section is awful, it is not as easy as it used to be to differentiate between them at first glance. Why the f%*k would you do that ?

rj-001, Jul 22, 6:20am
Among the things I like about TradeMe vs say ebay or Aliexpress is that it is uncluttered and simple.
No fancy fonts, colours, varying layouts or shit splattered all over the place.
This gives every auction a consistency of presentation which means you can find stuff.
And the searching is generally great too. You can drill down easily to the area you want before refining and still know where you are in the scheme of things. You can be pretty sure that if the thing you want is there to be found, you will find it.
Leave it alone

intrade, Jul 22, 8:01am
i quite like it. its all there if you look for a secound its now on the left instead of the right etc. it will just be the need to getting used to it. The feedback is also on the page if you look.

lythande1, Jul 22, 8:37am
I don't, but then I use an adblocker. Can't see an issue at all really, not a lot different.

luxy, Jul 22, 10:32am
absolute shit

intrade, Jul 22, 10:56am
ok i spotted one thing to bitchnmoan about. the guy say txt or call but where the number would be it only has email the seller now.
strange not on all auctions maybe its optional now who knows.

andrew_c, Jul 22, 11:44am
Well, it's the same as it's always been on BidBud. The interface is very basic, but functional. Check it out if you haven't tried it before, maybe you like it better?

desmodave, Jul 23, 3:44am
Works for me Andrew . I see Rugs for sale called Aprilia , a quick add to my blacklist and they be gone . Keep up the great work Andrew , BidBud is always saving me coin and time . Thanks

andrew_c, Jul 23, 5:36am
No worries desmodave

I have to admit I didn't actually check out the new motors layout myself until now. and I must concur. It's terrible. So much wasted space on desktop

selectedvehicle, Jul 23, 7:26am
This new format is way way worse than the old one. No way to look for detail of the car you are looking for, and filters are only a portion of what you need

gman35, Jul 23, 10:10am
So it's about as enjoyable as the new "Stuff" news website then where everything is so spread out etc. Are there actually I.T. people being paid to seemingly just bugger about and annoy users of previously perfectly usable sites ?

howard24, Jul 23, 9:53pm

intrade, Jul 24, 6:37am
lol i just turned off adblock plus as it loads some ads on bottom with adblocking active. Now i would have no problem them puting 24 listings and 10 adds on the same page if it would result in lower fees for small sellers .
i can sortof see what they try to do from a comercial point as you will go under tradme is not a webite that costs 100 bux a day to oparate. it be in the many tousends of $ a day running costs.

sr2, Jul 24, 7:15am
LOL; very eloquently put my there dear sir, (I blame our education system).

You do however make a good point, it is a lot slower to load than any of the other categories - and that's with high speed fiber!