Speak out before Police Stupidity costs more lives
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Sep 28, 8:24pm
Would it have been different if it was recently shot Plod who needed a doctor!
Sep 28, 8:26pm
Cool, chuck in a bit of fantasy & speculation into the mix.
Sep 28, 8:27pm
The point is we need to be more selective about who can get into the Police. Then we need to train them better and get the focus back on using common sense to save lives instead of blindly "going through the motions".
Also, officially procedure and policy needs to be overhauled so that the Police are properly effective and focused on keeping people and property safe. Instead of just pouring huge amounts of money into PR designed to make us think they are doing a good job when lives and property are being lost needlessly.
The Police are an absolute mess at the moment and it needs to be fixed.
Sep 28, 8:39pm
We all get the message jazz.you hate the police because they don't believe that you are Michael Schumaker and are entitled to drive at 200 kph whenever and wherever you feel like it.
Sep 28, 8:41pm
Jeez hardlydetained , the little timewouldnt have made any difference . why didnt the nursesbring in a crash cart, no piont in waiting for doc to turn up , he could have had an accident in his haste .Cant pin this on the cop , the doc wasobviously agitated, not good way to be in that situation .
Sep 28, 8:46pm
*Facepalm* Of course the Doctor was agitated! As for the rest of it where to even begin.
What is wrong with this world where we are supposed to be polite and "play the game" when the Police are hindering our saving a life!
Sep 28, 8:51pm
All because a cop pulled over a speeding vehicle, and wanted to identify the guy before he let him go.! And then once he confirmed who he was, the cop actually helped the doctor get there quicker.! All while the doctor was being an unfreindly bastard.!
Sep 28, 8:53pm
The doctor broke the law and was stopped accordingly. It was all sorted so what is your friggen problem! Most doctors down this way use a green flashing light to show they are in an emergency situation.As others have said, you obviously hate rules and regulations and find every little thing you can to bitch and moan about them. Grow up ya wanka. As far as i'm concerned the majority of police in this country do a magnificant job and should be rated more highly than some of you pricks think they should be.
Sep 28, 8:54pm
Don't Doctors in the U.K have a blue flashing light that they can attach to the roof of their private cars when responding!
Sep 28, 8:56pm
Not only that but Ambulance drivers are held responsible for their driving should there be an incident.
Sep 28, 9:54pm
I agree with Jazz
Sep 28, 10:00pm
The "friggen" problem is the unnecessary delay could have cost someone their life.
Sep 28, 10:05pm
This is another big problem, there is a real push to put liability on people who are forced to break the law to do whats right/practical/safe. This practice is widespread and needs to be stamped out immediately.
Its like the signs on my road that say "give cyclists 1.5M" when the road is not up to a standard to allow for that.
Same thing happens when their are accidents which are caused by a combination of poor road condition/design and bad timing. Yet it is now policy to charge the unfortunate driver who gets caught out.
How nasty is the system that does not provide a suitably safe road in the first place, some poor sucker has an accident because of it and while bleeding in their wreck of a car the ghoulish cops are circling waiting to hand over a massive ticket.
Sep 28, 10:12pm
i think ,as a side issue, that the bad press from cops getting off a Dic or speeding because "im on duty in an unmarked car" or the "i havent had my 10 minites wait because i was on the phone"or im on my phone texting as i drive through auckland city . IF the cops were a bit more FAIR then when this type of thing with the doctor happens it would be a case of sorry doctor it happens to everyone regardles of who or what your doing (check docs details an let him go) But it appears to be one rule for cops one rule for everyone else.
Sep 28, 10:16pm
If you want any more evidence of our road policing stupidity and that Police are not primarily concerned with saving lives, give some thought to 5% of road deaths being caused by Police pursuits.
These are completely needless deaths, there are other effective ways of dealing with this problem without creating a huge risk to the public.
Not only are the Police dealing with fleeing drivers wrongly they are strongly encouraging people to flee with their poor road policing policy's.
Its also simply not good enough that the Judith Colins and her cronies are actively trying to suppress statistics relating to this problem, especially with regard to the reason for these pursuits.
Sep 28, 10:18pm
Sep 28, 10:20pm
So in your view the police should let all speeding drivers keep going just in case they might be a doctor going to an emergency. FFS the police wouldn't know he was a doctor until he stopped and once they knew who he was they escorted him at speed to the hospital. Sometimes jazz in your anti police and pro speeding posts you just lose it totally.
Sep 28, 10:20pm
Why are you still here in New Zealand if it is in such bad shape mate!Common sense says to give cyclists 1.5m. Wether the road is up to your knowledgeable standard is neither here nor there. If you can't judge a safe distance to allow that then what the hell are you doing driving! Most accidents are caused by the driver doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. Not because of the road. How do you suggest the roads could be improved! Make them just for you to drive on! O and just to end, NO ONE IS FORCED TO BREAK THE LAW.
Sep 28, 10:21pm
Root cause, no suitably qualified Dr on duty at the hospital. Sort that and no need for anybody to speed anywhere.
Sep 28, 10:21pm
Exactly, and what makes it to the media is the tip of the iceberg. We not only have a huge proportion of completely incompetent officers we still have a culture of one rule for them one rule for us and sweeping things under the carpet.
The other cultural problem is the extreme arrogance, as seen here where the cop prioritizes himself and pathetic bureaucratic process over a the life of a human being.
People will get to see more and more of this arrogance as its a coping mechanism that increases as Police enforce increasingly strict and pointless policy's. I am sure some on here like myself will have already seen this chest beating stupidity as an officer tries to justify a ticket for some pathetic reason.
Sep 28, 10:24pm
Not at all, if you had read my posts you would have understood that I I think the sensible thing to do would have been to grab the doctors license off him and follow him to the hospital IMMEDIATELY after the Doctor explained what was happening and produced his pager as evidence.
There was NO NEED to waste 5 minutes while someone was dieing.
Why can you not see the sensible common ground!
Sep 28, 10:27pm
I see you have been sucking from the teet of government propoganda.
Hows this for an example then.
Transit recently placed a sign obscuring the view of oncoming traffic from when leaving a side road in Katikati. The residents promptly notified the appropriate authority on several occasions begging for its removal.
The roading authority refused to investigate or remove the sign.
A few days later their was a horrific accident at the site because someone could not see safely as they pulled out of the road.
Of course the accident was deemed the drivers fault.
Does that spell it out for you!
No one is forced to break the law but blind compliance to stupid and dangerous legislation costs lives. That's the problem, we have people like you and the Police officer in question merrily clinging to the letter of the law at the expense of people lives.
Sep 28, 10:28pm
That is certainly a problem as well, I agree. However this is just one example and the same Police idiocy still causes other deaths that having a better health system would not prevent.
Sep 28, 10:34pm
Jazz I enjoy reading your posts on euro cars but when it comes to anything to do with cops, you do loose a wee bit of objectivity. I really don't think the cops are the complete evil you imagine they are. Re read the story - the cop was pretty reasonable here.
Sep 28, 10:40pm
I used to think like you do. Then I had the experience of seeing "behind the scenes" on several occasions. You would be flabbergasted if you saw how things are run with such a blatant disregard for human life.
Thats the trouble we are "sold" such great PR like all those "cops" programs and most people only get to see that manufactured, censored and edited side of the Police.
5 minutes is a really long time to be held up on the side of the road when a patient is dieing, I appreciate your point of view. But I make no apology for being outraged at this officer prioritizing a ticket for 18km/h over the limit over a human life.
That Officer should have been able to ascertain the situation within 10 seconds of the Dr being pulled over.
What the Officer did was arrogant and sadistic and in my opinion he should be charged over it.
To give you another example to ponder. Last Christmas my partner witnessed a potential kidnapping of a child yet the Police prioritised dropping a Santa Clause off for a PR event over sending the unit which was within 50 meters of the incident to assist. No other unit was sent in a timely manner either, they were simply informed "we have no resources to assist".
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